Hi Protein, Hi Power, Hi Dessert Enjoyment! High Protein Pudding with Topping in the Geschmacksrichtung Vanille with extra Protein Topping for maximum Genus of Males. Who has always had a product with 20 grams of protein, without excess nutrition, lactose and gluten-free anyway.
Hi Protein, Hi Power, Hi Dessert Enjoyment! High Protein Pudding w.Topping. High Protein Pudding Chocolate with extra Protein Topping for maximum male sex. Who ever has a product with 20 grams of protein, but never eats it?
Viel Protein, Viel Power, Viel Genuss: The High Protein Mousse Chocolate contains 20 grams of Protein, which is also free from dairy products, is lactose- and gluten-free and also low in fat.
Good consistency and finest creaminess are combined with fine chocolate. Try it again!