Bavaria 0.0% beer
Per 330 ml
Bavaria 0.0% beer
Per 330 ml
Bavaria 0.0% is a refreshing alcohol-free beer that tastes like pilsner. By removing the alcohol from the beer at a very low temperature, the pilsner flavour is optimally preserved. At Bavaria, we have been passing on our brewing expertise for 7 generations. What makes our beer so special? Our pure mineral water comes from our water source in Lieshout. In addition, we have our own malt house, which means we have the quality of the malt in our own hands. There you go. That is the basis of refreshing pilsner. Bavaria stands for enjoying spontaneous moments together with others. Bavaria connects people and is there for everyone. Serious about beer, light-hearted in life.
€1 , 65
€1,80 (incl. btw)