Purely Dutch, pure enjoyment! 🥘 Get 10% off our selection of delicious Unox products! 🎉 Valid until January 29, 2025.


356 products

  • Leffe Blond
    2 , 95
    Per 500 ml

    Leffe Blond

    This specialty beer is full of soft notes of vanilla and cloves. The age-old expertise and the combination of pale malt, water, hops and yeast give Leffe Blond a subtle taste and a high blond color that reflects the light. The extra soft but full flavor in the beer is caused by the spices. A beautiful specialty beer that is accessible in terms of taste. This Leffe beer is a delight for every secial beer lover.

    2 , 95

  • Tripel Karmeliet Belgian Special Beer
    3 , 00
    Per 330 ml

    Tripel Karmeliet Belgian Special Beer

    Tripel Karmeliet is a very refined and complex golden to bronze colored beer with a great, creamy head.

    3 , 00

  • Great Hendrik Tripel
    3 , 60
    Per 330 ml

    Great Hendrik Tripel

    Artisanal natural beer with top fermentation, with secondary fermentation in the bottle. Brewed in the unique family brewery De Halve Maan, located in the historic city center of Bruges since 1856. Straffe Hendrik is an authentic Bruges Tripel beer that is still brewed according to the original recipe.

    3 , 60

  • Affligem Blond beer bottle
    2 , 05
    Per 300 ml

    Affligem Blond beer bottle

    Affligem Blonde 6.7% Belgian Blond specialty beer with a soft and rich taste, crowned with a firm foam head. A mild bitterness supports the soft fruitiness. In 2020, Affligem Blond was awarded the world's best “Belgian Style Blonde”. No beer is so special, no blond is so good!

    2 , 05

  • Duvel Beer
    2 , 75
    Per 330 ml

    Duvel Beer

    Heavenly ritual You pour a Duvel with patience, with gentleness, without clocking, and - if possible - with a protractor. You start with a dry glass. You hold that at an angle of exactly 45 degrees. You gradually bring the glass upright while pouring. This is how you get that beautiful, generous foam head. Quickly put that protractor away and enjoy!

    2 , 75

  • Duvel Beer
    10 , 65
    Per 1320 ml

    Duvel Beer

    Heavenly ritual You pour a Duvel with patience, with gentleness, without clocking, and - if possible - with a protractor. You start with a dry glass. You hold that at an angle of exactly 45 degrees. You gradually bring the glass upright while pouring. This is how you get that beautiful, generous foam head. Quickly put that protractor away and enjoy!

    10 , 65

  • Grimbergen Blond abbey beer bottle
    10 , 85
    Per 1800 ml

    Grimbergen Blond abbey beer bottle

    Treat yourself with a Grimbergen Blond. This golden blond and clear beer is the most accessible Grimbergen variant. The excellent quality raw materials are the wealth of this blond top fermentation beer. Grimbergen Blond is slightly fruity and has a good balance between a sweet and a bitter taste.

    10 , 85

  • Amstel Radler lemon 0.0 beer bottle
    1 , 35
    Per 300 ml

    Amstel Radler lemon 0.0 beer bottle

    Amstel Radler 0.0% Amstel Radler 0.0% is the thirst-quenching mix of alcohol-free Amstel beer and lemon water. Nice and refreshing at any time of the day.

    1 , 35

  • Brugse Zot Blonde
    2 , 85
    Per 330 ml

    Brugse Zot Blonde

    Artisanal natural beer with top fermentation, with secondary fermentation in the bottle. Brewed in the unique family brewery De Halve Maan, located in the historic city center of Bruges since 1856. Serve chilled. Bruges residents are nicknamed "Brugse Fools"

    2 , 85

  • Chouffe IPA beer
    3 , 85
    Per 330 ml

  • Benedictine Weissbier
    2 , 45
    Per 500 ml

  • Gulpener Ur Hop organic
    10 , 85
    Per 1800 ml

    Gulpener Ur Hop organic

    Stubbornly bitter, unfiltered bottom-fermented beer with a pronounced hop aroma At Gulpener everything revolves around taste and experience. The one and only beer from Dutch soil. The combination of our local raw materials and rich tradition form the distinct flavors of our beers. Discover them all on gulpener.nl BREWED AND BOTTLED BY THE EMPLOYEES OF OUR BREWERY Brewed with Limburg raw materials. *from organic cultivation. THE FREE BREWER Jan-Paul Rutten 8th GENERATION OF GULPENER BREWERS

    10 , 85

  • Leffe Blond Belgian abbey beer
    11 , 40
    Per 1800 ml

    Leffe Blond Belgian abbey beer

    Soft and subtle. Leffe Blond is an authentic blond abbey beer with a hint of bitterness.

    11 , 40

  • Westmalle Double
    2 , 85
    Per 330 ml

  • Grimbergen Double abbey beer bottle
    11 , 40
    Per 1800 ml

    Grimbergen Double abbey beer bottle

    Relax after a long day with a Grimbergen Dubbel. The mix of different malt types gives Grimbergen Dubbel the typical deep red Burgundy color. Connoisseurs especially like its light brown compact foam. It is a rich, sweet and bitter specialty beer with lots of fullness and notes of caramel.

    11 , 40

  • Wittekerke Rosé 4-pack  Dutchshopper
    8 , 65
    4 x 0.25 l

    Wittekerke Rosé 4-pack

    Wittekerke rose is brewed on the basis of wheat beer with the addition of pure raspberry juice. * This unique beer has a surprising taste and a spicy color. * Naturally refreshing, soft with a raspberry flavor * 4.3% alcohol * Type: Fruit/Sours

    8 , 65

  • World of Beers Geschenkverpakking  Dutchshopper
    19 , 65

    World of Beers Gift Box

    A selection of the most beautiful beers in the world. This package contains 6 beers from around the world. Estrella Damm from Spain, Carlsberg from Denmark, Krombacher from Germany, Budweiser from the USA, Stiegl from Austria, and the Scandinavian Tuborg Skøll, beer with vodka. The versatility makes this beer gift packaging complete! * Type: Gift wrapping

    19 , 65

  • Warsteiner Pilsener  Dutchshopper
    25 , 25
    24 x 0.3 l

    Warsteiner Pilsener

    Warsteiner, German premium pilsner with a soft, fresh taste and slightly bitter aftertaste. * Brewed according to a traditional recipe and the age-old 'Reinheitsgebot' * No artificial additives * Family brewery since 1753 * Alcohol percentage: 4.8%

    25 , 25

  • Warsteiner Brewers gold  Dutchshopper
    2 , 25
    0.5 l

    Warsteiner Brewers gold

    Discover this unfiltered German beer specialty with its soft, malty taste and hints of honey and caramel. * The spicy hops and caramelized grains provide a round taste * Tasting note: caramel short cake, bastogne biscuits and honey carrot cake * The taste of honey, caramel and raisin is reminiscent of a dunklers weizen * Brewers Gold also has the drinkability of a Belgian amber beer

    2 , 25

  • Warsteiner Pilsener 6-pack  Dutchshopper
    10 , 00
    6 x 33cl

    Warsteiner Pilsener 6 pack

    Warsteiner, German premium pilsner with a soft, fresh taste and slightly bitter aftertaste. * Brewed according to a traditional recipe and the age-old 'Reinheitsgebot' * No artificial additives * Family brewery since 1753 * Alcohol percentage: 4.8%

    10 , 00

You have seen 356 out of 356 products


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