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Grandos Cafe classical


    Extra information

    Instant coffee

    Instant coffee is produced from ground, roasted coffee following the German Coffee Regulations. This means that the instant coffee may contain only coffee solution and aromatic components but no preservatives or additives. The industrial process is essentially the same as the method by which coffee is prepared at home. The green raw coffee is cleaned, roasted and hot water is added to prepare an extract. This is concentrated and carefully dried to preserve the product. Because the raw materials have been carefully selected and have gone through a good production process, the dried product has an excellent characteristic coffee aroma and tastes as good as it smells.

    Grandos Cafe classical


      Product form

      Grandos Café Classical instant coffee * Suitable for vegetarian lifestyle * Suitable for vegans * Fits a gluten-free diet * Fits in a lactose-free diet

      €6 , 30

      €6,30 (incl. btw)


        Close the jar tightly after use. Keep dry. Can be stored for 4 weeks after opening.


        Grandos Café Classical instant coffee

        * Suitable for vegetarian lifestyle
        * Suitable for vegans
        * Fits a gluten-free diet
        * Fits in a lactose-free diet

        Extra information

        Instant coffee

        Instant coffee is produced from ground, roasted coffee following the German Coffee Regulations. This means that the instant coffee may contain only coffee solution and aromatic components but no preservatives or additives. The industrial process is essentially the same as the method by which coffee is prepared at home. The green raw coffee is cleaned, roasted and hot water is added to prepare an extract. This is concentrated and carefully dried to preserve the product. Because the raw materials have been carefully selected and have gone through a good production process, the dried product has an excellent characteristic coffee aroma and tastes as good as it smells.

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