Calvé Party sauce whiskey cocktail
Per 320 ml
Calvé Party sauce whiskey cocktail
Per 320 ml
About Calvé Whiskey Cocktail Sauce: Calvé Whiskey Cocktail Sauce has a delicious taste that you simply must have tasted. Calvé's whiskey cocktail sauce is a deliciously creamy sauce, rich in flavor. Calvé Whiskey Cocktail is a mild sauce and is made with good ingredients. Who doesn't know the iconic Calvé glass bottle? This bottle looks nice on the table during an evening of gourmet dining. But this dressing also goes well with your snacks or during the BBQ. Tip: make your dish even tastier with Calvé Whiskey Cocktail. What to serve with: Try Calvé Whiskey Cocktail Sauce with a piece of meat, wrap, vegetable skewer or sausage. Or try the whiskey cocktail sauce in the summer during a barbecue with family or friends! Of course, this sauce can also be combined well during a gourmet evening. About Calvé: The Calvé brand has been around for a long time and who in the Netherlands hasn't grown up with it? In 1883, the Dutch Oil Factory was founded in Delft. In 1898, the Dutch Oil Factory merged with a French company to form NOF Calvé-Delft, later simply Calvé. Since 1898, Calvé has been committed to making the tastiest sauces of the best...
€3 , 50
€3,85 (incl. btw)