To serve: If you want to serve the polenta soft (like mashed potatoes), you can add fresh parsley, chives, gorgonzola, mascarpone or grated Parmesan cheese.
Preparation: Preparation: side dish for 6 people. For soft polenta: Bring 1.3 liters of water with 1 tablespoon of salt to the boil and add the polenta while stirring. Let the polenta cook for 10 minutes, stirring, over low heat. Season the polenta with herbs and extra virgin olive oil or butter. For firm polenta, use 1.1 liters of water and 3/4 tablespoon of salt. After preparation, pour the polenta into a flat dish lined with plastic foil and let it cool. Once the polenta has cooled, remove it from the bowl and cut it into the desired shape. You can now bake or grill the polenta. For a crispy crust after baking, you can bread the tin with uncooked polenta beforehand.