Rodi Complete meal of beef with tripe


    Extra information

    Complete pet food for dogs and cats

    Rodi Daily basics beef with tripe are delicious mini hamburgers specially developed for dogs (and cats). This complete meal is rich in beef tripe and a perfectly balanced mix of raw beef, beef organs, fiber and vitamins and is suitable for dogs of all sizes and ages. Dogs love the large amount of beef tripe, which is a real seasoning. Thanks to the handy small portions, you can easily fill the food bowl of your four-legged friend every day. Raw feeding has never been easier!


    Food exclusively for pets. Keep away from food. Wash hands and clean tools, utensils and surfaces after handling this product.
    Serving: Food for pets only. Keep away from food. Wash hands and clean tools, utensils and surfaces after handling this product.

    Rodi Complete meal of beef with tripe


      Product form

      Rodi Daily basics beef with tripe are delicious complete mini burgers for dogs (and cats). * Rich in beef tripe * Easy to dose * Complete meal for every dog ​​and cat of any age

      €6 , 80

      €8,25 (incl. btw)


        Store the Rodi burgers in the freezer at a minimum of -18°C. After defrosting, the burgers can be kept for up to 2 days in a sealed, leak-proof container in the refrigerator.


        Rodi Daily basics beef with tripe are delicious complete mini burgers for dogs (and cats).

        * Rich in beef tripe
        * Easy to dose
        * Complete meal for every dog ​​and cat of any age

        Extra information

        Complete pet food for dogs and cats

        Rodi Daily basics beef with tripe are delicious mini hamburgers specially developed for dogs (and cats). This complete meal is rich in beef tripe and a perfectly balanced mix of raw beef, beef organs, fiber and vitamins and is suitable for dogs of all sizes and ages. Dogs love the large amount of beef tripe, which is a real seasoning. Thanks to the handy small portions, you can easily fill the food bowl of your four-legged friend every day. Raw feeding has never been easier!


        Food exclusively for pets. Keep away from food. Wash hands and clean tools, utensils and surfaces after handling this product.
        Serving: Food for pets only. Keep away from food. Wash hands and clean tools, utensils and surfaces after handling this product.

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