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10 products

  • Sperone Vermouth Bianco
    3 , 90
    Per 750 ml

    Sperone Vermouth Bianco

    Vermouth Bianco

    3 , 90

  • Sperone Vermouth Rosso
    3 , 90
    Per 750 ml

    Sperone Vermouth Rosso

    Vermouth Rosso

    3 , 90

  • Martini Vermouth Rosso
    11 , 80
    Per 750 ml

    Martini Vermouth Rosso

    The original Martini: conjured up under the inspired nose of Luigi Rossi. Since the sun-drenched days of 1863, a dedicated selection of regional herbs has been enshrined in its heart, while natural caramel provides the warm scarlet glow. An icon di Italia. Harmonious and intense, with a bitter-sweet scent of caramel and Italian herbs such as Artemisia.

    11 , 80

  • Martini Vermouth Bianco
    11 , 80
    Per 750 ml

    Martini Vermouth Bianco

    MARTINI® Bianco Vermouth is based on an original recipe passed down through generations. Natural ingredients, including up to 40 hand-selected botanical herbs, are used in a signature method called 'macerato a la girata lenta'.

    11 , 80

  • Martini Fiero
    11 , 80
    Per 750 ml

    Martini Fiero

    MARTINI Fiero is made with a blend of white wines and botanicals, including Spanish orange peel for a delicious and balanced bittersweet orange flavor.

    11 , 80

  • Crodino Biondo 6x17.5cl
    12 , 80
    Per 1050 ml

    Crodino Biondo 6x17.5cl

    Aperitif without alcohol

    12 , 80

  • Martini Rosso  Dutchshopper
    12 , 95
    0.75 l

    Martin Rosso

    Martini rosso vermouth is a light, balanced and scarlet Italian sweet red vermouth. * Martini: a true Italian icon that is drunk all over the world * The original Luigi Rossi recipe was developed in the 1860s * Martini rosso is a uniquely tasting and bittersweet vermouth, * The heart consists largely of Italian herbs

    12 , 95

  • Martini Bianco  Dutchshopper
    12 , 95
    0.75 l

    Martin Bianco

    Martini bianco vermouth is based on a recipe that has been passed down for generations. Natural ingredients are used in a distinctive method called 'macerato a la girata lenta'. * Martini bianco vermouth is made from sweet, floral herbs * Martini bianco vermouth is the expression of Luigi Rossi * Martini bianco vermouth is inspired by nature *Martini bianco vermouth is extremely versatile

    12 , 95

  • Martini Fiero  Dutchshopper
    12 , 95
    0.75 l

    Martin Fiero

    Martini fiero is made with a blend of white wines and botanical herbs, including Spanish orange peel for a delicious and balanced bittersweet orange flavor. * Mix Martini fiero 50/50 with carbonated tonic and plenty of ice * Martini fiero, delicious of course. 100% natural taste and color * Martini has been at the heart of wine production for more than 150 years * Martini: a true Italian icon that is drunk all over the world

    12 , 95

  • Martini Extra dry  Dutchshopper
    12 , 95
    0.75 l

    Martini Extradry

    One of the two main ingredients of the famous cocktail: the Dry Martini. * Spicy, perfumed and light * Alcohol percentage: 18.0%

    12 , 95


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