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Mixed drinks

14 products

  • Bacardi Razz & Up
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Razz & Up

    BACARDÍ® Razz and Up is bursting with raspberry flavour, is high quality and made from real ingredients and a base of BACARDÍ® Rum, and can be enjoyed straight from the can or in a glass with ice. It's a great option for a hot summer day.

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Breezer Watermelon
    2 , 80
    Per 275 ml

  • Bacardi Sunset punch
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Sunset punch

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Mango Mojito
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Mango Mojito

    The Mojito as you know it, with a refreshing mango twist! The perfect 'on-the-go' cocktail for when you really need a refreshing, summery cocktail!

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Breezer Passion fruit mango
    3 , 20
    Per 275 ml

  • Bacardi Lemon & lemonade
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Lemon & lemonade

    The perfect 'on-the-go' cocktail for when you really need a refreshing, summery cocktail! The fresh citrus flavor is a combination of lemon and hints of lime & grapefruit. The mix with a lemonade soft drink provides the refreshing, summery character.

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Rum Coke
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Rum Coke

    BACARDÍ® Premix Cola, available in a can, is ready to drink straight away, and the handy can offers all the delicious, sweet and smooth flavors of a rum and cola cocktail, which is best enjoyed cold on any occasion.

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Mojito  Dutchshopper
    3 , 50
    250 Milliliter

    Bacardi Mojito

    Bacardí mojito rum mixed drink is a ready-to-drink cocktail that you can drink immediately and that contains the ingredients for a deliciously tasting mojito, including a mint flavor, lime juice and bacardí. *Made with only natural flavors * Expertly blended for character and flavor *Pre-made and ready to serve *Made with Bacardi rum

    3 , 50

  • Bacardi Breezer Lime
    3 , 20
    Per 275 ml

    Bacardi Breezer Lime

    BREEZER® Lime with a delicious lime flavor is a tasty and ready-to-drink flavored alcoholic drink that you can enjoy with friends, at a party or on warm summer days. Best served cold, neat or in a glass filled with ice.

    3 , 20

  • Bacardi Breezer Orange
    3 , 20
    Per 275 ml

    Bacardi Breezer Orange

    "BREEZER® Orange zit boordevol heerlijke sinaasappelsmaak en is een alcoholische drank met een heerlijke smaak, klaar om te serveren, die kan worden gedronken met vrienden, op een feestje of op die warme zomerdagen. Het wordt het best koud geserveerd, hetzij alleen, hetzij in een glas gevuld met ijs."

    3 , 20

  • Bacardi Mojito
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Mojito

    A delicious ready-to-drink Mojito, the BACARDÍ® Mojito Rum Mixed Drink features natural mint flavour, fresh-tasting lime juice and BACARDÍ® rum, giving you a great-tasting, ready-to-drink Mojito that you can enjoy on any occasion.

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Pina Colada
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Pina Colada

    The taste of a tropical paradise in a can. Piña Colada is a ready-made cocktail in which you discover the taste of sweet pineapple and coconut. The perfect 'on-the-go' cocktail for when you really need a refreshing, summery cocktail!

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Cuba Libre
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Cuba Libre

    A ready-to-drink version of the hugely popular Cuba Libre cocktail, the BACARDÍ® Cuba Libre Rum in a can offers you a beautiful blend of rum, cola and lime flavors that is ready to serve, perfect for any occasion.

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Rum & cola  Dutchshopper
    4 , 20
    330 Milliliter

    Bacardi Rum & Coke

    Bacardí premix cola can is a delicious ready-made cocktail consisting of rum and cola, which provides a soft, mild taste. *Made with only natural flavors * Expertly blended for character and flavor *Available in a can sized to fit in the refrigerator *Made with Bacardi rum

    4 , 20


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