Cesar Dog food senior 10+ years

4 x 150g

    Extra information

    Complete wet food for senior dogs.

    Cesar Dog food senior 10+ years

    4 x 150g

      Product form

      Cesar senior meals have been specially developed for older dogs. They contain all important nutrients and are easily digestible. * In various flavors * Handy portion packs of 150 grams * Ideal for small dogs * Without artificial colours, preservatives or flavourings

      €7 , 80

      €9,45 (incl. btw)


        Green Dot


        Can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days after opening.


        Cesar senior meals have been specially developed for older dogs. They contain all important nutrients and are easily digestible.

        * In various flavors
        * Handy portion packs of 150 grams
        * Ideal for small dogs
        * Without artificial colours, preservatives or flavourings

        Extra information

        Complete wet food for senior dogs.

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