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Mixed drinks

5 products

  • Malibu Pear
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Malibu Pear

    The summery Malibu pear - rum mixed with coconut and pear flavours. Enjoy! Suitable for vegans.

    3 , 10

  • Malibu Strawberry daiquiri
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Malibu Strawberry daiquiri

    Mixing your favorite drink yourself is no longer necessary with Malibu Strawberry Daiquiri, pre-mixed cocktail. Malibu Strawberry Daiquiri has the taste of juicy strawberries with a hint of lime flavor and smooth Caribbean rum. Serve chilled and you have the perfect mixed drink! Not just any drink, but summer in a bottle with a smooth, fresh taste. That's Malibu. And that's why Malibu is the best-selling Caribbean coconut rum in the world. On the beach or at a party, you're always in the right place with Malibu. This drink is loved worldwide for its fresh taste, with natural coconut flavors and pure cane sugars. Drink it neat, or mixed with cola or orange juice, to complete your evening.

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  • Malibu Coke
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Malibu Coke

    Suitable for vegans. Malibu Cola is a classic drink, a mix with rum, coconut and cola flavors. Enjoy!

    3 , 10

  • Malibu Pina colada  Dutchshopper
    3 , 25
    250 Milliliter

    Malibu pina colada

    Enjoy your favorite summer cocktail with Malibu pina colada. This cocktail is a refreshing combination of pineapple juice, coconut milk and of course, Malibu rum. *Convenient to take with you * The original pina colada cocktail * Wonderfully refreshing

    3 , 25

  • Malibu Rum & pear  Dutchshopper
    3 , 25
    250 Milliliter

    Malibu Rum & pear

    Is Malibu Pear your favorite drink? Then try the refreshing pre-mixed Malibu Pear. Malibu's pre-mixed drinks are perfect for a night out and to share with your friends! *Best summer ever? Mix up your summer! * Alcohol percentage: 5.0% * Refreshing taste of pear * Ready to serve!

    3 , 25


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