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Stomach ache

6 products

  • Gaviscon Duo kauwtabletten bij brandend maagzuur  Dutchshopper
    12 , 70
    24 Stuks

    Gaviscon Duo kauwtabletten bij brandend maagzuur

    null Wij adviseren jou alleen tot aanschaf en gebruik van dit zelfzorgmedicijn over te gaan als jij goed geïnformeerd bent. Lees vooraf de bijsluiter van de fabrikant, zoals goedgekeurd door het College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen (CBG). De informatie op ah.nl vervangt niet het individuele advies van arts, apotheker of drogist. AH biedt verwijzingen, zoals naar het CBG, als service aan. AH is niet verantwoordelijk voor de juistheid van de aldaar aangeboden informatie. Voor waarschuwingen en gebruiksbeperkingen zie het tabje ‘gebruik’ hieronder. Er geldt voor dit product een maximum van 3 stuks per bestelling. Heb je meer informatie nodig? Onze gediplomeerde (assistent-)drogisten voorzien je graag van een persoonlijk advies. Bel gratis: 0800-4040017. We zijn bereikbaar van maandag t/m vrijdag, van 9:00u t/m 17:00u. We adviseren niet verder te gaan met bestelling van dit geneesmiddel wanneer je vragen nog onbeantwoord zijn. Op http://www.thuisarts.nl/ vind je betrouwbare informatie over klachten, ziektes en geneesmiddelen.

    12 , 70

  • Gaviscon Duo kauwtabletten
    19 , 50
    48 Stuks

    Gaviscon Duo kauwtabletten

    null Wij adviseren jou alleen tot aanschaf en gebruik van dit zelfzorgmedicijn over te gaan als jij goed geïnformeerd bent. Lees vooraf de bijsluiter van de fabrikant, zoals goedgekeurd door het College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen (CBG). De informatie op ah.nl vervangt niet het individuele advies van arts, apotheker of drogist. AH biedt verwijzingen, zoals naar het CBG, als service aan. AH is niet verantwoordelijk voor de juistheid van de aldaar aangeboden informatie. Voor waarschuwingen en gebruiksbeperkingen zie het tabje ‘gebruik’ hieronder. Er geldt voor dit product een maximum van 3 stuks per bestelling. Heb je meer informatie nodig? Onze gediplomeerde (assistent-)drogisten voorzien je graag van een persoonlijk advies. Bel gratis: 0800-4040017. We zijn bereikbaar van maandag t/m vrijdag, van 9:00u t/m 17:00u. We adviseren niet verder te gaan met bestelling van dit geneesmiddel wanneer je vragen nog onbeantwoord zijn. Op http://www.thuisarts.nl/ vind je betrouwbare informatie over klachten, ziektes en geneesmiddelen.

    19 , 50

  • Gaviscon Pepermunt kauwtabletten  Dutchshopper
    5 , 65
    16 pieces

    Gaviscon Peppermint Chewable Tablets

    Gaviscon 250 peppermint chewable tablets are used to treat the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux such as acid reflux, heartburn, stomach upset (related to reflux), for example, after a meal or during pregnancy, and in patients with symptoms related to esophagitis. * We only advise you to purchase and use this self-care medication if you are well informed. Read the manufacturer's package leaflet in advance, as approved by the Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG). * The information on ah.nl does not replace individual advice from a doctor, pharmacist or drugstore. AH offers referrals, such as to the MEB, as a service. AH is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided there. *For warnings and usage restrictions see the 'use' tab below. * There is a maximum of 3 pieces per order for this product. * Do you need more information? Our certified (assistant) pharmacists are happy to provide you with personal advice. Call free: 0800-4040017. We are available from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. * We advise you not to proceed with ordering this medicine if your questions are still unanswered. At http://www.thuisarts.nl/ you will find reliable information about complaints, diseases and medicines.

    5 , 65

  • Gaviscon Suspensie anijs  Dutchshopper
    14 , 05
    per Unit

    Gaviscon Suspension aniseed

    Gaviscon antacid - anise suspension - 200 ml. * We only advise you to purchase and use this self-care medication if you are well informed. Read the manufacturer's package leaflet in advance, as approved by the Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG). * The information on ah.nl does not replace individual advice from a doctor, pharmacist or drugstore. AH offers referrals, such as to the MEB, as a service. AH is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided there. *For warnings and usage restrictions see the 'use' tab below. * There is a maximum of 3 pieces per order for this product. * Do you need more information? Our certified (assistant) pharmacists are happy to provide you with personal advice. Call free: 0800-4040017. We are available from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. * We advise you not to proceed with ordering this medicine if your questions are still unanswered. At http://www.thuisarts.nl/ you will find reliable information about complaints, diseases and medicines.

    14 , 05

  • Gaviscon Duo suspensie  Dutchshopper
    14 , 05
    150 Milliliter

    Gaviscon Duo suspension

    Gaviscon Duo suspension is a combination of two stomach acid neutralizers and has a dual action: 1. It neutralizes excess stomach acid, reducing pain and discomfort. 2. It forms a protective layer over the stomach contents, which relieves the burning sensation in your chest area. * We only advise you to purchase and use this self-care medication if you are well informed. Read the manufacturer's package leaflet in advance, as approved by the Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG). * The information on ah.nl does not replace individual advice from a doctor, pharmacist or drugstore. AH offers referrals, such as to the MEB, as a service. AH is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided there. *For warnings and usage restrictions see the 'use' tab below. * There is a maximum of 3 pieces per order for this product. * Do you need more information? Our certified (assistant) pharmacists are happy to provide you with personal advice. Call free: 0800-4040017. We are available from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. * We advise you not to proceed with ordering this medicine if your questions are still unanswered. At http://www.thuisarts.nl/ you will find reliable information about complaints, diseases and medicines.

    14 , 05

  • Gaviscon Duo sachets  Dutchshopper
    14 , 05
    12 pieces

    Gaviscon Duo sachets

    3 simple steps1 tear 2 squeeze 3 ingest. dosage and method of use: for oral use. * We only advise you to purchase and use this self-care medication if you are well informed. Read the manufacturer's package leaflet in advance, as approved by the Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG). * The information on ah.nl does not replace individual advice from a doctor, pharmacist or drugstore. AH offers referrals, such as to the MEB, as a service. AH is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided there. *For warnings and usage restrictions see the 'use' tab below. * There is a maximum of 3 pieces per order for this product. * Do you need more information? Our certified (assistant) pharmacists are happy to provide you with personal advice. Call free: 0800-4040017. We are available from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. * We advise you not to proceed with ordering this medicine if your questions are still unanswered. At http://www.thuisarts.nl/ you will find reliable information about complaints, diseases and medicines.

    14 , 05


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