steam iron

    steam iron

      Product form

      With this steam iron you can iron and steam your clothes and other fabrics without wrinkles or creases. You determine the temperature yourself using the adjustable thermostat, which is useful for different types of fabrics. The ceramic soleplate and anti-drip system keep your clothes beautiful, while anti-limescale and self-cleaning ensure that your steam iron lasts a long time. The iron also has a steam and spray button. The steam iron has a cord length of 1.9 meters.

      €43 , 40


        With this steam iron you can iron and steam your clothes and other fabrics without wrinkles or creases. You determine the temperature yourself using the adjustable thermostat, which is useful for different types of fabrics. The ceramic soleplate and anti-drip system keep your clothes beautiful, while anti-limescale and self-cleaning ensure that your steam iron lasts a long time. The iron also has a steam and spray button. The steam iron has a cord length of 1.9 meters.

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