Danone huttenkase, also called cottage cheese, is a young unripened cheese with a unique grainy texture and creamy, fresh taste. Ideal in salads and dishes, or as a sandwich filling.
* High in protein with no less than 12 grams of protein per 100g
* 100% natural ingredients
* Contains only 3.9% fat and is therefore lower in fat than other unripened cheeses
*Nutriscore b: a healthy option for lunch
Danone huttenkase, also called cottage cheese, is a young unripened cheese with a unique grainy texture and creamy, fresh taste. Ideal in salads and dishes, or as a sandwich spread.
* High in protein with no less than 12 grams of protein per 100g
* 100% natural ingredients
* Contains only 3.9% fat and is therefore lower in fat than other unripened cheeses
*Nutriscore b: a healthy option for lunch