🐣🌷 10% off all Easter eggs and Unox spring favorites! πŸŽ‰ Valid from March 13th to 19th, while supplies last!



27 products


Featured Best selling Alphabetically, A-Z Alphabetically, Z-A Price, low to high Price, high to low Date, old to new Date, new to old

  • Durex Durex Thin Feel Condooms12st
    22 , 55
    Per 29 g

    Durex Durex Thin Feel Condooms12st

    De Durex Thin Feel condooms zijn dunner dan de classic condooms van Durex voor meer sensatie. Houd je niet zo van het gevoel van dikkere condooms? Probeer dan onze Thin Feel-condooms voor een heel andere ervaring. Je voelt meer tijdens het vrijen, en toch zijn deze condooms even betrouwbaar als de rest van het Durex-gamma.

    22 , 55

  • Durex Durex Extra Thin Feel Condooms10st
    21 , 25
    Per 20 g

    Durex Durex Extra Thin Feel Condooms10st

    De Durex Thin Feel Extra Thin condooms zijn extra dun voor een nog intensere ervaring dan met onze Thin Feel condooms.

    21 , 25

  • Eroxon Gel 4 tube pack
    42 , 65
    4 Stuks

    Eroxon Gel 4 tube pack

    Eroxon is een klinisch bewezen behandelingsgel voor Mannen met een erectiestoornis. eroxon helpt om een erectie te krijgen in 10 minuten. De tubes met een gel zijn gemakkelijk en veilig in gebruik. * Helpt een erectie te krijgen in 10 minuten * Klinisch bewezen plaatselijke behandeling in gelvorm * Voor de behandeling van erectiestoornissen * Gemakkelijk en veilig in gebruik

    42 , 65

  • ellaOne Noodanticonceptie
    31 , 45
    1 Stuks

    ellaOne Noodanticonceptie

    null Wij adviseren jou alleen tot aanschaf en gebruik van dit zelfzorgmedicijn over te gaan als jij goed geΓ―nformeerd bent. Lees vooraf de bijsluiter van de fabrikant, zoals goedgekeurd door het College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen (CBG). De informatie op ah.nl vervangt niet het individuele advies van arts, apotheker of drogist. AH biedt verwijzingen, zoals naar het CBG, als service aan. AH is niet verantwoordelijk voor de juistheid van de aldaar aangeboden informatie. Voor waarschuwingen en gebruiksbeperkingen zie het tabje β€˜gebruik’ hieronder. Er geldt voor dit product een maximum van 3 stuks per bestelling. Heb je meer informatie nodig? Onze gediplomeerde (assistent-)drogisten voorzien je graag van een persoonlijk advies. Bel gratis: 0800-4040017. We zijn bereikbaar van maandag t/m vrijdag, van 9:00u t/m 17:00u. We adviseren niet verder te gaan met bestelling van dit geneesmiddel wanneer je vragen nog onbeantwoord zijn. Op http://www.thuisarts.nl/ vind je betrouwbare informatie over klachten, ziektes en geneesmiddelen.

    31 , 45

  • Durex Natural extra sensitive gel  Dutchshopper
    18 , 05
    100 Milliliter

    Durex Natural extra sensitive gel

    Durex lubricant natural - extra sensitive - 100% natural - water based - 100 ml. * 100% natural moisturizing formula * Intimate balance: pH-friendly product that respects the balance * More comfort: increases softness and comfort * Water-based: Durex water-based lubricant

    18 , 05

  • Durex Perfect gliss  Dutchshopper
    23 , 10
    100 Milliliter

    Durex Perfect Gloss

    Durex perfect gliss pleasure gel is a smooth and silky silicone-based lubricant. It is an excellent choice for great anal sex. * Suitable for vaginal, anal and oral sex * Silicone-based Durex gel, edible and non-greasy * For long-lasting humidification *Silky texture and warm to the touch

    23 , 10

  • Durex Sensilube waterbasis glijmiddel  Dutchshopper
    14 , 45
    40 Milliliter

    Durex Sensilube water-based lubricant

    Durex sensilube is a water-based intimate liquid lubricant. It uses a specially developed formula that closely approximates natural body fluids. * Odorless and colorless * moisturizes and relieves dryness on intimate areas *Specially developed formula * PH friendly

    14 , 45

  • Durex Glijmiddel sensitive waterbasis  Dutchshopper
    17 , 80
    100 Milliliter

    Durex Lubricant sensitive water base

    Durex play sensitive pleasure gel is a pleasure-enhancing water-based lubricant for a sensual experience. It does not feel greasy or sticky and is light and soft. You can use it for vaginal, anal or oral sex. The lubricant reduces vaginal dryness and other intimate discomfort.

    17 , 80

  • Durex Condooms thin feel extra dun  Dutchshopper
    22 , 40
    10 pieces

    Durex Condoms thin feel extra thin

    The Durex thin feel extra thin condoms are extra thin for an even more intense experience than with our thin feel condoms. * Extra thin: For an even more intense experience *Lubricated condoms: Standard silicone-based lubricant * Pleasant scent * Preformed Durex Pleasure-Fit TM with reservoir for more comfort

    22 , 40

  • Condooms extra glijmiddel  Dutchshopper
    5 , 60
    12 pieces

    Condoms extra lubricant

    Condoms with extra lubrication and a comfortable fit. * The comfortable fit is comfortable and is easy to apply * Extra lubricant for extra security * 12 pieces

    5 , 60

  • Durex Condooms classic natural  Dutchshopper
    15 , 95
    12 pieces

    Durex Condoms classic natural

    Durex originals classic natural condoms are the original Durex condoms, reliable as always. The condoms are made of transparent, natural rubber latex and have a pleasant smell. * Durex quality: The original Durex condom, reliable as ever * Transparent latex condom made of natural rubber with lubricant * With a pleasant scent * More comfort: Premending Durex Easy-On TM with reservoir for more comfort

    15 , 95

  • Durex Massage olie en glijmiddel 2 in 1 alo  Dutchshopper
    17 , 35
    200 Milliliter

    Durex Massage oil and lubricant 2 in 1 alo

    A lubricant that can be applied to the intimate parts. This gel is enriched with aloe vera extract, known for its moisturizing and soothing properties. * Suitable for body massage and use on intimate parts * Safe to use with Durex condoms and toys * For any use: Suitable for vaginal, anal and oral sex * Odorless: Durex Lubricant with soothing aloe vera

    17 , 35

  • Durex Glijmiddel natural waterbasis  Dutchshopper
    18 , 05
    100 Milliliter

    Durex Lubricant natural water based

    Many women find that using lubricant enhances their sexual experience overall. They experience a bit of dryness at different times in their menstrual cycle. * 100% natural moisturizing formula * Intimate balance: PH-friendly product that respects the balance * More comfort: Increases softness and comfort * Water-based: Durex water-based lubricant

    18 , 05

  • Durex Glijmiddel sensitive waterbasis  Dutchshopper
    13 , 05
    50 Milliliter

    Durex Lubricant sensitive water base

    Durex play sensitive pleasure gel is a pleasure-enhancing water-based lubricant for a sensual experience. The lubricant reduces vaginal dryness and other intimate discomfort. * Suitable for use on intimate parts and for body massage * Safe to use with Durex condoms and toys * For any use: Suitable for vaginal, anal and oral sex * Water-based: Durex water-based lubricant

    13 , 05

  • Etos Siliconen glijmiddel  Dutchshopper
    7 , 65
    75 Milliliter

    Etos Silicone lubricant

    Etos silicone-based lubricant is a silky soft lubricant that is also suitable for intimate massages. * Silky soft structure * Does not dry out or stick *Safe to use with latex condoms *Helps with vaginal dryness

    7 , 65

  • Durex Condooms classic natural  Dutchshopper
    26 , 00
    20 pieces

    Durex Condoms classic natural

    Discover the new Durex nude latex range, skin-on-skin sensations, which offers maximum sensations and safety thanks to its ultra-fine texture. * Durex quality: The original Durex condom, reliable as ever * Transparent latex condom made of natural rubber with lubricant. * With a pleasant scent * More comfort: Premending Durex Easy-On TM with reservoir for more comfort

    26 , 00

  • Durex Condooms thin feel  Dutchshopper
    23 , 90
    12 pieces

    Durex Condoms thin feel

    The Durex Thin Feel condoms are thinner than the classic condoms from Durex. You feel more during sex, and yet these condoms are just as reliable as the rest of the Durex range * THINNER: for more sensation *Lubricated condoms: Standard silicone-based lubricant * Pleasant scent * Preformed Durex Pleasure-Fit TM with reservoir for more comfort

    23 , 90

  • Etos Sensual condooms  Dutchshopper
    5 , 80
    12 pieces

    Etos Sensual condoms

    Etos Sensual condoms have a unique dot profile for ultimate stimulation and extra pleasure for both partners. The small dots provide extra stimulation and a more intense feeling. * Easily palpable dots provide intense stimulation * Sensational feeling for both partners * Pleasant scent * 100% electronically tested

    5 , 80

  • Durex Condooms extra safe  Dutchshopper
    28 , 90
    20 pieces

    Durex Condoms extra safe

    * Extra safe: slightly thicker condom with extra lubricant, making it even safer * Transparent latex condom made of natural rubber with lubricant * For a smoother experience * With a pleasant scent

    28 , 90

  • Durex Nude classic  Dutchshopper
    23 , 90
    10 pieces

    Durex Condoms nude extra thin

    Discover the new Durex nude latex range, skin-on-skin sensations, which offers maximum sensations and safety thanks to its ultra-fine texture. * Skin-to-skin feeling * Ultra thin latex condoms * Silicone-based lubricant * Nominal width: 54mm

    23 , 90

  • Condooms extra dun  Dutchshopper
    5 , 60
    12 pieces

    Condoms extra thin

    Extra thin condoms with a comfortable fit. * The comfortable fit is comfortable and is easy to apply * Extra thin for more feeling * 12 pieces

    5 , 60

  • Canesten Gyno crΓ¨me  Dutchshopper
    22 , 60

    Canesten Gyno cream

    Canesten gyno cream is an effective 6-day treatment for internal and external use for vaginal fungus. It kills the fungus and quickly relieves the itching and burning sensation. * We only advise you to purchase and use this self-care medication if you are well informed. Read the manufacturer's package leaflet in advance, as approved by the Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG). * The information on ah.nl does not replace individual advice from a doctor, pharmacist or drugstore. AH offers referrals, such as to the MEB, as a service. AH is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided there. *For warnings and usage restrictions see the 'use' tab below. * There is a maximum of 3 pieces per order for this product. * Do you need more information? Our certified (assistant) pharmacists are happy to provide you with personal advice. Call free: 0800-4040017. We are available from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. * We advise you not to proceed with ordering this medicine if your questions are still unanswered. At http://www.thuisarts.nl/ you will find reliable information about complaints, diseases and medicines.

    22 , 60

  • Canesten Gyno 1 zachte capsule  Dutchshopper
    26 , 00
    1 piece

    Canesten Gyno 1 soft capsule

    Canesten gyno 1 soft capsule is a fast and effective 1-day treatment for vaginal fungus. You insert it easily, it molds to your body, it kills the fungus. * We only advise you to purchase and use this self-care medication if you are well informed. Read the manufacturer's package leaflet in advance, as approved by the Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG). * The information on ah.nl does not replace individual advice from a doctor, pharmacist or drugstore. AH offers referrals, such as to the MEB, as a service. AH is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided there. *For warnings and usage restrictions see the 'use' tab below. * There is a maximum of 3 pieces per order for this product. * Do you need more information? Our certified (assistant) pharmacists are happy to provide you with personal advice. Call free: 0800-4040017. We are available from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. * We advise you not to proceed with ordering this medicine if your questions are still unanswered. At http://www.thuisarts.nl/ you will find reliable information about complaints, diseases and medicines.

    26 , 00

  • Canesten Gyno balance  Dutchshopper
    24 , 60
    7 pieces

    Canesten Gyno balance

    Clinically proven treatment for the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis such as unpleasant odor and abnormal discharge. * Relieves unpleasant odor and abnormal vaginal discharge * Clinically proven treatment of pre-filled tubes with applicator * Limits the growth of unwanted bacteria by restoring the pH balance * Supports good bacteria for restoration of the natural environment

    24 , 60

  • Etos Vaginale gel tube  Dutchshopper
    7 , 20
    25 Milliliter

    Etos Vaginal gel tube

    Etos Vaginal gel is for the treatment and prevention of bacterial vaginosis. *Perfume-free * Quick relief from itching or burning sensation * For irritations and abnormal discharge

    7 , 20

  • Weleda Arnica massageolie  Dutchshopper
    27 , 05
    100 Milliliter

    Weleda Arnica massage oil

    Warming and relaxing massage oil with organic arnica. Takes care of the muscles. * Prevents muscle pain * Relaxes and warms the muscles * Use before and after exercise * With the purely natural scent of rosemary and lavender

    27 , 05

  • Etos Massage olie  Dutchshopper
    5 , 10
    150 Milliliter

    Etos Massage oil

    Etos Massage oil is easy to distribute over the skin, is absorbed slowly and gives the skin a velvety soft feeling. The oil helps to hydrate the skin and supports the skin's ability to recover. * Enriched with almond oil & calendula *Contains vitamin E * Apply the oil thinly and massage lightly into the skin *For all skin types

    5 , 10

Verken de wereld van intimiteit met onze uitgebreide collectie van hoogwaardige producten. Bij Dutchshopper, de ideale webshop voor Nederlanders in het buitenland, vind je alles wat je nodig hebt voor een intieme en plezierige ervaring. Onze selectie bevat handige en praktische artikelen die moeilijk te vinden zijn op buitenlandse markten. Of je nu op zoek bent naar veilige en betrouwbare condooms, verzachtende gels of andere intieme benodigdheden, wij hebben het voor je. Geniet van snelle levering en aantrekkelijke prijzen, zodat je volop kunt genieten van je persoonlijke momenten. Maak je leven gemakkelijker en ontdek ons assortiment vandaag nog!