What's your favourite?
Burrito - Warm de tortilla op en vul met bonen, vlees/vis, groenten en rijst. Rol de tortilla op tot een burrito!
Quesadilla - Beleg de helft van je tortilla met kaas, kip en groenten, vouw dubbel en bak in een pan aan beide kanten bruin. Lekker met salsa!
Crispy tortilla corn chips with cheese flavor. Dip these triangular chips in one of Santa Maria's salsa sauces for a perfect flavor combination. * Perfect for a tasty Tex Mex evening or drink. *Pairs well with Santa Maria dips and salsas. * Gluten
Enchilada - Fill your tortilla with bean spread, meat/fish and vegetables. Roll it up and grill it in the oven with some cheese!
Quesadilla - Top half your tortilla with cheese, chicken and vegetables, fold in half and fry in a pan until brown on both sides. Delicious with salsa!
What's your favorite?
Enchiladas - Fill your tortilla with bean spread, meat/fish and vegetables. Roll it up and grill it in the oven with some cheese!
Quesadilla - Top half your tortilla with cheese, chicken and vegetables, fold in half and fry in a pan until brown on both sides. Delicious with salsa!