Bacardi Mango Mojito
Per 250 ml
Bacardi Mango Mojito
Per 250 ml
The Mojito as you know it, with a refreshing mango twist! The perfect 'on-the-go' cocktail for when you really need a refreshing, summery cocktail!
€3 , 35
€4,05 (incl. btw)
✅ Start the year right with healthy choices 🍃 🥦
Enjoy 10% off selected groceries until January 15!
Per 250 ml
Per 250 ml
The Mojito as you know it, with a refreshing mango twist! The perfect 'on-the-go' cocktail for when you really need a refreshing, summery cocktail!
€3 , 35
€4,05 (incl. btw)
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