Wet dog food

7 products

  • Naturo Variety pack grain free adult
    14 , 25
    6 pieces

    Naturo Variety pack grain free adult

    Our grain-free dog food is perfect for allergy-prone dogs as no colourants, preservatives or flavors are used in our wet dog food recipes. * 100% natural ingredients - 60% chicken, 60% duck and 60% turkey * 26% potato, 5% peas, 5% carrots - for sensitive stomachs * Grain-free - for sensitive digestion * This new multipack format allows customers to give their pet variety

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  • Naturo Turkey and rice for senior dogs
    3 , 30

    Naturo Turkey and rice for senior dogs

    Made from 100% natural ingredients * 60% Turkey, provides proteins, easy to digest and therefore soothing to the stomach * 20% Brown rice, carbohydrates for energy, easy to digest * 15% Vegetables, essential fiber for healthy digestion * Contains oils and minerals for healthy skin and a shiny coat

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  • Natural Turkey with fruits and vegetables
    2 , 70

    Natural Turkey with fruits and vegetables

    Naturo turkey with cranberries, broccoli and carrot in a herb gravy. * Naturo's grain free dog food is ideal for dogs with digestive issues or allergy sensitive dogs * No colours, preservatives or flavors are used in naturo's wet dog food recipes or when being cooked * Our grain free hypoallergenic wet dog food is suitable for all adult dogs and recommended by Many for its hypoallergenic qualities

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  • Naturo chicken lamb and rice for dogs
    3 , 30

    Naturo chicken lamb and rice for dogs

    Made from 100% natural ingredients * 30% Chicken, 30% lamb, provides proteins, easy to digest, so soothing to the stomach * 20% Brown rice, carbohydrates for energy, easy to digest * 15% Vegetables, essential fiber for healthy digestion * Contains oils and minerals for healthy skin and a shiny coat

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  • Naturo Duck with blueberries, pumpkin, zucchini
    2 , 70

    Naturo Duck with blueberries, pumpkin, zucchini

    Naturo duck with blueberries, pumpkin and zucchini in a herb gravy. * This sensitive dog food does not contain rice

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  • Naturo Salmon and potato for the dog
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    Naturo Salmon and potato for the dog

    Made from 100% natural ingredients * 60% Salmon, provides proteins, easy to digest and therefore soothing to the stomach * 26% Potatoes, essential natural fibers for healthy digestion * 15% Vegetables, essential fiber for healthy digestion * Contains oils and minerals for healthy skin and a shiny coat

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  • Naturo Duck and rice for the dog
    3 , 30

    Naturo Duck and rice for the dog

    Made from 100% natural ingredients * 60% Duck, for proteins, easy to digest so soothing for the stomach * 20% Brown rice, carbohydrates for energy, easy to digest * 15% Vegetables, essential fiber for healthy digestion * Contains oils and minerals for healthy skin and a shiny coat

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