Palm 8 horse power blonde

330 ml

    Extra information

    Rebelgian Bear

    Originating from a brewing competition in Belgium in 1904, the Amber Special Belge was essentially a response to the invasion of English ales and German pilsners on the Belgian market. Clever as the Belgians were, they simply combined the drinkability of that German pilsner with the smell and taste of English ale. A remix was born! In this case a love child of an English mother and a German father. Based on this remix philosophy, or bastard child, Palm has worked hard to make the brand relevant again for the Craft beer drinker. Born to twist tradition!


    To serve: Serve chilled


    ingredients: water, barley malt, glucose syrup, hop extract, herbs, natural flavors

    Allergy information

    Gluten-containing Cereals

    Palm 8 horse power blonde

    330 ml

      Product form

      A refreshing, fruity and extremely drinkable beer! In addition to the typical fruitiness that comes from the Belgian yeast, flavors of orange and refreshing chinotto can be smelled and tasted. * Taste palette: orange, chinotto and fruity * Delicious with: finger food, Asian, bitterbal or any other fatty snack * The best temperature: 8-10 degrees Celsius

      €2 , 75

      €3,35 (incl. btw)


        Recyclable, Deposit (Netherlands only), Pregnancy logo


        A refreshing, fruity and extremely drinkable beer! In addition to the typical fruitiness that comes from the Belgian yeast, flavors of orange and refreshing chinotto can be smelled and tasted.

        * Taste palette: orange, chinotto and fruity
        * Delicious with: finger food, Asian, bitterbal or any other fatty snack
        * The best temperature: 8-10 degrees Celsius

        Extra information

        Rebelgian Bear

        Originating from a brewing competition in Belgium in 1904, the Amber Special Belge was essentially a response to the invasion of English ales and German pilsners on the Belgian market. Clever as the Belgians were, they simply combined the drinkability of that German pilsner with the smell and taste of English ale. A remix was born! In this case a love child of an English mother and a German father. Based on this remix philosophy, or bastard child, Palm has worked hard to make the brand relevant again for the Craft beer drinker. Born to twist tradition!


        To serve: Serve chilled

        ingredients: water, barley malt, glucose syrup, hop extract, herbs, natural flavors

        Allergy information

        Gluten-containing Cereals

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