Privacy declaration

Expatschopper BV strives to protect the privacy of the user and the customer and undertakes to comply with the privacy statements and to use the means stated therein to store and protect data.


Expatshopper BV
Chamber of Commerce: 89966465
Zuivingweg 48A | 8243PZ Lelystad

You can contact us at any time. This is easiest via this page .

How do we collect your personal data?

  • From you, for example when you create a user account or place an order
  • By collecting or creating it automatically, for example when you access our website
  • From third parties, for example from our delivery partners

Personal data that is processed

  • Identification data, contact details and other basic information
  • User account information and customer order information
  • Data generated in connection with the use of our website or application
  • Information provided by our delivery partner

Reasons for processing personal data

  • Providing our website and services
  • For customer communication and marketing
  • For quality improvement and trend analysis
  • Handling of legal claims and fulfillment of legal obligations

With whom do we share your personal data?

  • Payment service provider
  • Delivery Partners
  • Social media platform providers or advertising partners
  • Service providers who act as our processors

How long do we store data?

  • Order data for a maximum period of 5 years or, if you have a user account, until after you delete your user account, unless our legal obligations require us to keep the data for longer
  • We may store other data for a shorter period. For example, if you withdraw your consent for a specific purpose, we will no longer process your data for that purpose

Your rights

  • Access to your personal data
  • Update your personal information
  • Withdrawal of consent
  • Object to the processing of personal data
  • Deletion of your personal data
  • Restrict the use of your personal data
  • Transfer your personal data


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