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Sparkling wine

2 products

  • Martin Bellini
    13 , 35
    Per 750 ml

    Martin Bellini

    MARTINI® Bellini is a ready-made cocktail. The taste is distinct and fresh and perfect for hot summer days. As a ready-to-drink cocktail, it can be served straight from the bottle and enjoyed with ice cubes.

    13 , 35

  • Martini Prosecco
    13 , 35
    Per 750 ml

    Martini Prosecco

    Martini Prosecco Sparkling Wine is a dry, aromatic Italian sparkling wine made from the Glera grapes that grow in the lush, sun-drenched foothills of the Veneto and Friuli regions of northeastern Italy. Matured in this ideal climate, they give this Prosecco wine a stimulating scent. With ice, it is the perfect addition to a brunch or as an aperitif, and it is ideal to give as a gift

    13 , 35


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