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111 products

  • Gordon's Non alcoholic gin & tonic lime
    2 , 75
    Per 250 ml

    Gordon's Non alcoholic gin & tonic lime

    Non-alcoholic drink made with distilled botanicals, mixed with tonic and a hint of lime

    2 , 75

  • Gordon's Gordon's pink gin & tonic
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Gordon's Gordon's pink gin & tonic

    Pink distilled Gin mixed with tonic water (contains quinine).

    3 , 10

  • Aperol Spritz 3x20cl
    13 , 35
    Per 600 ml

    Aperol Spritz 3x20cl

    Alcoholic aperitif

    13 , 35

  • Seedlip Grove  Dutchshopper
    42 , 20

    Seedlip Grove

    * Type: Alcohol-free alternative - Gin

    42 , 20

  • Seedlip Spice 94  Dutchshopper
    42 , 20

    Seedlip Spice 94

    A non-alcoholic spirit that offers a solution to the ever-increasing dilemma 'What to drink when you're Not drinking®'. Seedlip is blended and bottled in England. It contains no calories, sugar, sweeteners or artificial flavors. You recognize cardamom, oak, spices, lemon and grapefruit. It has a spicy taste and is a perfect base for a delicious spicy alcohol-free gin & tonic. * Type: Alcohol-free alternative - Gin

    42 , 20

  • Seedlip Garden 108  Dutchshopper
    42 , 20

    Seedlip Garden 108

    A non-alcoholic spirit that offers a solution to the ever-increasing dilemma 'What to drink when you're Not drinking®'. Seedlip is blended and bottled in England. It contains no calories, sugar, sweeteners or artificial flavors. The taste contains notes of mint, rosemary and thyme. With this variant you can make an alcohol-free gin & tonic with a fresh and slightly bitter taste. * Type: Alcohol-free alternative - Gin

    42 , 20

  • Cantine Pellegrino Marsala fine  Dutchshopper
    14 , 75
    0.75 l

    Cantine Pellegrino Marsala fine

    This Marsala is a fortified wine made from the grapes: Grillo, Catarratto and Inzolia. This typical Marsala is created after maturing for more than a year. The wine is amber in color and has a rich taste. This Marsala Fine is delicious with strong cheeses such as Parmenzan, old Dutch or blue cheeses. Marsala is an ingredient of the classic Italian dessert Tiramisu. * Taste: nuts, currants, figs * Delicious with: spicy cheese, pies * Type: dessert wine

    14 , 75

  • Domecq Sherry manzanilla  Dutchshopper
    9 , 10
    0.75 l

    Domecq Sherry manzanilla

    Out of stock

    * Color, taste: sherry, dry * Grape variety: palomino * Country, region: Spain, Jerez * Delicious with: fish, salad

    9 , 10

    Out of stock

  • Domecq Sherry fino  Dutchshopper
    9 , 10
    0.75 l

    Domecq Sherry fino

    * Color, taste: sherry, dry * Grape variety: palomino * Country, region: Spain, Jerez * Delicious with: chicken, cheese

    9 , 10

  • Los Cisnes Sherry Fino  Dutchshopper
    12 , 70
    1 Liter

    Los Cisnes Sherry Fino

    A dry sherry with a taste reminiscent of almonds and apples. * Taste: fresh, floral, mild * Delicious with: olives, nuts, the aperitif * Type: sherry

    12 , 70

  • Sandeman Sherry Fino  Dutchshopper
    10 , 55
    0.75 l

    Sandeman Sherry Fino

    Sandeman Sherry Fino is produced from Palomino grapes grown in Sandeman's own vineyards. It matures in a Solera barrel for a minimum of five years. The sherry is light, fresh and has a fresh dry aftertaste. * Taste: fresh, floral, elegant * Delicious with: olives, nuts, the aperitif * Type: sherry

    10 , 55

  • La Guita Sherry Manzanilla  Dutchshopper
    8 , 45
    0.375 l

    La Guita Sherry Manzanilla

    In this Manzanilla you clearly smell yellow apple, dried fruit and almonds. The taste is light, dry and fresh. Slightly salty in the aftertaste. Delicious with seafood, Japanese tempura dishes and shrimp cocktail. Serve chilled. * Taste: dry, fresh, long aftertaste * Delicious with: crustaceans and shellfish * Type: sherry

    8 , 45

  • Jerez Sherry fino  Dutchshopper
    7 , 00
    0.75 l

    Jerez Sherry fino

    The production of dry sherry starts no differently than that of white wine. The palomino grapes are pressed and fermented and you have a dry white wine of approximately 12% alcohol. The winemaker is now ready, but for the 'capataz', the boss of the sherry cellar, this is the start. He adds extra alcohol to the base wine and the fortified wine is then placed in a wooden barrel. A layer of yeast cells, 'flor', naturally forms there, which keeps the wine light in color and fresh in taste and with a special aroma. * Fino is a dry, delicate sherry with body. * Grape variety: palomino. Taste: Dry * Country, region: Spain, Jerez

    7 , 00

  • Tio Pepe Sherry Fino  Dutchshopper
    11 , 25
    0.375 l

    Tio Pepe Sherry Fino

    In 1835, 23-year-old Manuel Maria Gonzalez founded the Gonzalez Byass house in Jerez de la Frontera. His uncle was a popular figure and was addressed by everyone as 'Tio Pepe'. He helped make the business great and that is why his name remains inextricably linked to this high-quality sherry. This sherry from the Jerez region in Spain is dry and fresh in taste. You recognize notes. Delicious to serve with seafood dishes, with tapas or as an aperitif. * Taste: dry, fresh, nuts * Delicious with: crustaceans and shellfish * Type: sherry

    11 , 25

  • Jerez Sherry 887 Fino  Dutchshopper
    11 , 25
    1000 Milliliter

    Jerez Sherry 887 Fino

    In the years 7 and 8, sherry was incredibly popular in the Netherlands and nowadays most people don't even know what sherry tastes like anymore. That's quite a shame, because sherry is a special wine, almost a natural phenomenon. He develops his specific taste in the cellar. There are two styles of dry sherries, namely fino and oloroso. Fino forms a layer of yeast cells on its wine, the 'flor', which protects the wine against light and air. This means it retains its pale color and fresh taste. Oloros * Fino is a dry, delicate sherry with body. * Grape variety: palomino. Taste: Dry * Country, region: Spain, Jerez

    11 , 25

You have seen 111 out of 111 products


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