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Mixed drinks

68 products

  • Smirnoff Ice Raspberry
    3 , 05
    Per 250 ml

    Smirnoff Ice Raspberry

    Sparkling mixed drink based on N.°21 Premium vodka with raspberry flavor and coloring agents.

    3 , 05

  • Smirnoff Ice
    3 , 05
    Per 250 ml

    Smirnoff Ice

    Alcoholic drink based on vodka and lemon flavors with sugar and sweeteners.

    3 , 05

  • Bacardi Razz & Up
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Razz & Up

    BACARDÍ® Razz and Up is bursting with raspberry flavour, is high quality and made from real ingredients and a base of BACARDÍ® Rum, and can be enjoyed straight from the can or in a glass with ice. It's a great option for a hot summer day.

    3 , 35

  • Puschkin Red  Dutchshopper
    9 , 10
    0.5 l

    Pushkin Red

    Puschkin Red Sensation combines Puschkin vodka with the taste of red blood oranges. * Puschkin has been a household name among vodka lovers for years * This characteristic bittersweet taste makes Red Orange extremely popular * Puschkin Red Orange is drunk neat or in a mix with energy drinks or orange juice * Alcohol percentage: 14.5%

    9 , 10

  • De Kuyper Fizzy favorites passionfruit  Dutchshopper
    3 , 10
    250 Milliliter

    Fizzy Passion fruit

    The Kuyper Fizzy Passionfruit is a fruity, fresh, sparkling cocktail with the taste of sweet passion fruit and a hint of lime. * Fruity fresh ready-to-drink cocktail with 4.5% alcohol * With the Kuyper passion fruit liqueur, sparkling water and lime * Handy to take with you, in the park, on the beach or at home * Best enjoyed from the chilled can or served with ice cubes

    3 , 10

  • Bacardi Breezer Watermelon
    2 , 80
    Per 275 ml

  • Bacardi Sunset punch
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Sunset punch

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Mango Mojito
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Mango Mojito

    The Mojito as you know it, with a refreshing mango twist! The perfect 'on-the-go' cocktail for when you really need a refreshing, summery cocktail!

    3 , 35

  • Smirnoff Ice
    5 , 15
    Per 700 ml

    Smirnoff Ice

    Spirit based premix

    5 , 15

  • Bacardi Breezer Passion fruit mango
    3 , 20
    Per 275 ml

  • Bacardi Lemon & lemonade
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Lemon & lemonade

    The perfect 'on-the-go' cocktail for when you really need a refreshing, summery cocktail! The fresh citrus flavor is a combination of lemon and hints of lime & grapefruit. The mix with a lemonade soft drink provides the refreshing, summery character.

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Rum Coke
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Rum Coke

    BACARDÍ® Premix Cola, available in a can, is ready to drink straight away, and the handy can offers all the delicious, sweet and smooth flavors of a rum and cola cocktail, which is best enjoyed cold on any occasion.

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Mojito  Dutchshopper
    3 , 50
    250 Milliliter

    Bacardi Mojito

    Bacardí mojito rum mixed drink is a ready-to-drink cocktail that you can drink immediately and that contains the ingredients for a deliciously tasting mojito, including a mint flavor, lime juice and bacardí. *Made with only natural flavors * Expertly blended for character and flavor *Pre-made and ready to serve *Made with Bacardi rum

    3 , 50

  • Smirnoff Ice raspberry  Dutchshopper
    3 , 15
    250 Milliliter

    Smirnoff Ice Raspberry

    Smirnoff ice raspberry is a mixed drink using Smirnoff no.21 Premium vodka, and a mix of red raspberry flavors. *A mix of raspberry flavored vodka with a dry, fresh finish * Slightly effervescent, so a spicy kick with a refreshing taste

    3 , 15

  • The Stillery Amaretto sour
    4 , 20
    12 Stuks

    The Stillery Amaretto sour

    De amaretto sour van the stillery is de perfecte combinatie van zoete amaretto en frisse citroen. Supermakkelijk te serveren en een gegarandeerde favoriet bij iedere cocktailliefhebber. Ijsklontje erin en schudden maar Heerlijk van smaak en een lust voor het oog Ready to serve

    4 , 20

  • The Stillery Pornstar martini
    4 , 20
    12 Centiliter

    The Stillery Pornstar martini

    De pornstar Martini van the stillery combineert de rijke smaak van passievrucht en vanille met een vleugje vodka. Makkelijk te serveren en een gegarandeerde favoriet voor elke gelegenheid! Ijsklontje erin en schudden maar Heerlijk van smaak en een lust voor het oog Ready to serve

    4 , 20

  • Stëlz Hard Iced Tea Lemon
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Stëlz Hard Iced Tea Lemon

    STËLZ is Europe's first hard seltzer from Amsterdam. No sugar, no carbohydrates, no gluten and only 63 calories per 25cl can. Plus a wonderfully refreshing raspberry flavor!

    3 , 10

  • Sprite Absolute Sprite
    3 , 25
    Per 250 ml

    Sprite Absolute Sprite

    Alcoholic drink with Vodka (8%) and soft drinks with lemon-lime flavors (92%).

    3 , 25

  • Sir James 101 Gin and tonic
    2 , 45
    Per 250 ml

    Sir James 101 Gin and tonic

    Please recycle Glass The recipe of this delicious alcohol free drink is carefully selected by Sir. James 101 and he encourages you to share your experience: @sirjames101drinks and #sirjames101drinks. Visit www.sirjames101.com for more information about this drink. Enjoy your alcohol-free G&T!

    2 , 45

  • Jameson and Coke
    2 , 80
    Per 250 ml

    Jameson and Coke

    De unieke mix van zachte Jameson Irish Whiskey en Cola, handig voorgemengd in een blikje. Gekoeld smaakt deze Jameson & Cola nog lekkerder, of schenk het blikje uit met ijs! "Jameson Irish Whiskey is een drievoudig gedistilleerde Ierse whisky die in 1780 ontworpen werd door John Jameson. Iedereen weet inmiddels wel dat Jameson de meest verkochte Ierse whisky ter wereld is. Dat heeft te maken met drie redenen. Eerst en vooral de drievoudige distillering, waardoor de Jameson extreem zacht wordt. Ten tweede heeft Jameson slechts een distilleerderij, hetgeen betekent dat wij de productie volledig onder controle hebben en bijgevolg kunnen zorgen voor een gewaarborgde kwaliteit. Tot slot gebruikt Jameson zowel gemoute als ongemoute gerst, waardoor Jameson zijn unieke romige textuur krijgt. Al die factoren samen dragen bij tot de opvallende smaak die zo kenmerkend is voor Jameson Irish Whiskey."

    2 , 80

  • Bacardi Breezer Lime
    3 , 20
    Per 275 ml

    Bacardi Breezer Lime

    BREEZER® Lime with a delicious lime flavor is a tasty and ready-to-drink flavored alcoholic drink that you can enjoy with friends, at a party or on warm summer days. Best served cold, neat or in a glass filled with ice.

    3 , 20

  •  -10% Licor 43 Chocolate Delight
    15 , 70
    Per 500 ml

  • Viper Pack (Tropical/Cherry/Peach/Cranberry)
    12 , 35
    Per 4 st

    Viper Pack (Tropical/Cherry/Peach/Cranberry)

    Carbonated alcoholic drink with pineapple and passion fruit flavour. Carbonated alcoholic drink with cranberry flavor. Carbonated alcoholic drink with peach flavor. Carbonated alcoholic drink with cherry flavor.

    12 , 35

  • Smirnoff Ice Tropical
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Smirnoff Ice Tropical

    Vodka drink made with sodawaterm smirnoff no. 21 premium vodka, mango, guava and passion fruit and other aromas and colorings

    3 , 10

  • The Picu Passion
    9 , 65
    Per 700 ml

    The Picu Passion


    9 , 65

  • Bacardi Breezer Orange
    3 , 20
    Per 275 ml

    Bacardi Breezer Orange

    "BREEZER® Orange zit boordevol heerlijke sinaasappelsmaak en is een alcoholische drank met een heerlijke smaak, klaar om te serveren, die kan worden gedronken met vrienden, op een feestje of op die warme zomerdagen. Het wordt het best koud geserveerd, hetzij alleen, hetzij in een glas gevuld met ijs."

    3 , 20

  • Malibu Pear
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Malibu Pear

    The summery Malibu pear - rum mixed with coconut and pear flavours. Enjoy! Suitable for vegans.

    3 , 10

  • Sonnema Berenburg Cola
    3 , 25
    Per 250 ml

    Sonnema Berenburg Cola


    3 , 25

  • Bacardi Mojito
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Mojito

    A delicious ready-to-drink Mojito, the BACARDÍ® Mojito Rum Mixed Drink features natural mint flavour, fresh-tasting lime juice and BACARDÍ® rum, giving you a great-tasting, ready-to-drink Mojito that you can enjoy on any occasion.

    3 , 35

  • Stëlz Spritz Mixed Classics Cans SB
    12 , 10
    Per 4 st

    Stëlz Spritz Mixed Classics Cans SB

    STËLZ is Europe's first hard seltzer from Amsterdam. No sugar, no carbs, no gluten and only 63 calories per 25cl can. Plus a deliciously refreshing lime flavour!

    12 , 10

  • Stëlz Mixed gin& tonic  Dutchshopper
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Stëlz Mixed gin & tonic

    STËLZ is Europe's first hard seltzer from Amsterdam. No sugar, no carbs, no gluten and only 63 calories per 25cl can. Plus a deliciously refreshing grapefruit flavour!

    3 , 10

  • Kettle 1 Hard Lemonade RTD Lemon & Lime
    2 , 95
    Per 250 ml

    Kettle 1 Hard Lemonade RTD Lemon & Lime

    Alcoholic mixed drink alc. 6% vol. KETTLE 1 Gin mixed with sparkling water and lime-lemon syrup.

    2 , 95

  • Absolut Raspberry Lemonade 5%
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Absolut Raspberry Lemonade 5%

    Absolut Blueberry & Lime is a sparkling cocktail pre-mixed in a handy can. The sweet aromas of wild Scandinavian blueberries form a wonderful balance with the sour and fresh taste of lime. Absolut Blueberry & Lime is perfect for festivals, parties or on the go! Absolut Vodka was launched in New York and immediately made a big impression on the city, then in the United States and finally worldwide. Its natural and authentic taste is the result of more than 30 years of know-how.

    3 , 35

  • Bacardi Pina Colada
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Pina Colada

    The taste of a tropical paradise in a can. Piña Colada is a ready-made cocktail in which you discover the taste of sweet pineapple and coconut. The perfect 'on-the-go' cocktail for when you really need a refreshing, summery cocktail!

    3 , 35

  • Viper Variety pack (Tropical/Cherry)
    12 , 35
    Per 4 pcs

    Viper Variety pack (Tropical/Cherry)

    Carbonated alcoholic drink with pineapple and passion fruit flavour. Carbonated alcoholic drink with cherry flavor.

    12 , 35

  • Malibu Strawberry daiquiri
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Malibu Strawberry daiquiri

    Mixing your favorite drink yourself is no longer necessary with Malibu Strawberry Daiquiri, pre-mixed cocktail. Malibu Strawberry Daiquiri has the taste of juicy strawberries with a hint of lime flavor and smooth Caribbean rum. Serve chilled and you have the perfect mixed drink! Not just any drink, but summer in a bottle with a smooth, fresh taste. That's Malibu. And that's why Malibu is the best-selling Caribbean coconut rum in the world. On the beach or at a party, you're always in the right place with Malibu. This drink is loved worldwide for its fresh taste, with natural coconut flavors and pure cane sugars. Drink it neat, or mixed with cola or orange juice, to complete your evening.

    3 , 10

  • Absolut Absolut Passionfruit martini 5%
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Absolut Absolut Passionfruit martini 5%

    Absolut Passionfruit Martini is based on the most popular cocktail of the moment! The cocktail has a rich taste of passion fruit and tropical fruitiness, together with a hint of vanilla and sparkling fresh notes for a pleasant and tingling martini feeling.

    3 , 35

  • Baracoa Rum and coke
    2 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Baracoa Rum and coke

    Delicious combination of rum and cola, tasty and easy on the go.

    2 , 35

  •  -10% Jack Daniels Whiskey Cola zero
    3 , 55
    Per 330 ml

    Jack Daniels Whiskey Cola zero

    Alcoholic mixed drink with Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey (12.5%) and Coca-Cola Zero Sugar (87.5%). With sweeteners

    3 , 55

  • Dropshot mini 8x20ml
    15 , 30
    Per 160 ml

    Dropshot mini 8x20ml

    15 , 30

  • Malibu Coke
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Malibu Coke

    Suitable for vegans. Malibu Cola is a classic drink, a mix with rum, coconut and cola flavors. Enjoy!

    3 , 10

  • Bombay Sapphire Gin & Tonic
    3 , 50
    Per 250 ml

    Bombay Sapphire Gin & Tonic

    BOMBAY SAPPHIRE® & Tonic combines vapor-infused London Dry Gin with Tonic water into a ready-to-drink can that keeps the delicious taste and quality ingredients sealed and ready for the perfect moment to enjoy its rich taste. Best served cold and poured into a glass filled with ice along with a slice of lime, this pre-mixed mix of gin and tonic water is not only convenient but also has a great taste.

    3 , 50

  • William Lawson's Whiskey Coke
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    William Lawson's Whiskey Coke

    WILLIAM LAWSON'S® & Cola is a delicious pre-mixed WILLIAM LAWSON'S® Scotch Whiskey and Cola cocktail in an instant, which can be drunk straight away or poured into a glass full of ice.

    3 , 35

  • Peachtree Fizzy
    2 , 95
    Per 250 ml

    Peachtree Fizzy

    * 4.5% alcohol | A refreshing, light cocktail without having to mix it yourself. Handy for a party!

    2 , 95

  • Gordon's Tonic
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Gordon's Tonic

    London dry gin mixed with tonic water (with quinine)

    3 , 10

  • Captain Morgan Coke
    3 , 25
    Per 250 ml

    Captain Morgan Coke

    A spirit drink of premium Caribbean rum blended with mellow spices perfectly mixed with cola (with caffeine)

    3 , 25

  • Hoppe Vieux Cola
    2 , 95
    Per 250 ml

    Hoppe Vieux Cola

    Alcoholic mixed drink

    2 , 95

  • Bacardi Cuba Libre
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Cuba Libre

    A ready-to-drink version of the hugely popular Cuba Libre cocktail, the BACARDÍ® Cuba Libre Rum in a can offers you a beautiful blend of rum, cola and lime flavors that is ready to serve, perfect for any occasion.

    3 , 35

You have seen 48 out of 68 products


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