Purely Dutch, pure enjoyment! 🥘 Get 10% off our selection of delicious Unox products! 🎉 Valid until January 29, 2025.


89 products

  • Warsteiner Beer
    9 , 20
    Per 1980 ml

    Warsteiner Beer

    9 , 20

  • Hertog Jan Grand Pilsener
    1 , 90
    Per 330 ml

    Hertog Jan Grand Pilsener

    ''A full-bodied golden beer, brewed longer for a richer taste'' Brewed in honor of Duke John of Brabant (1252 ~ 1294) Grand Pilsener At Hertog Jan we thought it was time for a new type of pilsner. One with more hops and more malt. We let it mature for a nice long time, which means the entire brewing process takes longer. The rich taste of this Grand pilsner is completely worth the wait.

    1 , 90

  • Heineken Silver beer can
    9 , 90
    Per 1980 ml

    Heineken Silver beer can

    Try Heineken® Silver, a crystal clear beer with 4% alcohol. Brewed with natural ingredients and aged at an ice cold temperature of -1°C: enjoy the extra refreshing and smooth taste of Heineken® Silver.

    9 , 90

  • Heineken Silver beer can
    1 , 70
    Per 330 ml

    Heineken Silver beer can

    Try Heineken® Silver, a crystal clear beer with 4% alcohol. Brewed with natural ingredients and aged at an ice cold temperature of -1°C: enjoy the extra refreshing and smooth taste of Heineken® Silver.

    1 , 70

  • Amstel Radler lemon 0.0 beer bottle
    7 , 35
    Per 1800 ml

    Amstel Radler lemon 0.0 beer bottle

    Amstel Radler 0.0% Amstel Radler 0.0% is the thirst-quenching mix of alcohol-free Amstel beer and lemon water. Nice and refreshing at any time of the day.

    7 , 35

  • Heineken Silver beer bottle
    9 , 05
    Per 1500 ml

    Heineken Silver beer bottle

    Try Heineken® Silver, a crystal clear beer with 4% alcohol. Brewed with natural ingredients and aged at an ice cold temperature of -1°C: enjoy the extra refreshing and smooth taste of Heineken® Silver.

    9 , 05

  • Duke Jan Pilsener
    2 , 10
    Per 330 ml

    Duke Jan Pilsener

    Our pilsner is Hertog Jan's calling card within the range of beers. It goes without saying that we select all the ingredients we use for brewing with the utmost care. Only the richest malt, the most beautiful hops and crystal clear natural water from the Eifel are good enough for our beer. Thanks to these ingredients and of course the skills of our brewers, the beer gets that beautiful golden color and forms a beautiful, full foam head. Our pilsner is a beer to be proud of.

    2 , 10

  • Bavaria Pilsener
    1 , 40
    Per 330 ml

    Bavaria Pilsener

    A pure and easy to drink full malt pilsner with a pleasant slightly bitter aftertaste. Fresh, fruity and slightly hoppy, full of flavor and beautifully balanced. At Bavaria we have been passing on our brewing expertise for 7 generations. What makes our beer so special? Our pure mineral water comes from our water source in Lieshout. In addition, we have the quality of the malt in our own hands thanks to our own malting house. Like this. That is the basis of refreshing lager to authentic bock beer. Bavaria stands for enjoying spontaneous moments together with others. Bavaria connects people and is there for everyone. Serious about beer, light-hearted about life.

    1 , 40

  • Bavaria Pilsener
    8 , 00
    Per 1980 ml

    Bavaria Pilsener

    A pure and easy to drink full malt pilsner with a pleasant slightly bitter aftertaste. Fresh, fruity and slightly hoppy, full of flavor and beautifully balanced. At Bavaria we have been passing on our brewing expertise for 7 generations. What makes our beer so special? Our pure mineral water comes from our water source in Lieshout. In addition, we have the quality of the malt in our own hands thanks to our own malting house. Like this. That is the basis of refreshing lager to authentic bock beer. Bavaria stands for enjoying spontaneous moments together with others. Bavaria connects people and is there for everyone. Serious about beer, light-hearted about life.

    8 , 00

  • Amstel Pilsener beer bottle
    1 , 05
    Per 300 ml

    Amstel Pilsener beer bottle

    Amstel Pilsener Amstel beer has been brewed with love since 1870 for all those unforgettable moments in life. Amstel Pilsener is a full malt beer and is brewed with natural ingredients. The result is a bright golden beer with a full, accessible taste and a firm foam head. The perfect beer to enjoy and share with friends.

    1 , 05

  • Duke Jan Pilsener
    1 , 30
    Per 300 ml

    Duke Jan Pilsener

    Our pilsner is Hertog Jan's calling card within the range of beers. It goes without saying that we select all the ingredients we use for brewing with the utmost care. Only the richest malt, the most beautiful hops and crystal clear natural water from the Eifel are good enough for our beer. Thanks to these ingredients and of course the skills of our brewers, the beer gets that beautiful golden color and forms a beautiful, full foam head. Our pilsner is a beer to be proud of.

    1 , 30

  • Heineken Premium pilsner beer bottle
    1 , 75
    Per 250 ml

    Heineken Premium pilsner beer bottle

    Heineken® pilsner, the most refreshing pilsner since 1873. Thanks to the combination of a slightly fruity taste that is perfectly balanced with the bitterness of the hops.

    1 , 75

  • Heineken Premium pilsner beer bottle
    8 , 85
    Per 1500 ml

    Heineken Premium pilsner beer bottle

    Heineken® pilsner, the most refreshing pilsner since 1873. Thanks to the combination of a slightly fruity taste that is perfectly balanced with the bitterness of the hops.

    8 , 85

  • Hertog Jan Traditional natural pilsner
    1 , 35
    Per 300 ml

  • Hertog Jan Traditional natural pilsner
    7 , 90
    Per 1800 ml

  • Amstel Blond beer can
    1 , 90
    Per 500 ml

    Amstel Blond beer can

    Amstel Blonde 4.0% Amstel Blond is a 4% alcohol beer with low fermentation, according to a traditional Amstel brewing recipe. It is brewed from 100% barley malt with a hint of roasted malt for a full pilsner color. The result is a mild and fresh lager taste, nice after a long day of work.

    1 , 90

  • De Klok Beer can
    6 , 65
    Per 1980 ml

    De Klok Beer can

    De Klok Bier is a nice, fresh and blonde beer. We brew this beer with good quality ingredients that provide an accessible taste and a beautiful foam head. Straightforward brewed by men who know their stuff. And you can taste that in every can of beer. Just good beer.

    6 , 65

  • Amstel Pilsener beer can
    1 , 80
    Per 500 ml

    Amstel Pilsener beer can

    Amstel Pilsener Amstel beer has been brewed with love since 1870 for all those unforgettable moments in life. Amstel Pilsener is a full malt beer and is brewed with natural ingredients. The result is a bright golden beer with a full, accessible taste and a firm foam head. The perfect beer to enjoy and share with friends.

    1 , 80

  • Brand Pilsner beer bottle
    1 , 35
    Per 300 ml

    Brand Pilsner beer bottle

    Brand Pilsener 5.0% Pils the way pils is meant to be. Brand Pilsener has been declared the best and tastiest pilsner in the Netherlands during the Dutch Beer Challenge. Great quality for every lager lover, brewed according to an ancient recipe and with an eye for the beauty of the good life. Powerful in taste, soft in aftertaste, beautiful in color and wonderfully refreshing. With a snack or just because you can. The good life in every sip.

    1 , 35

  • Veltins Beer
    1 , 50
    Per 500 ml

    Veltins Beer

    1 , 50

  • Warsteiner Premium Pilsener
    2 , 05
    Per 500 ml

  • Grolsch Premium pilsner beer can
    2 , 05
    Per 500 ml

    Grolsch Premium pilsner beer can

    Grolsch Premium Pilsner is a refreshing pilsner with a soft aftertaste. The beer has a deep golden color. Brewed with two types of hops. One for the inviting aroma. One for the soft, bitter aftertaste. Together, the hop varieties create the recognizable character of Grolsch pilsner. Because together tastes better. Time for each other. Time for Grolsch.

    2 , 05

  • Bud Pils
    10 , 60
    Per 1980 ml

    Bud Pils

    This is the famous Budweiser beer. We know of no brand produced by any other brewer which costs so much to brew and age. Our exclusive Beechwood Aging produces a taste, a smoothness and a drinkability you will find in no other beer at any price. Brewed by our original process from the choicest hops, rice and best barley malt.

    10 , 60

  • Brand Pilsner beer can
    10 , 55
    Per 1980 ml

    Brand Pilsner beer can

    Brand Pilsener 5.0% Pils the way pils is meant to be. Brand Pilsener has been declared the best and tastiest pilsner in the Netherlands during the Dutch Beer Challenge. Great quality for every lager lover, brewed according to an ancient recipe and with an eye for the beauty of the good life. Powerful in taste, soft in aftertaste, beautiful in color and wonderfully refreshing. With a snack or just because you can. The good life in every sip.

    10 , 55

  • Hertog Jan Traditional natural pilsner
    2 , 20
    Per 500 ml

    Hertog Jan Traditional natural pilsner

    Our pilsner is Hertog Jan's calling card within the range of beers. It goes without saying that we select all the ingredients we use for brewing with the utmost care. Only the richest malt, the most beautiful hops and crystal clear natural water from the Eifel are good enough for our beer. Thanks to these ingredients and of course the skills of our brewers, the beer gets that beautiful golden color and forms a beautiful, full foam head. Our pilsner is a beer to be proud of.

    2 , 20

  • Hertog Jan Traditional natural pilsner
    9 , 90
    Per 1980 ml

    Hertog Jan Traditional natural pilsner

    Our pilsner is Hertog Jan's calling card within the range of beers. It goes without saying that we select all the ingredients we use for brewing with the utmost care. Only the richest malt, the most beautiful hops and crystal clear natural water from the Eifel are good enough for our beer. Thanks to these ingredients and of course the skills of our brewers, the beer gets that beautiful golden color and forms a beautiful, full foam head. Our pilsner is a beer to be proud of.

    9 , 90

  • Hertog Jan Traditional natural pilsner
    12 , 45
    Per 3000 ml

    Hertog Jan Traditional natural pilsner

    Our pilsner is Hertog Jan's calling card within the range of beers. It goes without saying that we select all the ingredients we use for brewing with the utmost care. Only the richest malt, the most beautiful hops and crystal clear natural water from the Eifel are good enough for our beer. Thanks to these ingredients and of course the skills of our brewers, the beer gets that beautiful golden color and forms a beautiful, full foam head. Our pilsner is a beer to be proud of.

    12 , 45

  • Schutters Pils can
    4 , 70
    Per 1980 ml

    Schutters Pils can

    Lager - cat. I alc. 5% vol.

    4 , 70

  • Amstel Pilsener beer can
    1 , 40
    Per 330 ml

    Amstel Pilsener beer can

    Amstel Pilsener Amstel beer has been brewed with love since 1870 for all those unforgettable moments in life. Amstel Pilsener is a full malt beer and is brewed with natural ingredients. The result is a bright golden beer with a full, accessible taste and a firm foam head. The perfect beer to enjoy and share with friends.

    1 , 40

  • Duke Jan Grand Pilsner
    1 , 65
    Per 300 ml

    Duke Jan Grand Pilsner

    At Hertog Jan we thought it was time for a new type of pilsner. One with more hops and more malt. We let it mature for a nice long time, which means the entire brewing process takes longer. The rich taste of this grand pilsner is completely worth the wait. Deposit €0.10. Bottle remains property of the brewery

    1 , 65

  • Hertog Jan Grand Pilsener
    10 , 90
    Per 1980 ml

    Hertog Jan Grand Pilsener

    ''A full-bodied golden beer, brewed longer for a richer taste'' Brewed in honor of Duke John of Brabant (1252 ~ 1294) Grand Pilsener At Hertog Jan we thought it was time for a new type of pilsner. One with more hops and more malt. We let it mature for a nice long time, which means the entire brewing process takes longer. The rich taste of this Grand pilsner is completely worth the wait.

    10 , 90

  • Amstel Pilsener beer can
    7 , 80
    Per 1980 ml

    Amstel Pilsener beer can

    Amstel Pilsener Amstel beer has been brewed with love since 1870 for all those unforgettable moments in life. Amstel Pilsener is a full malt beer and is brewed with natural ingredients. The result is a bright golden beer with a full, accessible taste and a firm foam head. The perfect beer to enjoy and share with friends.

    7 , 80

  • Heineken Premium pilsner beer can
    11 , 45
    Per 3000 ml

    Heineken Premium pilsner beer can

    Heineken® pilsner, the most refreshing pilsner since 1873. Thanks to the combination of a slightly fruity taste that is perfectly balanced with the bitterness of the hops.

    11 , 45

  • Heineken Premium pilsner beer can
    2 , 10
    Per 500 ml

    Heineken Premium pilsner beer can

    Heineken® pilsner, the most refreshing pilsner since 1873. Thanks to the combination of a slightly fruity taste that is perfectly balanced with the bitterness of the hops.

    2 , 10

  • Heineken Premium pilsner cool can
    11 , 75
    Per 1980 ml

    Heineken Premium pilsner cool can

    Heineken® pilsner, the most refreshing pilsner since 1873. Thanks to the combination of a slightly fruity taste that is perfectly balanced with the bitterness of the hops.

    11 , 75

  • Heineken Premium pilsner cool can
    2 , 05
    Per 330 ml

    Heineken Premium pilsner cool can

    Heineken® pilsner, the most refreshing pilsner since 1873. Thanks to the combination of a slightly fruity taste that is perfectly balanced with the bitterness of the hops.

    2 , 05

  • Heineken Premium pilsner beer can
    9 , 70
    Per 1980 ml

    Heineken Premium pilsner beer can

    Heineken® pilsner, the most refreshing pilsner since 1873. Thanks to the combination of a slightly fruity taste that is perfectly balanced with the bitterness of the hops.

    9 , 70

  • Amstel Radler lemon 0.0 beer bottle
    1 , 35
    Per 300 ml

    Amstel Radler lemon 0.0 beer bottle

    Amstel Radler 0.0% Amstel Radler 0.0% is the thirst-quenching mix of alcohol-free Amstel beer and lemon water. Nice and refreshing at any time of the day.

    1 , 35

  • Warsteiner Pilsener  Dutchshopper
    25 , 25
    24 x 0.3 l

    Warsteiner Pilsener

    Warsteiner, German premium pilsner with a soft, fresh taste and slightly bitter aftertaste. * Brewed according to a traditional recipe and the age-old 'Reinheitsgebot' * No artificial additives * Family brewery since 1753 * Alcohol percentage: 4.8%

    25 , 25

  • Warsteiner Brewers gold  Dutchshopper
    2 , 25
    0.5 l

    Warsteiner Brewers gold

    Discover this unfiltered German beer specialty with its soft, malty taste and hints of honey and caramel. * The spicy hops and caramelized grains provide a round taste * Tasting note: caramel short cake, bastogne biscuits and honey carrot cake * The taste of honey, caramel and raisin is reminiscent of a dunklers weizen * Brewers Gold also has the drinkability of a Belgian amber beer

    2 , 25

  • Warsteiner Pilsener 6-pack  Dutchshopper
    10 , 00
    6 x 33cl

    Warsteiner Pilsener 6 pack

    Warsteiner, German premium pilsner with a soft, fresh taste and slightly bitter aftertaste. * Brewed according to a traditional recipe and the age-old 'Reinheitsgebot' * No artificial additives * Family brewery since 1753 * Alcohol percentage: 4.8%

    10 , 00

You have seen 89 out of 89 products


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