Wet dog food

2 products

  • Bonzo Pouches in jelly with beef chicken lamb
    6 , 40
    12 x 100g

    Bonzo Pouches in jelly with beef chicken lamb

    Purina Bonzo meal pouches wet dog food for adult dogs with Vitafit: for a dog full of vitality! Purina Bonzo vitafit supports the health of your dog. * Supports sparkling eyes, a sign of alertness * Supports a shiny coat and healthy skin * Healthy digestion thanks to high-quality ingredients *No added artificial colors

    6 , 40

  • Bonzo Vitafit adult dog beef chicken
    6 , 40
    12 x 100g

    Bonzo Vitafit adult dog beef chicken

    Developed by Purina veterinarians and nutritionists, all complete and tasty PURINA Bonzo recipes give your dog all the nutrients he needs to be healthy. * Supports shiny coat and healthy skin. * Supports sparkling eyes, a sign of alertness * 100% complete and balanced * Firm stools thanks to healthy digestion

    6 , 40


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