Wet dog food

3 products

  • Pedigree Senior meal pouches in jelly multipack
    7 , 75

    Pedigree Senior meal pouches in jelly multipack

    Older dogs use less energy. Pedigree Senior meal pouches jelly is dog food that is precisely tailored to the needs of the aging dog. The multipack contains 12 meal pouches. * Dog food especially for aging dogs * Ingredients that are perfect for a healthy and vital old age * In delicious flavors: beef/liver, lamb/liver, chicken and poultry in jelly * 12 handy portion packs, each containing a complete meal

    7 , 75

  • Pedigree Adult in jelly 12-pack
    8 , 25
    12 x 100g

    Pedigree Adult in jelly 12-pack

    Pedigree meal pouches in jelly: a complete meal for adult dogs. The dog food contains all the nutrients dogs need and comes in a variety of delicious flavors. * Wet dog food in chicken, beef, poultry and lamb flavors in jelly * Contributes to healthy bones, skin and coat * Contributes to a strong immune system * 12 handy portion packs, each containing a complete meal

    8 , 25

  • Pedigree Adult meal pouches in sauce multipack
    8 , 55
    12 x 100g

    Pedigree Adult meal pouches in sauce multipack

    Pedigree meal pouches in sauce: a complete meal for adult dogs. The dog food contains all the nutrients dogs need and comes in a variety of delicious flavors. * Wet dog food in the flavors beef/lamb, beef/liver, turkey and chicken in sauce * Contributes to healthy bones, skin and coat * Contributes to a strong immune system * 12 handy portion packs, each containing a complete meal

    8 , 55


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