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Nutritional supplements

67 products

  • 8 , 55

    vitamine B complex 25mg/mcg - 90 stuks

    Vitamine B1, B3 en B5 zijn gunstig voor een goede geestelijke balans en ondersteunen de energiestofwisseling. Vitamine B6, B12 en foliumzuur ondersteunen de weerstand. Biotine is goed voor het haar en is net als vitamine B2 en B3 belangrijk voor de huid.

    8 , 55

  • seleen - zink 90 stuks
    7 , 35

    seleen - zink 90 stuks

    Mineralencomplex. ¹Seleen en ²zink zijn anti-oxidanten die helpen de cellen beschermen tegen oxidatieve schade door luchtvervuiling en UV-straling. ²Zink is bovendien goed voor de huid, de nagels en het gezichtsvermogen.¹Seleen en ²zink zijn tevens goed voor het haar en zorgen mede voor een goede weerstand.

    7 , 35

  • cranberry 300 mg 60 stuks
    14 , 95

    cranberry 300 mg 60 stuks

    Kruidencomplex met vitamine. Deze tabletten bevatten vitamine C, berendruif en Acerola kers. Acerola is een natuurlijke bron van vitamine C. Vitamine C ondersteunt de weerstand en is een anti-oxidant ter bescherming van gezonde cellen en weefsels. ²Berendruif ondersteunt de normale blaasfunctie.* *Gezondheidsclaim in afwachting van goedkeuring door de Europese Commissie

    14 , 95

  • Calcium + vitame D en K 120 stuks
    7 , 35

    Calcium + vitame D en K 120 stuks

    Vitaminen- en mineralencomplex. ¹Calcium, vitamine D en vitamine K zijn van belang voor de samenstelling van de botten. ²Calcium en vitamine D helpen de tanden sterk te houden. Kinderen in de groei, zwangere vrouwen en vrouwen boven de 50 jaar kunnen een verhoogde calciumbehoefte hebben.

    7 , 35

  • multi kauw vitaminen kind 120 stuks
    10 , 65

    multi kauw vitaminen kind 120 stuks

    Vitaminen- en mineralencomplex. Bevat vitamine D en calcium voor de normale groei en ontwikkeling van botten van kinderen. Goede aanvulling op de voeding wanneer een kind minder goed eet. Met vitamine A, B12, C, D en ijzer ter ondersteuning van de weerstand. Lekkere kauwtabletten met aardbeiensmaak in de vorm van een beertje.

    10 , 65

  • vitamine D3 25mcg 90 stuks
    9 , 20

    vitamine D3 25mcg 90 stuks

    Vallen is één van de risicofactoren voor botbreuken bij 60-plussers. Er zijn meerdere risicofactoren en verandering van één van deze factoren kan al dan niet een heilzaam effect hebben. Vitamine D helpt om de risico’s van vallen te verminderen, in verband met houdingsinstabiliteit en spierzwakte. Dit gunstige effect wordt verkregen bij een dagelijkse inname van 20 mcg vitamine D uit alle bronnen. Vitamine D wordt, onder invloed van zonlicht, door de huid zelf aangemaakt. Met het ouder worden kan de huid dunner worden, waardoor de huid minder vitamine D zou kunnen aanmaken. Vitamine D verhoogt de opname van calcium in de botten en is van belang is voor het behoud van sterke botten. Bovendien speelt vitamine D een rol bij het behoud van soepele spieren.

    9 , 20

  • multivitamine kauwtabletten 60 stuks
    8 , 55

    multivitamine kauwtabletten 60 stuks

    Vitaminesupplement met frambozensmaak en zoetstoffen. Deze kauwtablet voor de dagelijkse aanvulling bevat een vitaminecomplex die de weerstand¹ en het energieniveau¢ ondersteunen. De kauwtabletten zijn zonder water in te nemen en daarmee ideaal voor kinderen omdat zij kauwen vaak prettiger vinden dan slikken. Dit voedingssupplement is niet geschikt voor kinderen onder de 1 jaar.

    8 , 55

  • vitamine mooie huid, haren en nagels 60 stuks
    9 , 20

    vitamine mooie huid, haren en nagels 60 stuks

    Vitaminen-, mineralen- en kruidencomplex. Met vitaminen en mineralen die de huid van binnenuit voeden¹. Biotine, koper en zink dragen bij aan behoud van glanzend haar. Zink is goed voor de nagels. Met vitaminen en mineralen die gezonde cellen en weefsels beschermen.

    9 , 20

  • ijzer 60 stuks
    7 , 15

    ijzer 60 stuks

    IJzer helpt bij de normale vorming van rode bloedcellen en hemoglobine. Het ondersteunt het energieniveau en helpt vermoeidheid te verminderen.

    7 , 15

  • vitamine vegan multi A-Z compleet 60 stuks
    10 , 05

    vitamine vegan multi A-Z compleet 60 stuks

    Vitaminen-, mineralencomplex. Bevat een uitgebalanceerde combinatie van vitaminen en mineralen. Met vitaminen en mineralen ter ondersteuning van het energieniveau ¹ en de weerstand². Met vitaminen en mineralen die helpen de lichaamscellen te beschermen tegen invloeden van buitenaf ³ Gebruik: Dagelijks 1 tablet per dag bij het ontbijt. Tablet in z’n geheel doorslikken met (bron)water. De aanbevolen dagdosering niet overschrijden. Droog, donker, koel en buiten bereik van kinderen bewaren. Dit product is niet geschikt voor kinderen onder de 1 jaar. Een voedingssupplement is geen vervanging van een gevarieerde voeding of compensatie voor een ongezonde leefstijl.

    10 , 05

  • vitamin D3 10mcg - 360
    10 , 05

    vitamin D3 10mcg - 360

    The Health Council recommends seniors and people with dark skin to use extra vitamin D to strengthen their bones. Vitamin D3 increases the absorption of calcium in the bones. In addition, vitamin D3 plays a role in maintaining supple muscles.

    10 , 05

  • XXL Nutrition proteine reep tompouce 60gram  Dutchshopper
    3 , 70

    XXL Nutrition protein bar tompouce 60 grams

    Out of stock

    This crispy protein bar with tompouce flavour has many benefits. It is not only tasty, but it also contains 20 grams of protein per bar and is rich in fibre! This makes it an ideal snack for on the go. Allergen informationContains: soy, milkMay contain: gluten-containing cereals, egg, peanuts, nuts, sesame seeds

    3 , 70

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  • XXL Nutrition Whey Delicious stroopwafel 450gram  Dutchshopper
    22 , 90

    XXL Nutrition Whey Delicious stroopwafel 450 grams

    Out of stock

    This Whey Delicious with stroopwafel flavor is a whey shake like you've never had before! Whey Delicious has an excellent composition and is delicious with both water and milk. Whey Delicious is 100% instant, it is directly soluble in any liquid. Whey Delicious contains a high percentage of whey concentrate and has a high protein content* (*at least 20% of the energy value provided by proteins). DosageMix 1 serving (30 grams) with 150-200 ml of milk, water or other beverage of your choice. It is recommended to mix this product in a shaker/blender. Allergen informationContains: milk

    22 , 90

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  • XXL Nutrition Whey Delicious tompouce 450gram  Dutchshopper
    22 , 90

    XXL Nutrition Whey Delicious tompouce 450gram

    Out of stock

    This Whey Delicious with tompouce flavour is a whey shake like you've never had before! Whey Delicious has an excellent composition and is delicious with both water and milk. Whey Delicious is 100% instant, it is immediately soluble in any liquid. Whey Delicious contains a high percentage of whey concentrate and has a high protein content* (*at least 20% of the energy value provided by proteins). DosageMix 1 serving (30 grams) with 150-200 ml of milk, water or other beverage of your choice. It is recommended to mix this product in a shaker/blender. Allergen informationContains: milk

    22 , 90

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  • XXL Nutrition proteine reep stroopwafel 60gram  Dutchshopper
    3 , 70

    XXL Nutrition protein bar syrup waffle 60 grams

    Out of stock

    This crispy protein bar with syrup waffle flavor has many benefits. Not only is it delicious, but they also contain 20 grams of protein per bar and are rich in fiber! This makes it an ideal snack for on the go. Allergen informationContains: gluten-containing cereals, egg, soy, milkMay contain: peanuts, nuts, sesame seeds

    3 , 70

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  • multi A-Z compleet - 60 stuks  Dutchshopper
    8 , 35

    multi AZ complete - 60 pcs

    Out of stock

    A vitamin and mineral complex to support energy levels¹ and resistance². It activates your natural energy in your body¹ and contributes to a good resistance², because it helps to protect the body cells against external influences³.

    8 , 35

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  • mooie huid, haar en nagels - 60 stuks  Dutchshopper
    8 , 20

    beautiful skin, hair and nails - 60 pcs

    Out of stock

    A vitamin, mineral and herbal complex. ¹Vitamins and minerals nourish the skin from within. ²Biotin, copper and zinc contribute to maintaining shiny hair and ³,⁴zinc is good for the nails. ⁴With vitamins and minerals that protect healthy cells and tissues.

    8 , 20

    Out of stock

  • vitamin D3 10mcg - 180 pcs
    5 , 70

    vitamin D3 10mcg - 180 pcs

    The Health Council recommends seniors and people with dark skin to use extra vitamin D to strengthen their bones. Vitamin D3 increases the absorption of calcium in the bones. In addition, vitamin D3 plays a role in maintaining supple muscles.

    5 , 70

  • cranberry 600mg - 60 stuks  Dutchshopper
    13 , 60

    cranberry 600mg - 60 pcs

    Out of stock

    A herbal complex with vitamin C¹, bearberry² and acerola cherry. Acerola is a natural source of vitamin C. Vitamin C supports the immune system¹ and is an anti-oxidant to protect healthy cells and tissues. Bearberry supports normal bladder function².* Health claim pending approval by the European Commission.

    13 , 60

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  • cranberry 100mg + vitamine C - 60 stuks  Dutchshopper
    11 , 95

    cranberry 100mg + vitamin C - 60 pcs

    Out of stock

    Herbal complex with vitamin. These tablets contain vitamin C. Vitamin C¹ helps the (natural) immune system of the body cells.

    11 , 95

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  • ijzer - 60 stuks  Dutchshopper
    6 , 50

    iron - 60 pcs

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    A mineral complex that aids in the normal formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin. It supports energy levels and helps reduce fatigue.

    6 , 50

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  • calcium + vitamine D en K - 120 stuks  Dutchshopper
    6 , 50

    calcium + vitamins D and K - 120 pcs

    Out of stock

    A vitamin and mineral complex for maintaining strong bones and teeth. ¹Calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K are important for the composition of the bones. Calcium and vitamin D help keep teeth strong. Growing children, pregnant women and women over the age of 50 may have an increased calcium requirement. The tablets are suitable for vegetarians and people who do not use dairy.

    6 , 50

    Out of stock

  • gezuiverde visolie - 120 stuks  Dutchshopper
    10 , 20

    purified fish oil - 120 pcs

    Out of stock

    An omega-3 fatty acid complex that is good for the heart¹. This purified fish oil of natural origin is rich in the polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA (omega-3). ¹With a daily intake of at least 250 mg EPA and DHA, these fatty acids have a positive contribution to the normal functioning of the heart.

    10 , 20

    Out of stock

  • vitamin hair, skin and nails - 60 pcs
    14 , 95

    vitamin hair, skin and nails - 60 pcs

    A vitamin and mineral complex that nourishes the skin from within and supports the skin's regenerative capacity¹. Contributes to the maintenance of shiny hair and strong nails². ¹Biotin and zinc nourish the skin from the inside and contribute to the maintenance of shiny hair. ²Zinc is good for hair and nails and, together with vitamin E, protects healthy cells and tissues.

    14 , 95

  • zwangerschap totaal - 60 stuks  Dutchshopper
    10 , 60

    pregnancy total - 60 pcs

    Out of stock

    A vitamin and mineral complex that contributes to the growth of the unborn baby¹ and increases calcium in the bones². Folic acid contributes to the growth of the unborn child and ²vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium in the bones. The supplement also contains vitamins and minerals that support the immune system³ and energy level⁴ and help with fatigue⁵.

    10 , 60

    Out of stock

  • vitamin C-1000 high dose - 250 pieces
    18 , 55

    vitamin C-1000 high dose - 250 pieces

    Vitamin C is an antioxidant for the body. It helps to reduce fatigue. Daily intake of at least 200 mg of vitamin C in addition to the recommended daily amount of vitamin C stimulates the immune system during and after physical exertion.

    18 , 55

  • gezuiverde visolie totaal omega 3-6-9 - 60 stuks  Dutchshopper
    13 , 20

    purified fish oil total omega 3-6-9 - 60 pieces

    Out of stock

    A fatty acid complex that is good for the heart¹ which contains omega-3 fatty acids and EPA and DHA. ¹Using at least 250 mg per day of the Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA has a beneficial effect on the heart.

    13 , 20

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  • multi totaal bruistabletten - 20 stuks  Dutchshopper
    4 , 80

    multi total effervescent tablets - 20 pcs

    Out of stock

    A dietary supplement, vitamin and mineral complex that supports energy levels¹ and resistance². This effervescent tablet for daily supplementation contains vitamin C2 and zinc² to support the immune system. Iron¹, vitamins B11, B21, B31, B61 and B121 support energy levels and iron contributes to a clear mind.

    4 , 80

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  • oester-calcium + vitamine D - 60 stuks  Dutchshopper
    6 , 50

    oyster calcium + vitamin D - 60 pcs

    Out of stock

    This vitamin D and calcium supplement has natural lime from the oyster shell to help maintain strong bones¹ and teeth². ¹,²Calcium plays a role in bone formation and the maintenance of strong bones and teeth. ¹Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium in the bones and is good for the muscles. Children up to and including 6 years, pregnant women and seniors may have a greater need for calcium and vitamin D, especially if extra vitamin D is recommended.

    6 , 50

    Out of stock

  • vitamine B complex forte - 60 stuks  Dutchshopper
    14 , 25

    vitamin B complex forte - 60 pcs

    A vitamin B complex that you can use in case of fatigue. The supplement supports the energy level² and helps with mental exertion³. ¹Vitamins B2, B3, B6 and B12 can help reduce fatigue. ²Biotin, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12 are important for the nervous system and support energy metabolism. ³Biotin is good for concentration, memory and mood. ³Pantothenic acid (B5) supports in stress situations.

    14 , 25

  • kurkuma met Bioperine® - 30 stuks  Dutchshopper
    12 , 20

    turmeric with Bioperine® - 30 pcs

    Out of stock

    This dietary supplement supports liver function and physical well-being by cleansing the body. The liver is one of the most important organs of our body and ensures the cleansing of substances and waste products. Turmeric with Bioperine® contains natural ingredients, such as turmeric extract that contributes to normal cleansing of the liver and Bioperine®.

    12 , 20

    Out of stock

  • multi totaal - 120 stuks  Dutchshopper
    11 , 65

    multi total - 120 pcs

    A vitamin and mineral complex that supports energy levels and has a positive effect on the immune system. With ¹vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12 to support energy levels. ²Vitamin C, D, iron and zinc help the resistance. This supplement contributes to a fit life.

    11 , 65

  • vitamin C-500 mg - 60 pcs
    6 , 05

    vitamin C-500 mg - 60 pcs

    This dietary supplement contains vitamin C, which contributes to good resistance and is good for tiredness. It contributes to extra energy in case of fatigue, has an anti-oxidative effect and has a positive effect on the immune system.

    6 , 05

  • vitamin C-1000 mg high dose - 60 pieces
    7 , 35

    vitamin C-1000 mg high dose - 60 pieces

    A vitamin complex with capsules that supports your resistance and helps with fatigue. Vitamin C-1000 (1000 milligrams) contributes to extra energy in case of fatigue and has an antioxidant effect. Vitamin C stimulates the immune system during and after physical exertion with a daily intake of at least 200 mg in addition to the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. In addition, vitamin C contributes to the formation of collagen, which supports the condition of the gums. This supplement is suitable for vegetarians.

    7 , 35

  • multivitaminen kauwbeer aardbeiensmaak - 120 stuks  Dutchshopper
    10 , 00

    multivitamin chewing bear strawberry flavor - 120 pcs

    A vitamin and mineral complex with strawberry flavor in the shape of a bear. ¹It contains vitamin D and calcium for the normal growth and development of children's bones. Good addition to the diet, especially when a child eats less well or is very active. ² With various vitamins and iron to support the resistance.

    10 , 00

  • vitamin C 1000mg highly dosed effervescent tablet - 20 pieces
    4 , 80

    vitamin C 1000mg highly dosed effervescent tablet - 20 pieces

    A vitamin complex that supports the resistance and helps with fatigue. Vitamin C-1000 (1000 milligrams) contributes to extra energy in case of fatigue and has an antioxidant effect. Vitamin C stimulates the immune system during and after physical exertion with a daily intake of at least 200 mg in addition to the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. In addition, vitamin C contributes to the formation of collagen, which supports the condition of the gums. The package contains 20 orange flavored effervescent tablets with sweeteners.

    4 , 80

  • vitamine D3 10mcg - 360 stuks  Dutchshopper
    9 , 15

    vitamin D3 10mcg - 360 pcs

    Out of stock

    A vitamin supplement for maintaining strong bones. Children up to the age of 4, people aged 70 and over, people with a tanned skin colour, people who rarely spend time outdoors and pregnant women are advised to take extra vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is produced by the skin itself under the influence of sunlight. As we age, the skin can become thinner, which could cause the skin to produce less vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 increases the absorption of calcium in the bones. It is also important for maintaining strong bones. In addition, vitamin D3 plays a role in maintaining flexible muscles. This supplement is suitable for vegetarians and people who do not consume dairy products.

    9 , 15

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  • vitamine D3 25mcg - 90 stuks  Dutchshopper
    8 , 20

    vitamin D3 25mcg - 90 pcs

    Out of stock

    A vitamin complex that helps reduce the risk of falls due to muscle weakness and postural instability in people over 60. Falling is one of the risk factors for bone fractures in people over 60. There are several risk factors and changing any of these factors may or may not have a beneficial effect. Vitamin D helps to reduce the risks of falls, associated with postural instability and muscle weakness. This beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 20 mcg of vitamin D from all sources. Vitamin D is produced by the skin itself under the influence of sunlight. As we age, the skin can become thinner, which could cause the skin to produce less vitamin D. Vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium in the bones, which is important for maintaining strong bones. In addition, vitamin D plays a role in maintaining flexible muscles. This supplement is suitable for vegetarians and people who do not consume dairy products.

    8 , 20

    Out of stock

  • calcium-magnesium-zinc + vitamin D - 90 pcs
    10 , 50

    calcium-magnesium-zinc + vitamin D - 90 pcs

    Out of stock

    A mineral and vitamin complex in value packs for maintaining strong bones¹ and flexible muscles². ¹Calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D are important for the composition of the bones. Calcium, magnesium and vitamin D are important for building and maintaining strong teeth. ²Magnesium is good for the muscles and plays an important role in the functioning of the nerves. Zinc plays a role in tissue growth and development. This supplement is suitable for vegetarians.

    10 , 50

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  • vitamin E-400ie forte - 60 pcs
    13 , 10

    vitamin E-400ie forte - 60 pcs

    A vitamin complex to protect healthy cells and tissues. Vitamin E helps protect body cells against external influences, such as pollution and sunlight. Vitamin E is an antioxidant for the body. Vitamin E-400ie stands for 400 international units, which is equivalent to 268 milligrams.

    13 , 10

  • glucosamine-chondroitin-MSM + copper and manganese
    24 , 40

    glucosamine-chondroitin-MSM + copper and manganese

    Manganese is good for the production and construction of cartilage (in the joints) and is important for the normal formation of connective tissue in cartilage and bones. Copper contributes to the maintenance of cartilage and flexible connective tissue.

    24 , 40

  • multi total - 450 pcs
    18 , 55

    multi total - 450 pcs

    A nutritional supplement, vitamin and mineral complex with 23 important vitamins and minerals in a small tablet. It is a good addition to the daily diet. With ²vitamin B1, B3, B6 and B12 to support energy levels. ¹Vitamin C, D, Iron and Zinc help resistance. Daily use contributes to a fit life.

    18 , 55

  • seleen zink - 90 stuks  Dutchshopper
    6 , 50

    selenium zinc - 90 pcs

    Out of stock

    A mineral complex that helps protect the body's cells against external influences¹,². It is good for skin², hair¹,² and eyesight². ¹Selenium and ²zinc are antioxidants that help protect cells against oxidative damage from air pollution and UV radiation. ²Zinc is also good for the skin, nails and eyesight. ¹Selenium and ²zinc are also good for hair and help to ensure good resistance.

    6 , 50

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  • vitamine C 1500mg hoog gedoseerd - 20 bruistabletten  Dutchshopper
    5 , 20

    vitamin C 1500mg high dose - 20 effervescent tablets

    Out of stock

    This orange flavored vitamin complex with sweeteners has a positive effect on the immune system and promotes energy metabolism. Vitamin C has a positive effect on the immune system and promotes energy metabolism. Vitamin C stimulates the immune system during and after physical exertion with a daily intake of at least 200 mg in addition to the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. In addition, vitamin C contributes to the formation of collagen, which supports the condition of the gums. It is suitable for vegans.

    5 , 20

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  • night's sleep total - 30 pcs
    6 , 05

    night's sleep total - 30 pcs

    This vitamin, mineral and herbal complex supports the maintenance of a healthy night's sleep¹ and is important for the nervous system². ¹The special composition of these capsules with vitamins B1, B3 and B6 helps with a good night's sleep. ²Magnesium is important for the nervous system. Also suitable for vegetarians and vegans. *Health claims pending European approval.

    6 , 05

  • calcium-magnesium-zinc + vitamin D - 270 pcs
    21 , 50

    calcium-magnesium-zinc + vitamin D - 270 pcs

    A mineral and vitamin complex in value packs for maintaining strong bones¹ and flexible muscles². ¹Calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin D are important for the composition of the bones. Calcium, magnesium and vitamin D are important for building and maintaining strong teeth. ²Magnesium is good for the muscles and plays an important role in the functioning of the nerves. Zinc plays a role in tissue growth and development. This supplement is suitable for vegetarians.

    21 , 50

  • calcium-magnesium effervescent tablets - 20 pcs
    4 , 80

    calcium-magnesium effervescent tablets - 20 pcs

    A mineral and vitamin complex with calcium for the maintenance of strong bones and teeth and magnesium that contributes to the proper functioning of the muscles. Also contains vitamin D, which increases the absorption of calcium in the bones. The effervescent tablets have an apple, lemon flavor with sweeteners.

    4 , 80

  • vitamin C 1000mg time released and high dose - 120 pieces
    12 , 05

    vitamin C 1000mg time released and high dose - 120 pieces

    This vitamin complex supports the immune system and helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue. Vitamin C contributes to normal energy management and activates your natural energy in the body and has an anti-oxidative effect. Vitamin C stimulates the immune system during and after physical exertion with a daily intake of at least 200 mg in addition to the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. In addition, vitamin C contributes to the formation of collagen, which supports the condition of the gums. Due to its special composition, this time-released tablet is not immediately broken down in the stomach, but gradually releases the vitamin to the body.

    12 , 05

You have seen 48 out of 67 products


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