De Kuyper Espresso Martini Cocktail
Per 500 ml
De Kuyper Espresso Martini Cocktail
Per 500 ml
"The Espresso Martini cocktail is a refined mix of strong espresso, De Kuyper Crème de Café coffee liqueur and a lively boost of vodka. For the 'Perfect Serve': Shake with ice for a delicious foam layer and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with three coffee beans. Or simply cool, pour and enjoy! De Kuyper Ready to Serve cocktails are the easiest way to enjoy the world's most famous cocktails at home. Discover them all and make the best and most consistent quality cocktails at home within seconds. With the Ready to Serve cocktail from De Kuyper you can serve four cocktails. Also try the other Ready to Serve Cocktails from De Kuyper."
€16 , 70
€20,25 (incl. btw)