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27 products

  • 9 , 20
    Per 450 g

    Eat Me Asperges groen

    Moet een asperge wit of groen zijn? Daarover zijn de meningen verdeeld. Wereldwijd is de groene variant inderdaad de meest verkochte. Maar er zijn ook genoeg consumenten die de asperge het liefst wit eten. Misschien zijn ze te overtuigen met één argument: groen of lichtgroen is de asperge het allerlekkerst. Waar die groene kleur vandaan komt? Heel eenvoudig. Deze asperges worden pas geoogst als ze boven de grond zijn gegroeid. Door het zonlicht krijgen ze hun groene kleur. Je merkt het vooral aan de smaak. Die is voller, krachtiger.

    9 , 20

  • Pompoenblokjes
    4 , 85
    Per 400 g


    Gesneden pompoen

    4 , 85

  • Rabarber
    4 , 10
    Per 750 g



    4 , 10

  • Cut string beans
    3 , 55
    Per 400 g

    Cut string beans

    Sliced ​​string beans

    3 , 55

  • Green beans broken
    3 , 70
    Per 400 g

    Green beans broken

    Topped and broken green beans

    3 , 70

  • Radish cleaned
    2 , 05
    Per 300 g

    Radish cleaned

    2 , 05

  • Sugar snaps
    4 , 55
    Per 250g

    Sugar snaps

    4 , 55

  • Wax carrot
    1 , 75
    Per 500g

    Wax carrot

    Unscraped wax carrot

    1 , 75

  • Carrots
    2 , 65
    Per 1 pc


    2 , 65

  • Asparagus white unpeeled
    8 , 65
    Per 500g

  • Organic Red beets organic
    2 , 60
    Per 500g

    Organic Red beets organic

    Betanin or 'beet red' is a naturally occurring substance in beets and provides the deep red color. This substance is also widely used as a natural coloring agent for other products. Whether you use beetroot or beetroot red, every dish brightens up with its beautiful color.

    2 , 60

  • Organic Sweet Corn
    4 , 55
    Per 2 pcs

    Organic Sweet Corn

    Organic Cooked Sweet Corn

    4 , 55

  • snow peas
    4 , 55
    Per 250g

    snow peas

    4 , 55

  • Snack carrots
    2 , 60
    Per 350 g

    Snack carrots

    Scraped carrots

    2 , 60

  • Organic White cabbage organic
    3 , 20
    Per 1 pc

  • Green beans broken
    3 , 20
    Per 200g

    Green beans broken

    Topped and broken green beans

    3 , 20

  • Organic Red cabbage organic
    3 , 20
    Per 1 pc

    Organic Red cabbage organic

    Organic Red Cabbage

    3 , 20

  • Snack carrots
    1 , 75
    Per 150 g

    Snack carrots

    Scraped carrots

    1 , 75

  • Carrots removed
    2 , 60
    Per 500g

    Carrots removed

    Scraped carrots

    2 , 60

  • Carrots removed
    1 , 75
    Per 300 g

    Carrots removed

    Scraped carrots

    1 , 75

  • Green beans
    3 , 25
    Per 500 grams

    Green beans

    3 , 25

  • Winter carrot
    2 , 90
    Per 1000 grams

    Winter carrot

    2 , 90

  • Sea salt & pepper chickpeas
    2 , 55

    Sea salt & pepper chickpeas

    Crispy chickpeas with salt and pepper * Give a crunchy twist to your salad or bowl

    2 , 55

  • Smoked paprika chickpeas
    2 , 55

    Smoked paprika chickpeas

    Crispy chickpeas with paprika flavor * Give a crunchy twist to your salad or bowl * ​

    2 , 55

  • Terra Vegetable organic beetroot
    7 , 50
    200 g

    Terra Vegetable organic beetroot

    This beetroot consists of vegetables, prepared in a special way and completely vegetable. Be surprised with this party on your plate! * 100% plant-based and vegan! * Dry-aged beet. * Easy and quick to prepare in a pan or on the barbecue. * Delicious with baked potatoes and a green salad.

    7 , 50

  • Terra Vegetable pumpkin steak
    5 , 10
    335 g

    Terra Vegetable pumpkin steak

    This pumpkin steak is a delicious vegetable dish for your meal. * 100% plant-based and vegan! * With herbal oil. . * Oven time: 20-25 minutes * Delicious with risotto, pine nuts, zucchini and dried tomatoes.

    5 , 10

  • Terra Pl sweet potato spread chili and madras
    4 , 05

    Terra Pl sweet potato spread chili and madras

    This slightly sweet spread is made from sweet potato and seasoned with chili-madras herbs. Always a success with drinks or as a sandwich spread for lunch. * Taste: creamy and spicy. * The tastiest topping for bread and crackers in no time

    4 , 05


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