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Mixed drinks

69 products

  • Bacardi Cuba Libre
    3 , 35
    Per 250 ml

    Bacardi Cuba Libre

    A ready-to-drink version of the hugely popular Cuba Libre cocktail, the BACARDÍ® Cuba Libre Rum in a can offers you a beautiful blend of rum, cola and lime flavors that is ready to serve, perfect for any occasion.

    3 , 35

  • Jack Daniels Whiskey Cola
    3 , 95
    Per 330 ml

    Jack Daniels Whiskey Cola

    Alcoholic mixed drink with Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey (12.5%) and Coca-Cola (87.5%).

    3 , 95

  • Gordon's Non alcoholic gin & tonic lime
    2 , 75
    Per 250 ml

    Gordon's Non alcoholic gin & tonic lime

    Non-alcoholic drink made with distilled botanicals, mixed with tonic and a hint of lime

    2 , 75

  • Gordon's Gordon's pink gin & tonic
    3 , 10
    Per 250 ml

    Gordon's Gordon's pink gin & tonic

    Pink distilled Gin mixed with tonic water (contains quinine).

    3 , 10

  • Peachtree Peach on the beach  Dutchshopper
    3 , 10
    250 Milliliter

    Peachtree Peach on the beach

    Peachtree peach on the beach is a refreshing cocktail based on peach liqueur, orange juice and cranberry juice. * Fruity cocktail in a can * Peach *Cranberry * Ready to drink

    3 , 10

  • Breezer Lime  Dutchshopper
    3 , 50
    275 Milliliter

    Breezer Lime

    Breezer lime is the perfect mix of lime and notes of rum. * A cheerful ready-made mix for every party *Best served cold or in a glass with plenty of ice cubes * Easy on-the-go * Type: premix

    3 , 50

  • Breezer Orange  Dutchshopper
    3 , 50
    275 Milliliter

    Breezer Orange

    Breezer orange is the perfect mix of orange and notes of rum. * A cheerful ready-made mix for every party *Best served cold or in a glass with plenty of ice cubes * Easy on-the-go * Type: premix

    3 , 50

  • Absolut Vodka sprite  Dutchshopper
    3 , 40
    250 Milliliter

    Absolut Vodka sprite

    Absolut vodka and Sprite is a delicious premix cocktail with the perfect combination of Premium absolut vodka and the sparkling taste of sprite, the ideal mixed drink for casual moments with friends. * Pre-mixed cocktail of absolute and sprite * Alcohol percentage: 5%

    3 , 40

  • De Kuyper Piña colada cocktail  Dutchshopper
    16 , 85
    0.5 l

    The Kuyper Piña colada cocktail

    The Kuyper ready to serve pina colada cocktail is the beloved tropical cocktail that mixes the flavors of rum, coconut and pineapple. Imagine yourself on a tropical beach with this ultimate holiday cocktail. * Ready-made cocktail * Coconut *Rum * Ready to serve * Type: Ready-made

    16 , 85

  • Sonnema Berenburg & cola  Dutchshopper
    3 , 40
    250 Milliliter

    Sonnema Berenburg & cola

    Sonnema Cola, a mix with a firm bite! Gentian root and sandalwood are used in this recipe. * Unique recipe * The same recipe for over 150 years! * Alcohol percentage 7%

    3 , 40

  • Bobby's Gin en tonic pink  Dutchshopper
    4 , 35
    250 Milliliter

    Bobby's Gin and tonic pink

    Schiedam combination of bobbys Premium gin and handmade pinkyrose lemonade with a hint of grapefruit. Real bar quality in a can.

    4 , 35

  • Bobby's Gin en tonic  Dutchshopper
    4 , 35
    250 Milliliter

    Bobby's Gin and Tonic

    Bobbys Schiedamse Premium gin with tonic. True bar quality canned with notes of the iconic combination of orange and cloves.

    4 , 35

  • Hooghoudt Cocos likorette  Dutchshopper
    9 , 90
    1 Liter

    Hooghoudt Cocos liquorette

    Imagine yourself on a tropical island with coconut liquor. * Exotic taste of coconut * Delicious with ice cream or in the mix

    9 , 90

  • Rucio Sangria  Dutchshopper
    3 , 95
    1 Liter

    Rucio Sangria

    Soft, fragrant drinks and party wine with the elegant flavor mix of red fruits, orange and sweet spices. For this and with spicy tapas. * Color, taste: red, fruity * Grape variety: {4} * Country, region: Spain * Delicious with: cheese, salad

    3 , 95

  • Bacardi Rum & cola  Dutchshopper
    4 , 20
    330 Milliliter

    Bacardi Rum & Coke

    Bacardí premix cola can is a delicious ready-made cocktail consisting of rum and cola, which provides a soft, mild taste. *Made with only natural flavors * Expertly blended for character and flavor *Available in a can sized to fit in the refrigerator *Made with Bacardi rum

    4 , 20

  • Sloane's Gin & tonic  Dutchshopper
    3 , 70
    250 Milliliter

    Sloane's Gin & tonic

    This RTD from Sloane's Gin & tonic is the perfect serve as the bartender would make. *Sloane's gin contains 9 distillates *The mix contains 10% alcohol

    3 , 70

  • Malibu Pina colada  Dutchshopper
    3 , 25
    250 Milliliter

    Malibu pina colada

    Enjoy your favorite summer cocktail with Malibu pina colada. This cocktail is a refreshing combination of pineapple juice, coconut milk and of course, Malibu rum. *Convenient to take with you * The original pina colada cocktail * Wonderfully refreshing

    3 , 25

  • Eliterna Boerenjongens  Dutchshopper
    9 , 05
    0.5 l

    Eliterna Farm Boys

    Eliterna Boerenjongens contains sun-dried raisins in home-fired spicy brandy. * Eliterna is rooted in the Betuwe, Ressen-Bemmel to be precise * Alcohol percentage 12% * The brandy is enriched with cinnamon oil and cloves *NIX 18

    9 , 05

  • Berentzen Apfelkorn  Dutchshopper
    11 , 50
    0.5 l

    Berentzen Apfelkorn

    Berentzen Apfelkorn, distilled according to old tradition, has a fresh, sweet taste. * Berentzen ApfelKorn has been a well-known Apfelkorn in the Netherlands for years * A quirky drink, popular among students and other party goers * Delicious to drink neat as an ice-cold drink and 'on the rocks' or to mix with sparkling water * Alcohol percentage: 14.5%

    11 , 50

  • Malibu Rum & pear  Dutchshopper
    3 , 25
    250 Milliliter

    Malibu Rum & pear

    Is Malibu Pear your favorite drink? Then try the refreshing pre-mixed Malibu Pear. Malibu's pre-mixed drinks are perfect for a night out and to share with your friends! *Best summer ever? Mix up your summer! * Alcohol percentage: 5.0% * Refreshing taste of pear * Ready to serve!

    3 , 25

  • Li Limoncellow  Dutchshopper
    12 , 70
    0.5 l

    Li Limoncellow

    Li is a low-alcohol limoncello that is drunk as an aperitif. * Made from hand-peeled lemons * Ready to drink limoncello * Low alcohol content (14.5%)

    12 , 70

You have seen 69 out of 69 products


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