Koken, bakken, roerbakken, pocheren. Eieren worden in bijna elk gerecht wel gebruikt. Van omelet of frittata tot taarten, ovenschotels, salades en broodjes. Kortom, het is altijd handig om een doosje eieren paraat te hebben.
Koken, bakken, roerbakken, pocheren. Eieren worden in bijna elk gerecht wel gebruikt. Van omelet of frittata tot taarten, ovenschotels, salades en broodjes. Kortom, het is altijd handig om een doosje eieren paraat te hebben.
Pack of 6 free-range eggs white, class M
* Better life quality mark 2 stars
* With the free-range egg, the welfare of the chicken receives extra attention. These eggs are laid by chickens that are given the opportunity to roam outdoors every day. They also have a covered exercise area at their disposal.
Package with 15 free-range eggs, class M
* Better Life quality mark 2 stars
* With the free-range egg, the welfare of the chicken receives extra attention. These eggs are laid by chickens that are given the opportunity to roam outdoors every day. They also have a covered exercise area at their disposal.
Package with 4 free-range eggs, class M
* Better Life quality mark 2 stars
* With the free-range egg, the welfare of the chicken receives extra attention. These eggs are laid by chickens that are given the opportunity to roam outdoors every day. They also have a covered exercise area at their disposal.
Packaging with 15 organic eggs class S/M/L
* Better Life quality mark 3 stars
* The organic eggs are laid by chickens that have access to an outdoor area and are fed with organic feed
These eggs are laid by chickens that roam around in a covered outdoor run and are fed natural food. The chickens convert the feed into vitamin D and omega 3. That's a piece of cake for them!
* A portion of approximately 2 eggs contains 63% of the reference intake of vitamin D
* Vitamin D also ensures good resistance
* The chickens are cared for by Dutch farming families
*Better for the chicken and for you
Fresh organic eggs from chickens with a carefree life. The chickens are fed organic feed and free range in a vast meadow. Sustainable and animal-friendly. The brothers are also growing up.
* Pecking and picking worms in the vast meadow
* Sourced from caring farming families
* All happy chickens enjoy specially selected organic food
* Awarded 3 stars from the Better Life quality mark
Package with 4 organic eggs class S/M/L
* Better Life quality mark 3 stars
* The organic eggs are laid by chickens that have access to an outdoor area and are fed with organic feed
Fresh organic eggs from chickens with a carefree life. The chickens are fed organic feed and free range in a vast meadow. Sustainable and animal-friendly. The brothers are also growing up.
* Pecking and picking worms in the vast meadow
* Sourced from caring farming families
* All happy chickens enjoy specially selected organic food
* Awarded 3 stars from the Better Life quality mark
Packaging with 15 organic eggs class S/M/L.
* Better Life quality mark 3 stars
* The organic eggs are laid by chickens that have access to an outdoor area and are fed with organic feed
Happy chicken Whites are better for the chicken and the environment! Did you know that Witjes chickens need less feed? Less feed means less CO2 emissions. That is why the Witjes are better for the environment!
* Our eggs come from caring Dutch farming families
* Our chickens can roam around to their heart's content in an extra large meadow
* They have toys at their disposal such as a chicken swing and grain tap
* On the way to PlanetProof guarantees that the Witjes are more sustainable
Package with 6 organic eggs class S/M/L.
* Better Life quality mark 3 stars
* The organic eggs are laid by chickens that have access to an outdoor area and are fed with organic feed
Freshly laid free-range eggs from chickens with a carefree life. Sheltered in a covered run or outside whenever they want! Sustainable and animal-friendly.
* Pecking and picking worms in the vast meadow
* Sourced from caring farming families
* All happy chickens enjoy specially selected GMO-free feed
* Awarded 2 stars from the Better Life quality mark