The basis for a tasty Surinamese meal and can be eaten in different ways.
* Traditionally prepared
* 3 roti sheets per package
* Easy to use
*On the table within 20 seconds
Faja lobi sandhias roti is real authentic Surinamese roti, which is prepared Homemade in a traditional Hindu way. Warm up for a few minutes before use.
* Sustainable, plant-based
* Preparation time: 5 minutes
* 5 - 50 easy-to-use recipes. Also suitable for vegetarians
* Combine with: Faja Lobi roti masala trafasie 360 ml
Faja lobi Sandhia's Roti Mini is echte authentieke surinaamse roti, die Homemade op traditioneel hindoestaanse wijze wordt bereid. Voor gebruik enkele minuten opwarmen. Plantaardig Bereidingstijd: 5 minuten 5 - 50 easy-to-use recepten. Ook geschikt voor vegetariers Combineer met: Faja Lobi roti masala trafasie 360 ml