Surprise your love! 10% off our Valentine's selection. šŸ’ Valid from January 31st until February 12th, while supplies last!


111 products

  • Sonnema Berenburg Cola
    3 , 55
    Per 250 ml

    Sonnema Berenburg Cola


    3 , 55

  • Copias Sherry Fino
    7 , 10
    Per 750 ml

    Copias Sherry Fino

    Fino Jerez-XĆ©rĆØs-Sherry Alc. 15% vol.

    7 , 10

  • The Kuyper Dropshot liqueur
    11 , 25
    Per 500 ml

    The Kuyper Dropshot liqueur

    Real licorice taste Perfect for shots 14.9% alcohol

    11 , 25

  • Crodino Biondo 6x17.5cl
    14 , 45
    Per 1050 ml

    Crodino Biondo 6x17.5cl

    Aperitif without alcohol

    14 , 45

  • Coebergh Red fruit
    12 , 30
    Per 750 ml

    Coebergh Red fruit


    12 , 30

  • StĆ«lz Spritz Mixed Classics Cans SB
    13 , 40
    Per 4 st

    Stƫlz Spritz Mixed Classics Cans SB

    STƋLZ is Europe's first hard seltzer from Amsterdam. No sugar, no carbs, no gluten and only 63 calories per 25cl can. Plus a deliciously refreshing lime flavour!

    13 , 40

  • StĆ«lz Mixed gin& tonicĀ  Dutchshopper
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Stƫlz Mixed gin & tonic

    Out of stock

    STƋLZ is Europe's first hard seltzer from Amsterdam. No sugar, no carbs, no gluten and only 63 calories per 25cl can. Plus a deliciously refreshing grapefruit flavour!

    3 , 10

    Out of stock

  • Kettle 1 Hard Lemonade RTD Lemon & Lime
    3 , 30
    Per 250 ml

    Kettle 1 Hard Lemonade RTD Lemon & Lime

    Alcoholic mixed drink alc. 6% vol. KETTLE 1 Gin mixed with sparkling water and lime-lemon syrup.

    3 , 30

  • wkd Blue
    5 , 90
    Per 700 ml

    wkd Blue

    Sparkling alcoholic drink that mixes a mix of fruit flavors with triple-distilled vodka

    5 , 90

  • Imperial Whiskey cream cocktail
    8 , 50
    Per 700 ml

    Imperial Whiskey cream cocktail

    Liqueur based on whiskey and cream

    8 , 50

  • Safari Senza
    10 , 85
    Per 500 ml

    Safari Senza

    10 , 85

  • De Kuyper Passionfruit Martini Cocktail
    16 , 70
    Per 500 ml

    De Kuyper Passionfruit Martini Cocktail

    "The Passionfruit Martini cocktail (Pornstar Martini) is a tempting and sweet cocktail with tropical passion fruit liqueur, soft vanilla and a hint of lime. For the 'Perfect Serve': Shake with ice for a delicious foam layer and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a half a passion fruit. Or simply cool, pour and enjoy! De Kuyper Ready to Serve cocktails are the easiest way to enjoy the world's most famous cocktails at home. Discover them all and make the best and most consistent quality cocktails at home within seconds. With the Ready to Serve cocktail from De Kuyper you can serve four cocktails. Also try the other Ready to Serve Cocktails from De Kuyper."

    16 , 70

  • Absolut Raspberry Lemonade 5%
    3 , 75
    Per 250 ml

    Absolut Raspberry Lemonade 5%

    Absolut Blueberry & Lime is a sparkling cocktail pre-mixed in a handy can. The sweet aromas of wild Scandinavian blueberries form a wonderful balance with the sour and fresh taste of lime. Absolut Blueberry & Lime is perfect for festivals, parties or on the go! Absolut Vodka was launched in New York and immediately made a big impression on the city, then in the United States and finally worldwide. Its natural and authentic taste is the result of more than 30 years of know-how.

    3 , 75

  • Passoa Fiesta
    14 , 40
    Per 500 ml

    Passoa Fiesta

    Quick and easy cocktails for spontaneous moments! PassoĆ£ liqueur is made with reconstituted passionfruit juice from Brazil (2%) and natural passionfruit flavor (1%).

    14 , 40

  • Sabrina Port Ruby
    7 , 80
    Per 750 ml

    Sabrina Port Ruby


    7 , 80

  • El Picu Cocos
    10 , 50
    Per 700 ml

    El Picu Cocos

    Alcoholic drink

    10 , 50

  • Bacardi Mojito RTS
    22 , 15
    Per 700 ml

    Bacardi Mojito RTS

    This BacardĆ­ Mojito is a ready-made, perfect mix of the popular BacardĆ­ Mojito cocktail. It is made from BacardĆ­ Carta Blanca, lime, sugar and mint. Pour it into a glass with plenty of ice.

    22 , 15

  • Trojka PinkĀ  Dutchshopper
    11 , 05
    Per 500 ml

    Troika Pink

    Out of stock

    Trojka Pink is the party drink to get your party started. Characteristic of Trojka is the bright pink bottle. The rich taste of sweet red fruits, fruity cranberries and a hint of aloe vera based on vodka gives a refined bite. This vodka liqueur can not only be drunk as a shot, but also delicious in a long drink with sparkling water or as a cocktail. With Trojka you can be sure that every party will be a success!

    11 , 05

    Out of stock

  • peach tree blossom
    12 , 55
    Per 500 ml

    peach tree blossom

    "ā€¢ Liqueur with the aroma and taste of ripe peaches ā€¢ 15% alcohol ā€¢ Perfect for the summer Sex on the Beach og Fizzy Peachtree cocktail. ā€¢ Fizzy Peachtree: Fill a wine glass with ice cubes and mix in 40ml Peachtree, 100ml sparkling water and the juice of 1/4 lime. This cocktail contains only 93 kcal! ā€¢ Sex on the Beach: Fill a wine glass with ice cubes and mix 40ml Peachtree, 40ml orange juice, 20ml vodka and 20ml cranberry juice."

    12 , 55

  • Bacardi Rum Punch
    22 , 80
    Per 700 ml

    Bacardi Rum Punch

    BACARDƍ 'Ready-To-Serve' Punch is made with high-quality natural ingredients and BACARDƍ rum as a base. Discover the fresh summer flavors of pineapple, mango and passion fruit. Pour directly from the bottle into a glass with ice cubes and enjoy!

    22 , 80

  • Cavatini Hugo Frizzante
    3 , 80
    Per 750 ml

  • Viper Variety pack (Tropical/Cherry)
    13 , 55
    Per 4 pcs

    Viper Variety pack (Tropical/Cherry)

    Carbonated alcoholic drink with pineapple and passion fruit flavour. Carbonated alcoholic drink with cherry flavor.

    13 , 55

  • Malibu Strawberry daiquiri
    3 , 40
    Per 250 ml

    Malibu Strawberry daiquiri

    Mixing your favorite drink yourself is no longer necessary with Malibu Strawberry Daiquiri, pre-mixed cocktail. Malibu Strawberry Daiquiri has the taste of juicy strawberries with a hint of lime flavor and smooth Caribbean rum. Serve chilled and you have the perfect mixed drink! Not just any drink, but summer in a bottle with a smooth, fresh taste. That's Malibu. And that's why Malibu is the best-selling Caribbean coconut rum in the world. On the beach or at a party, you're always in the right place with Malibu. This drink is loved worldwide for its fresh taste, with natural coconut flavors and pure cane sugars. Drink it neat, or mixed with cola or orange juice, to complete your evening.

    3 , 40

  • Absolut Absolut Passionfruit martini 5%
    3 , 75
    Per 250 ml

    Absolut Absolut Passionfruit martini 5%

    Absolut Passionfruit Martini is based on the most popular cocktail of the moment! The cocktail has a rich taste of passion fruit and tropical fruitiness, together with a hint of vanilla and sparkling fresh notes for a pleasant and tingling martini feeling.

    3 , 75

  • De Kuyper Sex on the beach
    16 , 70
    Per 500 ml

    De Kuyper Sex on the beach

    "De Sex on the Beach cocktail is een zoete, fruitige cocktail gemaakt met vodka, perzik likeur, sinaasappel en cranberrysap. Voor de ā€˜Perfect Serveā€™: shake met ijs en zeef in een glas gevuld met ijsblokjes. Garneer met een sinaasappelschijfje. Of schenk direct uit de gekoelde fles en geniet! De Kuyper Ready to Serve cocktails zijn de gemakkelijkste manier om thuis te genieten van ā€™s werelds bekendste cocktails. Ontdek ze allemaal en maak thuis binnen enkele seconden de beste en meest constante kwaliteit cocktails. Met de Ready to Serve cocktail van De Kuyper schenk je vier cocktails uit. Probeer ook eens de andere Ready to Serve cocktails van De Kuyper."

    16 , 70

  • Jack Daniels Whiskey Cola zero
    4 , 40
    Per 330 ml

    Jack Daniels Whiskey Cola zero

    Alcoholic mixed drink with Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey (12.5%) and Coca-Cola Zero Sugar (87.5%). With sweeteners

    4 , 40

  • Dropshot mini 8x20ml
    16 , 60
    Per 160 ml

    Dropshot mini 8x20ml

    16 , 60

  • Offley Port Ruby
    12 , 40
    Per 750 ml

    Offley Port Ruby

    Fresh notes until 4 weeks once opened. Offley est. 1737. Offley, a pioneering, contemporary Porto wine brand, with almost 3 centuries of heritage and experience, became famous due to Joseph J. Forrester, who was later bestowed with the title of Baron by the King of Portugal, for his fundamental role in the expansion or both Offley and The Porto Wine. Taste notes - This young ruby ā€‹ā€‹has a lively aroma of red fruit, especially strawberry. Complexity: 2/5, fruit: 4/5, body: 3/5, aromatic intensity: 4/5.

    12 , 40

  • Offley Port White
    12 , 55
    Per 750 ml

    Offley Port White

    Original legacy wines Complexity: 2/5 Fruit: 3/5 Body: 3/5 Aromatic intensity: 4/5 Offley - Est 1737. Offley, a pioneering, contemporary Porto wine brand, with almost 3 centuries of heritage and experience, became famous due to Joseph J. Forrester, who was later bestowed with the title of baron by the king of Portugal, for his fundamental role in the expansion or both Offley and the Porto wine. Taste notes - This rich white has an intense aroma dominated by floral, apricot and peach, marmalade and dried fruit notes.

    12 , 55

  • Cavatini Hugo Rose
    3 , 80
    Per 750 ml

    Cavatini Hugo Rose

    Hugo rose

    3 , 80

  • Offley Port Tawny
    12 , 40
    Per 750 ml

    Offley Port Tawny

    Fresh notes until 8 weeks once opened. Offley est. 1737. Offley, a pioneering, contemporary Porto wine brand, with almost 3 centuries of heritage and experience, became famous due to Joseph J. Forrester, who was later bestowed with the title of Baron by the king of Portugal, for his fundamental role in the expansion or both Offley and the Porto wine. Taste notes - This elegant Tawny has a delicate aroma of ripe red fruit enhanced by dried fruit notes. Complexity: 2/5, fruit: 3/5, body: 3/5, aromatic intensity: 4/5.

    12 , 40

  • Sealord Port Tawny
    9 , 20
    Per 750 ml

    Sealord Port Tawny

    VINHO DO PORT0. GUARANTEE. DEMARCATED DOURO. REGION PORTUGAL. Bottled at Symington Family Estates, Vinhos, Lda., Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.

    9 , 20

  • Sealord Port White
    8 , 60
    Per 750 ml

    Sealord Port White

    VINHO DO PORTO. GUARANTEE. DEMARCATED DOURO. REGION PORTUGAL. Bottled by Symington Family Estates, Vinhos, Lda.

    8 , 60

  • Sealord Port Ruby
    9 , 20
    Per 750 ml

    Sealord Port Ruby

    VINHO DO PORTO GARANTIA. DEMARCATED DOURO REGION PORTUGAL. Bottled by Symington Family Estates, Vinhos, Lda., Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal. Product of Portugal. POSTAGE.

    9 , 20

  • Bacardi Roasted Pineapple Rum Punch
    4 , 75
    Per 200 ml

    Bacardi Roasted Pineapple Rum Punch

    A delicious cocktail on the table in no time. Created in collaboration with some of the world's best bartenders. The Roasted Pineapple Rum Punch is a delicious punch with predominant notes of ripe pineapple that flow into a rich and intense smoky mouthfeel. The vanilla aroma comes from the aged rum that has matured in oak barrels under the Caribbean sun. Soft and beautifully round in taste. This ready-to-drink cocktail is made from a special blend of BACARDƍ's award-winning premium rums, including BACARDƍ Reserva Ocho and BACARDƍ AƱejo Cuatro. Matured under the Caribbean sun, these rums give the luxurious cocktail its depth and decadence.

    4 , 75

  • Offley Port LBV
    16 , 70
    Per 750 ml

    Offley Port LBV

    Bottled in 2018 Offley's LBV is a high quality port, from one single harvest, bottled between the 4th and 6th year after the harvest. It may be enjoyed straight away or after some years in bottle. This late bottled vintage has and intense ruby ā€‹ā€‹red color. Offley - est 1737. Offley, a pioneering, contemporary porto wine brand, with almost 3 centuries of heritage and experience, became famous due to Joseph J. Forrester, who was later bestowed with the title of baron by the king of Portugal, for his fundamental role in the expansion or both offley and porto wine. Taste notes - Ripe red fruits predominate in its intense aroma together with exotic woods and resinous aromas giving the wine its complexity and great harmony.

    16 , 70

  • Royalty Ed
    7 , 30
    Per 700 ml

    Royalty Ed

    Red vodka drink

    7 , 30

  • El Picu Sour Redberry
    10 , 50
    Per 700 ml

    El Picu Sour Redberry

    Alcoholic drink

    10 , 50

  • Malibu Coke
    3 , 40
    Per 250 ml

    Malibu Coke

    Suitable for vegans. Malibu Cola is a classic drink, a mix with rum, coconut and cola flavors. Enjoy!

    3 , 40

  • PassoĆ£ Orange pre-mix
    3 , 30
    Per 250 ml

    PassoĆ£ Orange pre-mix


    3 , 30

  • Bombay Sapphire Gin & Tonic
    3 , 80
    Per 250 ml

    Bombay Sapphire Gin & Tonic

    BOMBAY SAPPHIREĀ® & Tonic combines vapor-infused London Dry Gin with Tonic water into a ready-to-drink can that keeps the delicious taste and quality ingredients sealed and ready for the perfect moment to enjoy its rich taste. Best served cold and poured into a glass filled with ice along with a slice of lime, this pre-mixed mix of gin and tonic water is not only convenient but also has a great taste.

    3 , 80

  • William Lawson's Whiskey Coke
    3 , 75
    Per 250 ml

    William Lawson's Whiskey Coke

    WILLIAM LAWSON'SĀ® & Cola is a delicious pre-mixed WILLIAM LAWSON'SĀ® Scotch Whiskey and Cola cocktail in an instant, which can be drunk straight away or poured into a glass full of ice.

    3 , 75

  • Peachtree Fizzy
    3 , 40
    Per 250 ml

    Peachtree Fizzy

    * 4.5% alcohol | A refreshing, light cocktail without having to mix it yourself. Handy for a party!

    3 , 40

  • Gordon's Tonic
    3 , 40
    Per 250 ml

    Gordon's Tonic

    London dry gin mixed with tonic water (with quinine)

    3 , 40

  • Captain Morgan Coke
    3 , 55
    Per 250 ml

    Captain Morgan Coke

    A spirit drink of premium Caribbean rum blended with mellow spices perfectly mixed with cola (with caffeine)

    3 , 55

  • Hoppe Vieux Cola
    3 , 30
    Per 250 ml

    Hoppe Vieux Cola

    Alcoholic mixed drink

    3 , 30

  • Bacardi Cuba Libre
    3 , 75
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Cuba Libre

    A ready-to-drink version of the hugely popular Cuba Libre cocktail, the BACARDƍĀ® Cuba Libre Rum in a can offers you a beautiful blend of rum, cola and lime flavors that is ready to serve, perfect for any occasion.

    3 , 75

  • Jack Daniels Whiskey Cola
    4 , 40
    Per 330 ml

    Jack Daniels Whiskey Cola

    Alcoholic mixed drink with Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey (12.5%) and Coca-Cola (87.5%).

    4 , 40

You have seen 96 out of 111 products

Ontdek de perfecte aperitiefdrankjes bij Dutchshopper! Deze collectie biedt een uiteenlopend assortiment aan heerlijke, verfrissende drankjes die perfect zijn voor elke gelegenheid. Of je nu een feest organiseert, een gezellig samenzijn met vrienden of gewoon wilt genieten van een fijne avond thuis, onze aperitieven zorgen voor de juiste sfeer. Geniet van bijzondere smaken uit het buitenland, die je nergens anders vindt. Onze zorgvuldig geselecteerde drankjes zijn ideaal om te mixen of gewoon puur te drinken. Verken de wereld van unieke aperitieven en laat je smaakpapillen verrassen. Bij Dutchshopper maken we het gemakkelijk om deze heerlijke producten te shoppen en bij jou thuis te laten bezorgen!


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