Purely Dutch, pure enjoyment! 🥘 Get 10% off our selection of delicious Unox products! 🎉 Valid until January 29, 2025.


145 products

  • Foncalieu piquepoul rosé 0.75L  Dutchshopper
    9 , 55

    Foncalieu piquepoul rosé 0.75L

    This wine, originating from the southern French region of Coteaux dEnsérune, is made from piquepoul noir. This is a grape variety of which only a small area of ​​vineyards remains. Unknown but not unloved. With its expressive aromas and fresh and fruity taste, the wine is ideal to drink with tapas, shellfish and cod fritters. This expressive rosé is the perfect wine for your Easter brunch. Made from piquepoul noir, a grape variety that has almost disappeared and is therefore cherished by this producer. The grapes are used at low temperatures to optimally preserve the fresh character. With its expressive aromas and fresh taste, this is the ideal wine as an aperitif, with tapas or with a BBQ.

    9 , 55

  • St. Blaise Rosé
    61 , 40
    Per 4500 ml

    St. Blaise Rosé

    61 , 40

  • Rosé de l'Horte Rosé
    46 , 05
    Per 4500 ml

    Rosé de l'Horte Rosé

    Red wine

    46 , 05

  • Mado en Provence Côtes de Provence rosé
    65 , 30
    Per 4500 ml

  • Barone Montalto Pinot Grigio Blush Terre Siciliane IGT
    46 , 05
    Per 4500 ml

  • Valestrel Côtes de Provence Rosé
    65 , 30
    Per 4500 ml

  • huiswijn rosé 187ml  Dutchshopper
    3 , 35

    house wine rosé 187ml

    The small version of our award-winning house wine. A wonderfully fresh drinker with aromas of strawberry and raspberry. Made from 100% Garnacha grapes.

    3 , 35

  • viña mas rosado - 0.75 L  Dutchshopper
    7 , 20

    viña mas rosado - 0.75 L

    "Raspberries, cherries and strawberries make it a blast." - Harold Hamersma A delicious rosé, made from one grape variety, namely the Bobal, a truly typical Spanish grape. Bobal grapes give off a lot of color, including this rosé. In addition, the grape also gives off a lot of flavor and makes this wine a real fruit bomb. This rosé is especially tasty during the warm summer months and goes well with light dishes or as an aperitif.

    7 , 20

  • Sobrilla Paraiso bobal rosé 750ml  Dutchshopper
    6 , 65

    Sobrilla Paraiso bobal rosé 750ml

    Out of stock

    This organic, bobal rosé from Spain has a fresh and fruity taste with characteristics of raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. The wine also has a nice juicy aftertaste.

    6 , 65

    Out of stock

  • huiswijn rosé - 0,75 L  Dutchshopper
    5 , 70

    house wine rosé - 0.75 L

    Out of stock

    "Raspberries, strawberries and not too sweet. Is the three already in the clock?" - Harold Hamersma It is not surprising that this house wine is also regularly praised in the press. A wonderfully fresh drinker with aromas of strawberry and raspberry. Made from 100% Garnacha grapes.

    5 , 70

    Out of stock

  • Adobe Rosé reserva organic  Dutchshopper
    9 , 35
    0.75 l

    Adobe Rosé reserve organic

    This dry, pale pink rose from Chile is pleasantly light with the soft taste of ripe red fruits, making it great for a drink. It also goes well with savory salads with fruit. * Color, taste: Rose, dry * Grape variety: Syrah/shiraz * Country, region: Chile, Valle del Rapel * Delicious with: Salad chicken * Awarded: 8.5

    9 , 35

  • BE Bio Grenache rosé  Dutchshopper
    10 , 55
    0.75 l

    BE Bio Grenache rosé

    The taste of this fresh rose is super fruity with strawberry, red currant, raspberry and cherry. Delicious on its own and with light dishes. Made from organic grapes and suitable for vegans. * Color, taste: Rose, dry * Grape variety: Grenache, Cinsault * Country, region: France, Languedoc * Delicious with: Chicken pasta * Awarded: 8.5

    10 , 55

  • Tardia Sweet rose wine  Dutchshopper
    7 , 00
    0.75 l

    Tardia Sweet rose wine

    Out of stock

    If you like a soft rose with a sweet taste, this is recommended. It is packed with ripe red summer fruit and has mild acidity for freshness. * Color, taste: Rose, slightly sweet * Grape variety: Abbuoto * Country, region: Argentina, Mendoza * Delicious with: Drink salad

    7 , 00

    Out of stock

  • LYV Rosé  Dutchshopper
    12 , 70
    0.75 l

    LYV Rose

    Because the bottle has the shape of a cut diamond, the light color of this southern French rose is beautifully highlighted. Beautiful gift wine. Its taste is dry and fresh with some citrus and raspberry. * Color, taste: Rose, dry * Grape variety: Cinsault * Country, region: France, Languedoc * Delicious with: Salad chicken * Awarded: 8.5

    12 , 70

  • Wijntje Rosé bio  Dutchshopper
    7 , 00
    0.75 l

    Wine Rosé organic

    This super juicy rose tastes dry and fruity and comes across as tingly fresh. One for every rose moment. With drinks, BBQ, picnic and certainly also with tapas. He comes from Spain. * Color, taste: Rose, dry * Grape variety: Tempranillo, bobal, garnacha tinta * Country, region: Spain * Delicious with: Salad chicken * Awarded: 8.5 star wine

    7 , 00

  • La Motte Vin de joie rosé  Dutchshopper
    18 , 30
    0.75 l

    La Motte Wine of Joy Rosé

    This light pink rose tastes dry and fresh with the fruitiness of pink grapefruit and ripe summer fruit. Light-footed and full, it is delicious as a glass on its own and with salmon. * Color, taste: Rose, dry * Grape variety: Grenache, Mourvedre, Syrah/Shiraz, Cinsault * Country, region: South Africa, western cape * Delicious with: Salad fish * Awarded: 8.5

    18 , 30

  • Hey you Rosé  Dutchshopper
    7 , 00
    0.75 l

    Hey you Rose

    Picnic on your balcony, festival in the park, drinks after work? This fruity #heyyou rose with cherry, berry and raspberry will bring you a cheerful party. Serve it straight from the refrigerator. * Color, taste: Rose, dry * Grape variety: Grenache, Syrah, Carignan * Country, region: France, Languedoc * Delicious with: Salad chicken

    7 , 00

  • Tardia Sweet rosé sparkling wine  Dutchshopper
    9 , 90
    0.75 l

    Tardia Sweet rosé sparkling wine

    Out of stock

    This sparkling rose has a soft effervescence and the fresh, sweet taste of ripe red summer fruits. Perfect for a party, but also delicious with spicy snacks and desserts with fruit. Serve it cold. * Color, taste: Bubbles, slightly sweet * Grape variety: Abbuoto * Country, region: Argentina, Mendoza * Delicious with: Drink dessert

    9 , 90

    Out of stock

  • 19 Crimes Revolutionary rosé  Dutchshopper
    12 , 70
    0.75 l

    19 Crimes Revolutionary rosé

    In this dry, full rose you also taste something sweet and soft from ripe strawberry and vanilla. Delicious on its own and with chicken and cheese. * Pink, dry *Grenache, bobal * Spain *Chicken cheese

    12 , 70

  • House wine Rosé Semi-sweet
    6 , 30
    Per 1000 ml

    House wine Rosé Semi-sweet

    Red wine Wine from Spain alc. 11.0% vol.

    6 , 30

  • Vino Libre Rose
    4 , 35
    Per 750 ml

    Vino Libre Rose


    4 , 35

  • St. Blaise Rosé
    10 , 25
    Per 750 ml

    St. Blaise Rosé

    10 , 25

  • Marqués de Cáceres Rioja Rosado DOCa
    9 , 00
    Per 750 ml

  • Diamarine Vin de Pays Méditerranée Rosé
    7 , 70
    Per 750 ml

    Diamarine Vin de Pays Méditerranée Rosé

    Diamarine Rosé IGP de la Mediterranee Stelvin Rose

    7 , 70

  • Que Mas Rosé
    4 , 75
    Per 750 ml

    Que Mas Rosé

    This wine has a beautiful light rosé color. On the nose you smell red fruits, strawberry and raspberry.

    4 , 75

  • Grand Sud Vin de Pays d'Oc Rosé
    7 , 70
    Per 1000 ml

    Grand Sud Vin de Pays d'Oc Rosé


    7 , 70

  • Villa Puccini Pinot Grigio Blush Rosé
    6 , 75
    Per 750 ml

    Villa Puccini Pinot Grigio Blush Rosé

    Villa Puccini Pinot Grigio Blush 75cl Fles

    6 , 75

  • Barone Montalto Pinot Grigio Blush Terre Siciliane IGT
    7 , 70
    Per 750 ml

  • Organic Organic House Wine Rosé
    6 , 30
    Per 1000 ml

    Organic Organic House Wine Rosé

    Organic rosé wine Wine from Spain Alc. 13% vol.

    6 , 30

  • Mado en Provence Côtes de Provence rosé
    10 , 85
    Per 750 ml

  • House wine Rosé
    6 , 30
    Per 1000 ml

    House wine Rosé


    6 , 30

  • House wine Rosé dry Wine tap
    14 , 15
    Per 3000 ml

  • Grand Sud Rosé Wine Tap
    19 , 95
    Per 3000 ml

    Grand Sud Rosé Wine Tap


    19 , 95

  • Park Villa Rose
    5 , 70
    Per 750 ml

    Park Villa Rose

    This wine has a beautiful light rosé color. On the nose you smell red fruits, strawberry and raspberry.

    5 , 70

  • NJOY Pinot Grigio Blush
    5 , 55
    Per 750 ml

    NJOY Pinot Grigio Blush

    A delicate wine with a translucent pink color. Delivers aromas of green apple and berries, with notes of strawberry and peach on the palate, leading to a refreshing, juicy finish. Made to strengthen your emotions

    5 , 55

  • Organic Pinot grigio blush organic
    6 , 40
    Per 750 ml

    Organic Pinot grigio blush organic

    Organic rosé wine alc. 12% vol.

    6 , 40

  • Stoney Creek Rosé
    5 , 75
    Per 750 ml

    Stoney Creek Rosé


    5 , 75

  • Fleurs de Prairie Côteaux D Aix-en-Provence Ros
    10 , 85
    Per 750 ml

  • Mas du Petit Azegat Gris Rosé
    9 , 50
    Per 750 ml

    Mas du Petit Azegat Gris Rosé

    The Mas du Petit Azegat is produced from organically grown grapes. It has an intense, deep ruby ​​robe and presents a powerful mouth where notes of blackcurrant mix with the delicate aromas of violets. Its generous structure ensures a good length in mouth.

    9 , 50

  • Gallo Grenache rosé
    9 , 00
    Per 750 ml

    Gallo Grenache rosé

    Rose wine

    9 , 00

  • Gr Vin Stellenbosch Rosé  Dutchshopper
    12 , 70
    0.75 l

    Gr Vin Stellenbosch Rosé

    This dry rose from Stellenbosch has the elegant style of that from Provence. It is pale in color, full of red summer fruit and tastes very juicy. Made from blue shiraz and white clairette. * Pink, dry * Shiraz/syrah, clairette blanche * South Africa, Stellenbosch * Salad fish * Awarded: Hamersma, 8.5

    12 , 70

  • Viñas del Vero Luces rosado  Dutchshopper
    7 , 40
    0.75 l

    Viñas del Vero Luces rosado

    Out of stock

    This is a rose with a lot of flavor, especially fruit with an exciting hint of Mediterranean herbs. For on its own and also particularly good with food. * Color, taste: pink, dry * Grape variety: merlot, tempranillo, syrah * Country, region: Spain, Somontano * Delicious with: salad, fish * Awarded: Hamersma,8+

    7 , 40

    Out of stock

  • Côtes de Provence Beach rose  Dutchshopper
    14 , 05
    0.75 l

    Côtes de Provence Beach rose

    From the Côte de Provence, where the best rosés in the world come from. You can recognize these wines by their salmon pink color and taste light but structured, with herbs and lots of body. * rosé, dry * Cinsault, Grenache, Syrah * France, Provence

    14 , 05

  • Viverty Rosé sparkling alcoholvrij  Dutchshopper
    3 , 50
    0.2 Liter

    Viverty Rosé sparkling alcohol-free

    This sparkling rose is packed with fruit, but contains not a drop of alcohol. Its fresh, sweet, soft taste makes it delicious for drinks. It also goes well with fruit cake and fruit desserts. * Bubbles, slightly sweet *Blend * Germany * Salad, cheese

    3 , 50

  • Pinotage rosé  Dutchshopper
    3 , 25
    0.25 Liter

    Pinotage rosé

    Fully fruity, soft rose for pleasant drinks. Also delicious with salads, quick pasta and the barbecue. * Color, taste: pink, dry * Grape variety: Pinotage * Country, region: South Africa * Delicious with: salad, chicken

    3 , 25

  • Fris & droge Franse huiswijn rosé  Dutchshopper
    3 , 25
    0.25 Liter

    Fresh & dry French house wine rosé

    Tasty, fresh rose full of summer fruit. To have a nice drink with. It also goes well with light dishes. You pour 2 glasses from this bottle. * Color, taste: pink, dry * Grape variety: N/A * Country, region: France * Delicious with: salad, vegetarian

    3 , 25

  • Mirabeau Etoile Rosé  Dutchshopper
    25 , 70
    0.75 l

    Mirabeau Etoile Rose

    Etoile is literally and figuratively the star of the Mirabeau range. You will discover the taste of wild peach, apricots, lemon and even pineapple in this rose from Provence. * Country/Region: France, Provence * Taste: wild peach, apricot * Color: rose * Delicious with: fresh salads

    25 , 70

  • Torres Viña Sol Rosé  Dutchshopper
    9 , 35
    0.75 l

    Torres Vina Sol Rose

    * Country/Region: Spain, Catalonia * Taste: fruity, round * Color: rose * Delicious with: the aperitif

    9 , 35

You have seen 96 out of 145 products


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