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Snack sauces, mayonnaise

343 products

  • Remia Cocktail table sauce
    2 , 50
    Per 250 ml

    Remia Cocktail table sauce

    Remia Whiskey Cocktail Sauce is a soft, creamy and savory cocktail sauce.

    2 , 50

  • Remia Garlic table sauce
    2 , 50
    Per 250 ml

    Remia Garlic table sauce

    Fresh & creamy. Without artificial colours, fragrances and flavourings.

    2 , 50

  • Remia Mustard Sauce Topdown
    3 , 05
    Per 500 ml

    Remia Mustard Sauce Topdown

    Remia Mustard Sauce is a creamy sauce with a spicy mustard flavor.

    3 , 05

  • Zaanse Mayonnaise with free-range egg
    5 , 45
    Per 650 ml

    Zaanse Mayonnaise with free-range egg

    The authentic Zaanse mayonnaise in a handy jar for dosing with a spoon.

    5 , 45

  • Marne Honey mustard
    2 , 25
    Per 235 g

    Marne Honey mustard

    Marne Honey Mustard is a very mild mustard, because honey has been incorporated into the mustard. The result is a deliciously soft, sweet taste. Marne Honey Mustard is also very tasty with sauces or vinaigrettes.

    2 , 25

  • Go-Tan Chili Sauce sweet
    4 , 20
    Per 500 ml

    Go-Tan Chili Sauce sweet

    A spicy, slightly sweet chili sauce (without garlic) with the structure of a fine sauce without coarse pepper seeds. Can be used as a table sauce as well as a cooking sauce.

    4 , 20

  • Sanmarco French mustard
    1 , 40
    Per 370 g

    Sanmarco French mustard

    This French mustard tastes excellent with snacks and with red and white meat.

    1 , 40

  • Calvé Snack sauce garlic
    5 , 15
    Per 430 ml

    Calvé Snack sauce garlic

    Calvé Garlic Sauce is a creamy sauce with a delicious mild garlic flavor. Your trusted Calvé Garlic Sauce is made from good and pure ingredients such as vegetable oil, vinegar and eggs. You can taste that! Make your dish even tastier with Calvé Garlic Sauce. In addition, the sauce comes in a handy squeeze bottle with a clean cap, making it less likely to make a mess. Calvé Garlic Sauce is also suitable for vegetarians. Tip: try Calvé Garlic Sauce with snacks or snacks. Of course, the sauce is also very tasty with various meals such as shawarma, wraps, kebab or pita bread. Or try Calvé Garlic Sauce in the summer during a BBQ with family or friends! Calvé Garlic Sauce is packaged in a handy squeeze bottle with a clean cap, so you can easily determine how much sauce comes out of the package and you are less likely to make a mess. This bottle looks different than normal, because the squeeze bottle is made of 99% recycled PET plastic and 1% UV protective layer. Remove seal under cap before use. The Calvé brand has been around for some time and who in the Netherlands hasn't grown up with it? In 1883, the Nederlandsche Oliefabriek was founded in Delft. In 1898, the Dutch Oil Factory merged with a French company to form NOF Calvé-Delft, later simply Calvé. Since 1898, Calvé has been committed to making the tastiest sauces of the best quality. At that time, Calvé already attached great importance to corporate social responsibility. For example, workers in the Calvé factory had access to good housing and pension facilities, among other things. Today, Calvé still contributes, for example by using sustainable ingredients and packaging as much as possible.

    5 , 15

  • Calvé Snack sauce chunky burger
    4 , 05
    Per 258g

    Calvé Snack sauce chunky burger

    Calvé Chunky Burger Sauce has a delicious taste. You simply must try the delicious hamburger sauce with pieces of pickle, onion and chili! In addition, Calvé Chunky Burger Sauce is packaged in a handy squeeze bottle with a clean cap, so you are less likely to make a mess. Calvé Chunky Burger sauce is also suitable for vegetarians. Tip: make your dish even tastier with Calvé Chunky Burger Sauce. Of course, this sauce goes perfectly with a hamburger. But also try Calvé Chunky Burger sauce with another piece of meat, such as a sausage or tartare. Or try Calvé Chunky Burger sauce in the summer during a BBQ with family or friends! Calvé Chunky Burger Sauce is packaged in a handy squeeze bottle with a clean cap, so you can easily determine how much sauce comes out of the package and you are less likely to spill anything. This bottle looks different than normal, because the squeeze bottle is made of 99% recycled PET plastic and 1% UV protective layer. Remove seal under cap before use. The Calvé brand has been around for some time and who in the Netherlands hasn't grown up with it? In 1883, the Nederlandsche Oliefabriek was founded in Delft. In 1898, the Dutch Oil Factory merged with a French company to form NOF Calvé-Delft, later simply Calvé. Since 1898, Calvé has been committed to making the tastiest sauces of the best quality. At that time, Calvé already attached great importance to corporate social responsibility. For example, workers in the Calvé factory had access to good housing and pension facilities, among other things. Today, Calvé still contributes, for example by using sustainable ingredients and packaging as much as possible.

    4 , 05

  • Go-Tan Sriracha mayo
    4 , 15
    Per 215 ml

    Go-Tan Sriracha mayo

    Go-Tan Sriracha Mayo is a mayo combined with the delicious spicy taste of Sriracha. Sriracha Mayo is perfect for any dish: whether you use Sriracha Mayo as a dipping sauce, as a dressing or for more spice in your dish. The sauce is delicious on your fries, burger or poke bowl. But also perfect as a dipping sauce for sushi, for example. In our opinion, a real favorite, because the sauce can actually be used on anything!

    4 , 15

  • Kuhne Remoulade Sauce
    2 , 90
    Per 250 ml

    Kuhne Remoulade Sauce

    Kühne Remoulade Sauce with Herbs 250 ml - Without the addition of preservatives. Delicious with fish dishes!

    2 , 90

  • Remia Curry Topdown mini
    2 , 50
    Per 300 ml

    Remia Curry Topdown mini

    Remia Curry has a spicy and spicy taste.

    2 , 50

  • Zaanse Curry ketchup
    1 , 75
    Per 160 ml

    Zaanse Curry ketchup

    The well-known Curry Ketchup owes its name to the spice 'curry'. Curry Ketchup is the name for the red, spicy ketchup sauce that contains tomatoes, sugar and vinegar as a base, supplemented with specific curry spices and dill. This base, which is mainly characterized by a high content of tomatoes, provides the characteristic taste of the Zaanse Curry Ketchup.

    1 , 75

  • Calvé Snack sauce samba
    4 , 60
    Per 250 ml

    Calvé Snack sauce samba

    The Calvé Samba Sauce Squeeze Bottle contains a slightly sweet and deliciously creamy sauce with a spicy taste. This red, slightly spicy sauce is perfect for gourmet meals or a barbecue. The delicious spicy, slightly sweet taste of this samba sauce combines perfectly with a steak, snacks, a well-filled wrap, a delicious skewer with barbecue vegetables, a piece of chicken or with a tasty sausage. The Calvé Samba Sauce is also suitable for vegetarians. That sounds good! Calvé Samba Sauce is packaged in a handy squeeze bottle with a clean cap, so you can easily determine how much sauce comes out of the package and you are less likely to spill anything. This bottle looks different than normal, because the squeeze bottle is made of 99% recycled PET plastic and 1% UV protective layer. Remove seal under cap before use. The Calvé brand has been around for some time and who in the Netherlands hasn't grown up with it? In 1883, the Nederlandsche Oliefabriek was founded in Delft. In 1898, the Dutch Oil Factory merged with a French company to form NOF Calvé-Delft, later simply Calvé. Since 1898, Calvé has been committed to making the tastiest sauces of the best quality. At that time, Calvé already attached great importance to corporate social responsibility. For example, workers in the Calvé factory had access to good housing and pension facilities, among other things. Today, Calvé still contributes, for example by using sustainable ingredients and packaging as much as possible.

    4 , 60

  • Mayoneur Truffle mayo
    3 , 60
    Per 250g

    Mayoneur Truffle mayo

    100% Plant Based Soft White Mayo with Black Summer Truffle

    3 , 60

  • Remia Satay sauce
    3 , 05
    Per 325 g

    Remia Satay sauce

    Remia Satay Sauce is a spicy, ready-to-use satay sauce. Delicious with chicken, fries, the BBQ or an oriental meal. Remia Satay sauce is plant-based and suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

    3 , 05

  • Remia Fritessaus Semi-full
    2 , 90
    Per 500 ml

    Remia Fritessaus Semi-full

    Remia Chips Sauce Half Full contains more than 50% less fat than regular chip sauce and has 100% taste.

    2 , 90

  • Hellmann's Real Mayo
    7 , 40
    Per 650 ml

    Hellmann's Real Mayo

    About Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise: Experience the unique taste of Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise, made according to an authentic English recipe. Hellmann's Real has an unmistakable fresh taste and a firm structure, a delicious sauce that is ideal for the real enthusiast. Hellmann's Real Mayonnaise is available in glass jars of different sizes and also in a handy squeeze bottle. At Hellmann's we care about taste and food in general. That's why our products are made from pure ingredients and prepared with 100% free-range eggs and sustainable oil. We are proud of this. We make a lot of mayonnaise every year, which means we use a lot of eggs. Our commitment to using free-range eggs makes a huge difference in the quality of life for millions of chickens. Instructions: This mayonnaise is the golden ingredient for your hamburger, salad or sandwich. Keep refrigerated after opening. About Hellmann's: More than 100 years ago, Richard Hellmann started selling Hellmann's from his New York deli. In the meantime, Hellmann's has grown and is available in many countries. Worldwide, 20,000 packs of Hellmann's are now sold every hour. He marked the best products by tying a blue ribbon around the pot. This blue ribbon can still be found on our label. It stands for our continuous care for the best quality products. Hellmann's, Bring Out Real Taste!

    7 , 40

  • Calvé Sauce garlic
    3 , 45
    Per 320 ml

    Calvé Sauce garlic

    About Calvé Garlic Sauce: Calvé Garlic Sauce is a delicious fresh and creamy sauce with a mild garlic flavor, where you can taste the herbs well. Your trusted garlic sauce from Calvé is made from good and pure ingredients such as vegetable oil, vinegar and eggs. You can taste that! Make your dish even tastier with Calvé's garlic table sauce. This garlic sauce is perfect for serving during a gourmet evening, but also when you have a barbecue with family or friends. Calvé's garlic sauce is a delicious seasoning. This sauce is also suitable for vegetarians. What to serve with: Try Calvé Garlic Sauce with snacks or snacks. Of course, the sauce is also very tasty with various meals such as wraps or pita bread. Or try this garlic sauce in the summer during a barbecue with family or friends! Calvé, eating together, having fun! About Calvé: The Calvé brand has been around for a long time and who in the Netherlands hasn't grown up with it? In 1883, the Dutch Oil Factory was founded in Delft. In 1898, the Dutch Oil Factory merged with a French company to form NOF Calvé-Delft, later simply Calvé. Since 1898, Calvé has been committed to making the tastiest sauces of the best quality. At that time, Calvé already attached great importance to corporate social responsibility. For example, workers in the Calvé factory had access to good housing and pension facilities, among other things. Nowadays, Calvé still does its part, for example by using sustainable ingredients and packaging as much as possible.

    3 , 45

  • Yildriz Spanish Allioli
    2 , 60
    Per 150 ml

    Yildriz Spanish Allioli

    Yildriz Allioli according to an authentic Spanish recipe, with extra garlic.

    2 , 60

  • Zaanse Metchup
    1 , 90
    Per 170 ml

    Zaanse Metchup

    The taste of our authentic Zaanse mayonnaise combined with the spicy ketchup from De Zaanse; all this combined in one tube!

    1 , 90

  • Gouda's Glorie Mayonnaise
    3 , 75
    Per 650 ml

    Gouda's Glorie Mayonnaise

    Gouda's Glorie Mayonnaise is prepared according to a traditional and authentic recipe.

    3 , 75

  • Yildriz Turkish shawarma sauce
    3 , 45
    Per 265 ml

    Yildriz Turkish shawarma sauce

    Spicy red sauce, with rich filling.

    3 , 45

  • Remia Satay sauce ready-made XL
    4 , 00
    Per 540g

    Remia Satay sauce ready-made XL

    Remia Satay Sauce is a spicy, ready-to-use satay sauce. Delicious with chicken, fries, the BBQ or an oriental meal. Remia Satay sauce is plant-based and suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

    4 , 00

  • Calvé Zoetzuur  Dutchshopper
    4 , 70
    250 Milliliter

    Calvé Sweet and sour

    Calve sweet and sour sauce squeeze bottle is a sweet and sour sauce made from peach and onion, which is delicious with a piece of chicken or vegan dish. * Calve sweet and sour sauce squeeze bottle is delicious with snacks or snacks * A sweet and sour sauce with the sweet taste of peach and spice of cayenne pepper * The sauce is packaged in a bottle made from 99% recycled PET plastic * A 100% vegan table sauce made with peach, onion, vinegar and spices

    4 , 70

  • Calvé Hamburger saus  Dutchshopper
    5 , 65
    430 Milliliter

    Calvé Hamburger sauce

    Calve hamburger sauce is a delicious hamburger sauce that makes your hamburger or other piece of meat even tastier. * Calve hamburger sauce makes your hamburger even tastier * Made with pure ingredients such as vegetable oil, vinegar and eggs * The sauce is packaged in a squeeze bottle, made from 99% recycled PET plastic * Calve hamburger sauce is indispensable during gourmet dining or the barbecue

    5 , 65

  • Hellmann's Real mayonaise  Dutchshopper
    4 , 70
    250 Milliliter

    Hellmann's Real mayonnaise

    Hellmann's real mayonnaise brings out the best in your dish, the golden ingredient for your hamburger, salad or sandwich. * The unique taste of Hellmann's real mayonnaise with an authentic English recipe * Made from pure ingredients and prepared with free-range eggs * The squeeze bottle of this mayonnaise is made from 100% recycled PET plastic * The golden ingredient for your hamburger, salad or sandwich

    4 , 70

  • Gouda's Glorie Fritessaus halfvol  Dutchshopper
    4 , 20
    0.75 l

    Gouda's Glorie Fritessaus half full

    Goudas glory chip sauce half full has a fresh and creamy taste. Prepared with 50% less fat than regular chip sauce. * Delicious with fries and all kinds of snacks * Prepared with free-range eggs * In 100% recyclable packaging * Does not contain gluten

    4 , 20

  • Calvé Avocado & citroen  Dutchshopper
    4 , 55
    250 Milliliter

    Calvé Avocado & lemon

    With the vegan Calve avocado and lemon sauce you can make every meal tastier and more exciting. * Calve avocado and lemon sauce makes your daily meals tastier * Calve's avocado and lemon sauce is 100% vegan * Tasty sauce for your burrito, wrap or poke bowl * Suitable for vegans who love a tasty sauce

    4 , 55

  • Calvé Schaschlik saus  Dutchshopper
    3 , 40
    250 Milliliter

    Calvé Schaschlik sauce

    Calve schaschlik sauce: a delicious, spicy sauce with a bit of spice, delicious with all your snacks, the barbecue or with gourmet meals. * Calve schaschlik sauce now makes your dish even tastier * A delicious, spicy sauce with a bit of spice * A new recipe with the best ingredients in the trusted Calve bottle * Makes your barbecue, gourmet meal or daily meal even tastier

    3 , 40

  • Mayoneur Wasabi mayo  Dutchshopper
    4 , 20
    250 Milliliter

    Mayonnaise Wasabi mayo

    Our slightly spicy and fresh wasabi mayo is perfect for sushi, fish burgers, salads and poke bowls. Try it now and enjoy the Japanese taste experience. * With real wasabi powder * Delicious with sushi, poke bowls, wraps and Asian dishes * Allergen free mayo without sacrificing taste * Handy and easy squeeze bottle, ideal for dosing

    4 , 20

  • Belgische mayonaise  Dutchshopper
    9 , 35
    0.72 l

    Belgian mayonnaise

    AH Belgische Mayonaise is een heerlijke specialiteit met een unieke lichtzure en frisse smaak. Gemaakt volgens Belgisch recept Perfect als toevoeging aan salades, sandwiches en als dipsaus Bewaar de mayonaise in de koelkast na opening Verkrijgbaar in een handige 720ml verpakking.

    9 , 35

  • Mister kitchen's Garlic saus vegan  Dutchshopper
    4 , 70
    250 Milliliter

    Mister kitchen's Garlic sauce vegan

    Creamy vegan garlic sauce with spice. Egg-free, lactose-free, gluten-free. The 100% plant-based alternative to your favorite (dip) sauce, straight from Mister Kitchen's kitchen to yours! * Vegan and vegetarian * Gluten-free, egg-free and lactose-free * Based on vegetable proteins * Perfect for barbecue, burger or falafel

    4 , 70

  • Calvé Extra knoflooksaus  Dutchshopper
    4 , 70
    250 Milliliter

    Calvé Extra garlic sauce

    Calve extra garlic sauce for the real garlic lover. * 5x more garlic, if you really like garlic * Delicious with a kapsalon, falafel or other dishes * 100% vegan, creamy and irresistibly delicious * The sauce is packaged in a squeeze bottle, made from 99% recycled PET plastic

    4 , 70

  • Gouda's Glorie Fritessaus zacht & romig  Dutchshopper
    4 , 20
    0.75 l

    Gouda's Glorie Fritessaus soft & creamy

    Goudas glory fries sauce has a fresh and creamy taste. * Delicious with fries and all kinds of snacks * Prepared with free-range eggs * In 100% recyclable packaging * Does not contain gluten

    4 , 20

  • Remia Shoarma tafelsaus  Dutchshopper
    2 , 90
    250 Milliliter

    Remia Shawarma table sauce

    Remia shawarma table sauce is a spicy garlic sauce. * Delicious with a shawarma sandwich, chicken or grilled meat * In handy squeeze tube with dosing cap * Also try one of Remia's other table sauces * Remia's table sauces: better, tastier, more convenient

    2 , 90

  • Romige knoflooksaus  Dutchshopper
    3 , 25

    Creamy garlic sauce

    Tasty creamy garlic sauce. * Taste: Creamy and slightly spicy

    3 , 25

  • Belgische Mayonaise  Dutchshopper
    3 , 95
    0.65 l

    Belgian mayonnaise

    * Prepared with free-range eggs * According to Belgian recipe

    3 , 95

  • Kühne maakt elke borrel compleet
    13 , 10

    Kühne maakt elke borrel compleet

    Waarom houden Nederlanders toch zo van borrelen en gezelligheid? Wij zijn er met Kühne in ieder geval graag bij. Mosterd, augurken of uien, voor ieder wat wils. Dijonmosterd 1x Franse mosterd 1x Cocktail cornichons 1x Kleine augurken zoet 1x Amsterdamse uien 1x Dit pakket wordt als losse artikelen geleverd.

    13 , 10

  • Kühne mosterd
    12 , 20

    Kühne mosterd, thuis bij elke borrel

    Maak je borrel compleet met de mosterdsoorten van Kühne. Mild of pittig, net waar je van houdt, maar altijd onmisbaar bij de borrel. Dijonmosterd 1x Franse mosterd in knijpfles 1x Franse mosterd 1x Franse mosterd in tube 1x Habanero mosterd 1x Dit pakket wordt als losse artikelen geleverd.

    12 , 20

  • Mayo truffel
    4 , 70
    220 Milliliter

    Mayo truffel

    Een echt kwaliteitsproduct, zo mag je deze truffelmayo wel noemen. De volle en romige mayonaise is op smaak gebracht met zwarte zomertruffel. Een gouden combinatie bij carpaccio of een zalmburger en een feest op de borrelplank. Bereid met vrije uitloopeieren Heerlijk bij vlees- of visgerechten Ook lekker met een broodje oude kaas Een echt kwaliteitsproduct, zo mag je deze truffelmayo wel noemen. De volle en romige mayo is op smaak gebracht met zwarte zomertruffel. Een gouden combinatie bij carpaccio of een zalmburger en een feest op de borrelplank. Bereid met vrije-uitloopeieren Heerlijk bij vlees- of visgerechten Ook lekker met een broodje oude kaas

    4 , 70

  •  -25% Zaanse Mayonaise 5x 750ml - Black Friday stapeldeal  Dutchshopper
    21 , 38

    Zaanse Mayonaise 5x 750ml - Black Friday stapeldeal

    Breng je maaltijden naar een hoger niveau met de Zaanse Mayonaise in deze Black Friday Stapeldeal! Met maar liefst 5 flessen van 750 ml in één pakket, heb je altijd voldoende van deze heerlijk romige, frisse mayonaise in huis. Perfect voor sandwiches, frietjes, salades, of als basis voor je favoriete sauzen. De klassieke smaak van Zaanse Mayonaise maakt elke maaltijd nét iets lekkerder.

    21 , 38

  • Lea & Perrins Worcestershire saus
    3 , 10
    Per 150 ml

    Lea & Perrins Worcestershire saus

    Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce is een zuur-pittige tafelsaus heerlijk bij vlees- en visgerechten. Sinds 1837, is deze saus met haar uitgesproken en unieke smaak een van de meest invloedrijke sauzen binnen de wereldkeuken. Met de overheerlijke Worcestersaus van Lea & Perrins geef je net dat tikkeltje meer aan je Caesarsalade, filet américain, steek tartare, eiersalade of BBQ saus. Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce is een natuurlijke smaakvolle saus, zonder toegevoegde smaakstoffen en bevat geen conserveringsmiddelen.

    3 , 10

  • Hot chilisaus
    2 , 60
    Per 500 ml

    Hot chilisaus

    Pittige chilisaus met rode peper en knoflook

    2 , 60

  • Remia Mayolijn
    3 , 45
    Per 500 ml

    Remia Mayolijn

    Remia Mayolijn is heerlijk vol en romig van smaak, maar bevat 55% minder vet dan Mayonaise. Deze vegan Mayo is 100% plantaardig. Voor de bewuste genieter.

    3 , 45

  • Cholula Hot sauce original
    5 , 45
    150 Milliliter

    Cholula Hot sauce original

    Cholula hot sauce is een pittige rode saus gemaakt met de arbol en piquin chlilipepers. Verrijkt met een heerlijke kruidenmix. Verslavend lekker! Pittig en kruidig van smaak Gemaakt met de arbol en piquin chlilipepers Afkomstig uit Mexico Heerlijk als dipsaus bij nachos en andere Mexicaanse gerechten Gebruik ook eens op een sandwich of in marinades

    5 , 45

  • Remia Mayonaise sticks
    45 , 90
    20 Milliliter

  • Remia Mosterd sachets
    54 , 60
    264 Stuks

    Remia Mosterd sachets

    54 , 60

You have seen 144 out of 343 products


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