Purely Dutch, pure enjoyment! 🥘 Get 10% off our selection of delicious Unox products! 🎉 Valid until January 29, 2025.


356 products

  • Chouffe La Chouffe blond beer
    3 , 05
    Per 330 ml

  • Chouffe La Chouffe blond beer
    12 , 10
    Per 1320 ml

  • Leffe Bruin Belgian abbey beer
    1 , 90
    Per 300 ml

    Leffe Bruin Belgian abbey beer

    A roasted aroma with notes of caramel Deposit: €0.10. www.tapintoyourbeer.com

    1 , 90

  • Amstel Pilsener beer bottle
    1 , 05
    Per 300 ml

    Amstel Pilsener beer bottle

    Amstel Pilsener Amstel beer has been brewed with love since 1870 for all those unforgettable moments in life. Amstel Pilsener is a full malt beer and is brewed with natural ingredients. The result is a bright golden beer with a full, accessible taste and a firm foam head. The perfect beer to enjoy and share with friends.

    1 , 05

  • Duke Jan Pilsener
    1 , 30
    Per 300 ml

    Duke Jan Pilsener

    Our pilsner is Hertog Jan's calling card within the range of beers. It goes without saying that we select all the ingredients we use for brewing with the utmost care. Only the richest malt, the most beautiful hops and crystal clear natural water from the Eifel are good enough for our beer. Thanks to these ingredients and of course the skills of our brewers, the beer gets that beautiful golden color and forms a beautiful, full foam head. Our pilsner is a beer to be proud of.

    1 , 30

  • Grimbergen Double abbey beer bottle
    2 , 00
    Per 300 ml

    Grimbergen Double abbey beer bottle

    Relax after a long day with a Grimbergen Dubbel. The mix of different malt types gives Grimbergen Dubbel the typical deep red Burgundy color. Connoisseurs especially like its light brown compact foam. It is a rich, sweet and bitter specialty beer with lots of fullness and notes of caramel.

    2 , 00

  • Heineken Premium pilsner beer bottle
    1 , 75
    Per 250 ml

    Heineken Premium pilsner beer bottle

    Heineken® pilsner, the most refreshing pilsner since 1873. Thanks to the combination of a slightly fruity taste that is perfectly balanced with the bitterness of the hops.

    1 , 75

  • Heineken Premium pilsner beer bottle
    8 , 85
    Per 1500 ml

    Heineken Premium pilsner beer bottle

    Heineken® pilsner, the most refreshing pilsner since 1873. Thanks to the combination of a slightly fruity taste that is perfectly balanced with the bitterness of the hops.

    8 , 85

  • Karmeliet Belgian tripel specialty beer
    6 , 85
    Per 750 ml

    Karmeliet Belgian tripel specialty beer

    Tripel Karmeliet is a very refined and complex golden to bronze colored beer with a great, creamy head.

    6 , 85

  • Cornet Oaked blond beer
    2 , 75
    Per 330 ml

    Cornet Oaked blond beer

    CORNET is a unique and powerful blond beer; surprisingly soft with a subtle vanilla touch due to the addition of oak wood chips during brewing, a long aftertaste and soft bitterness. CORNET is an Oaked blond Belgian beer that is flavored by adding oak chips during brewing. This gives it its unique soft taste. The origins of CORNET take us back to the 18th century. Then one Theodoor Cornet, steward of Diepensteyn Castle, had an exclusive beer brewed at the De Hoorn brewery at the request of the Count of Steenhuffel. The count stored the beer in oak barrels in the cellars of the castle and reserved it for his guests. The oak barrels of yesteryear have now been replaced by oak chips that are added during brewing. This gives the beer its subtle vanilla touch and its soft, full-bodied taste.

    2 , 75

  • La Trappe Trappist Blonde
    2 , 55
    Per 330 ml

    La Trappe Trappist Blonde

    La Trappe Blond Trappist beer with a white foam head and a rich taste experience. An accessible, stimulating blond beer with a slightly sweet, slightly bitter and malty taste. La Trappe Trappist has been brewed since 1884 by Bierbrouwerij de Koningshoeven on the grounds of the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Koningshoeven in Berkel-Enschot. With attention, passion and traditional craftsmanship, unique beers are created according to the secret recipes of the Trappist monks.

    2 , 55

  • Hertog Jan Traditional natural pilsner
    1 , 35
    Per 300 ml

  • Corona 0.0
    11 , 85
    Per 1980 ml

    Corona 0.0

    Brewed with 100% ingredients of natural origin*

    11 , 85

  • Benedictine Weissbier
    2 , 50
    Per 500 ml

  • The Wrench Motor Oil
    7 , 45
    Per 440 ml

    The Wrench Motor Oil

    Wrench Craft Brewery We aim to engineer beers that become legendary. Big, bold and flavorful beers. Not for the faint of heart. Made with the finest ingredients, sourced from the best Craftspeople. So sit back, dare to pour yourself a Wrench beer and get ready to enjoy life! Motor Oil | Imperial Stout Roasty, coffee, chocolate. That's our flagship: Motor Oil. A strong imperial stout made with dark roasted malts which create a thick, rich and pitch black beer. Clocking in at 12% ABV,

    7 , 45

  • Hertog Jan Traditional natural pilsner
    7 , 90
    Per 1800 ml

  • Liefmans Fruitesse
    2 , 30
    Per 250 ml

    Liefmans Fruitesse

    Fruit beer with sugar and sweetener

    2 , 30

  • Brouwerij 't IJ IPA beer
    3 , 30
    Per 330 ml

  • Owl Bird of Prey
    3 , 95
    Per 330 ml

  • Amstel Blond beer can
    1 , 90
    Per 500 ml

    Amstel Blond beer can

    Amstel Blonde 4.0% Amstel Blond is a 4% alcohol beer with low fermentation, according to a traditional Amstel brewing recipe. It is brewed from 100% barley malt with a hint of roasted malt for a full pilsner color. The result is a mild and fresh lager taste, nice after a long day of work.

    1 , 90

  • Amstel Radler lemon beer can
    8 , 85
    Per 1980 ml

    Amstel Radler lemon beer can

    Amstel Radler 2.0% Amstel Radler lemon is a natural mix of Amstel beer and sparkling lemon water. Amstel Radler is doubly refreshing and contains 2% alcohol. Nice for after exercise or other exertion. Amstel Radler 2.0% Amstel Radler lemon is a natural mix of Amstel beer and sparkling lemon water. Amstel Radler is doubly refreshing and contains 2% alcohol. Nice for after exercise or other exertion.

    8 , 85

  • De Klok Beer can
    6 , 65
    Per 1980 ml

    De Klok Beer can

    De Klok Bier is a nice, fresh and blonde beer. We brew this beer with good quality ingredients that provide an accessible taste and a beautiful foam head. Straightforward brewed by men who know their stuff. And you can taste that in every can of beer. Just good beer.

    6 , 65

  • Amstel Pilsener beer can
    1 , 80
    Per 500 ml

    Amstel Pilsener beer can

    Amstel Pilsener Amstel beer has been brewed with love since 1870 for all those unforgettable moments in life. Amstel Pilsener is a full malt beer and is brewed with natural ingredients. The result is a bright golden beer with a full, accessible taste and a firm foam head. The perfect beer to enjoy and share with friends.

    1 , 80

  • Amstel Radler lemon beer bottle
    7 , 35
    Per 1800 ml

    Amstel Radler lemon beer bottle

    Amstel Radler 2.0% Amstel Radler lemon is a natural mix of Amstel beer and sparkling lemon water. Amstel Radler is doubly refreshing and contains 2% alcohol. Nice for after exercise or other exertion. Amstel Radler 2.0% Amstel Radler lemon is a natural mix of Amstel beer and sparkling lemon water. Amstel Radler is doubly refreshing and contains 2% alcohol. Nice for after exercise or other exertion.

    7 , 35

  • Grolsch Radler lemon 2.0
    8 , 15
    Per 1800 ml

    Grolsch Radler lemon 2.0

    Grolsch Radler Lemon has a refreshing taste and light color. This Radler brings real beer and real fruit juice together. Because together everything is more beautiful. Wherever and with whom you drink this fresh beer. Time for each other. Time for Grolsch.

    8 , 15

  • Brand Pilsner beer bottle
    1 , 35
    Per 300 ml

    Brand Pilsner beer bottle

    Brand Pilsener 5.0% Pils the way pils is meant to be. Brand Pilsener has been declared the best and tastiest pilsner in the Netherlands during the Dutch Beer Challenge. Great quality for every lager lover, brewed according to an ancient recipe and with an eye for the beauty of the good life. Powerful in taste, soft in aftertaste, beautiful in color and wonderfully refreshing. With a snack or just because you can. The good life in every sip.

    1 , 35

  • Grolsch Radler lemon 2.0
    1 , 45
    Per 300 ml

    Grolsch Radler lemon 2.0

    Grolsch Radler Lemon has a refreshing taste and light color. This Radler brings real beer and real fruit juice together. Because together everything is more beautiful. Wherever and with whom you drink this fresh beer. Time for each other. Time for Grolsch.

    1 , 45

  • Veltins Beer
    1 , 50
    Per 500 ml

    Veltins Beer

    1 , 50

  • Desperados Mojito beer bottle
    2 , 30
    Per 330 ml

    Desperados Mojito beer bottle

    Desperados Mojito 5.9% Beer with a kick of Mojito! The most exotic Desperados variant inspired by the famous Mojito cocktail. In this beer you can taste the sweetness of Rum in combination with lime and refreshing mint. Great for daytime parties or as the starting point of the evening! GO DESPERADOS!

    2 , 30

  • Desperados Strawberry Margherita
    2 , 35
    Per 330 ml

    Desperados Strawberry Margherita

    Desperados Strawberry Margarita 3.0% The new variant of Desperados with the fresh sweet taste of strawberry and lime. Inspired by the famous Strawberry Margarita cocktail and with the kick you expect from Desperados! This beer contains 3% alcohol, great for a festival or at home in the garden. GO DESPERADOS!

    2 , 35

  • Desperados Original beer bottle
    13 , 40
    Per 1980 ml

    Desperados Original beer bottle

    Desperados Original 5.9% With Desperados you can turn every moment into a party moment! This unique taste sensation combines the bitter of beer with the sweet of Agave spirit. Ideal for any toasting moment at home with friends or family, but also the perfect specialty beer for a next level party in the club or at a festival! GO DESPERADOS!

    13 , 40

  • Desperados Virgin 0.0 beer bottle
    2 , 15
    Per 330 ml

    Desperados Virgin 0.0 beer bottle

    Desperados Virgin 0.0% Desperados Virgin 0.0% is a unique alcohol-free beer with a great taste that is guaranteed to provide a refreshing kick. You will taste the ultimate refreshment of citrus and the zest that Desperados is known for. Whatever the occasion, Desperados Virgin 0.0% always brings good vibes and fun. Desperados virgin 0.0%: 100% taste, 0% alcohol.

    2 , 15

  • Desperados Original beer bottle
    2 , 35
    Per 330 ml

    Desperados Original beer bottle

    Desperados Original 5.9% With Desperados you can turn every moment into a party moment! This unique taste sensation combines the bitter of beer with the sweet of Agave spirit. Ideal for any toasting moment at home with friends or family, but also the perfect specialty beer for a next level party in the club or at a festival! GO DESPERADOS!

    2 , 35

  • Desperados Strawberry Margherita
    13 , 40
    Per 1980 ml

    Desperados Strawberry Margherita

    Desperados Strawberry Margarita 3.0% The new variant of Desperados with the fresh sweet taste of strawberry and lime. Inspired by the famous Strawberry Margarita cocktail and with the kick you expect from Desperados! This beer contains 3% alcohol, great for a festival or at home in the garden. GO DESPERADOS!

    13 , 40

  • Palm PALM amber beer
    11 , 15
    Per 1980 ml

  • Hertog Jan Character beer
    11 , 25
    Per 1800 ml

    Hertog Jan Character beer

    Hertog jan Karakter, a copper-colored beer, brewed with different types of malt. Fruity, mildly heady with select malts. Due to its full and powerful taste, it is a beer to sit back and enjoy. A beautiful specialty beer with a unique taste.

    11 , 25

  • 8.6 Extreme
    2 , 90
    Per 500 ml

    8.6 Extreme

    At Swinkels Family Brewers, beer is brewed with pleasure. For seven generations, according to a unique family recipe. And with success. Pure ingredients are the basis for quality at the Swinkels Family Brewers Brewery. That is why Swinkels Family Brewers vermouths its own barley and brews with natural mineral water from its own sources.

    2 , 90

  • 8.6 Original Blonde Beer
    10 , 25
    Per 2000 ml

    8.6 Original Blonde Beer

    8.6 Original is an intense beer with 8.6% alcohol. The beer is unique as it is a bottom-fermented beer, lager, with an intense taste. 8.6 Original is full in body and rich in mouthfeel. At Swinkels Family Brewers, beer is brewed with pleasure. For seven generations, according to a unique family recipe. And with success. Pure ingredients are the basis for quality at the Swinkels Family Brewers Brewery. That is why Swinkels Family Brewers vermouths its own barley and brews with natural mineral water from its own sources.

    10 , 25

  • Jopen Beautiful Nel
    13 , 65
    Per 1320 ml

  • 8.6 Original Blonde Beer
    2 , 75
    Per 500 ml

    8.6 Original Blonde Beer

    8.6 Original is an intense beer with 8.6% alcohol. The beer is unique as it is a bottom-fermented beer, lager, with an intense taste. 8.6 Original is full in body and rich in mouthfeel. At Swinkels Family Brewers, beer is brewed with pleasure. For seven generations, according to a unique family recipe. And with success. Pure ingredients are the basis for quality at the Swinkels Family Brewers Brewery. That is why Swinkels Family Brewers vermouths its own barley and brews with natural mineral water from its own sources.

    2 , 75

  • Corona Mono
    13 , 20
    Per 1980 ml

    Corona Mono

    13 , 20

  • Apple Bandit Raspberry Cider Bottle
    9 , 90
    Per 1800 ml

    Apple Bandit Raspberry Cider Bottle

    Apple Bandit Raspberry 4.5% Apple Bandit Raspberry is a fresh apple cider with the fresh-sweet taste of raspberry.

    9 , 90

  • Warsteiner Premium Pilsener
    2 , 05
    Per 500 ml

  • Corona Mono
    2 , 30
    Per 330 ml

    Corona Mono

    2 , 30

  • Apple Bandit Raspberry Cider Bottle
    1 , 75
    Per 300 ml

    Apple Bandit Raspberry Cider Bottle

    Apple Bandit Raspberry 4.5% Apple Bandit Raspberry is a fresh apple cider with the fresh-sweet taste of raspberry.

    1 , 75

  • Desperados Original beer can
    3 , 20
    Per 500 ml

    Desperados Original beer can

    Desperados Original 5.9% With Desperados you can turn every moment into a party moment! This unique taste sensation combines the bitter of beer with the sweet of Agave spirit. Ideal for any toasting moment at home with friends or family, but also the perfect specialty beer for a next level party in the club or at a festival! GO DESPERADOS!

    3 , 20

  • Brewdog Hazy Jane NEIPA
    3 , 50
    Per 330 ml

    Brewdog Hazy Jane NEIPA

    From now on lower in alcohol, but still bursting with flavor! Dry hopped at full strength to accentuate the aromas of pineapple, mango and orange. Low bitterness, very cloudy, brightly fruity.

    3 , 50

  • La Trappe Trappist Isid'or
    11 , 10
    Per 1320 ml

    La Trappe Trappist Isid'or

    La Trappe Isid'or is an amber-colored Trappist beer. The harmonious taste of the isid'or starts fruity and then turns into malty caramel. A perfect balance between complexity and simplicity. La Trappe Trappist has been brewed since 1884 by Bierbrouwerij de Koningshoeven on the grounds of the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Koningshoeven in Berkel-Enschot. With attention, passion and traditional craftsmanship, unique beers are created according to the secret recipes of the Trappist monks.

    11 , 10

You have seen 288 out of 356 products


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