BrewDog Elvis juice IPA

0.33 l

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    Scottish Martin Dickie and James Watt decide in 2007 to join forces and start a brewery together. The reason: they are tired of industrially brewed beers. Their mission was clear: to make consumers as passionate about beer as they are. They have mainly made a name for themselves with beers in which hops are paramount: beer for punks! In addition to this passion, they find it important that brewing takes place in an environmentally friendly manner.


    Contains BARLEY.

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    BrewDog Elvis juice IPA

    0.33 l

      Product form

      Grapefruit dominates this lidded IPA. Powerful, seductive and alluring. If the grapefruit fades into the background, other fruits will come and say hello. * Flavor palette: tropical fruit and grapefruit * Delicious with: tacos, enchilladas, chili con carne and cheesecake * The best temperature: 4-6 degrees Celsius

      €3 , 75

      €4,55 (incl. btw)


        Aluminum Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie, Recyclable, Vegan, Deposit (Netherlands only), Pregnancy logo


        Grapefruit dominates this lidded IPA. Powerful, seductive and alluring. If the grapefruit fades into the background, other fruits will come and say hello.

        * Flavor palette: tropical fruit and grapefruit
        * Delicious with: tacos, enchilladas, chili con carne and cheesecake
        * The best temperature: 4-6 degrees Celsius

        Extra information


        Scottish Martin Dickie and James Watt decide in 2007 to join forces and start a brewery together. The reason: they are tired of industrially brewed beers. Their mission was clear: to make consumers as passionate about beer as they are. They have mainly made a name for themselves with beers in which hops are paramount: beer for punks! In addition to this passion, they find it important that brewing takes place in an environmentally friendly manner.

        Contains BARLEY.

        Allergy information


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