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Oriental cuisine

509 products

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  • Conimex Thaise gele curry  Dutchshopper
    4 , 50

    Conimex Thai yellow curry

    Conimex yellow curry paste is a mild Thai curry with curry, lemongrass and Laos. * Conimex Thai yellow curry paste is the basis for a mild Thai curry * Conimex spice paste for a delicious curry with an intense and full flavor * A delicious mild Thai dish for 2 to 3 people, ready in 20 minutes * Our curries are developed by a Thai chef

    4 , 50

  • Koningsvogel Sambal oelek  Dutchshopper
    4 , 20

    King bird Sambal oelek

    Extra spicy sambal made from ground peppers. * Suitable for rice table, meat, chicken, vegetable and fish dishes * Also nice to give your dish or meal extra spice

    4 , 20

  • Conimex Sambal manis  Dutchshopper
    3 , 50

    Conimex Sambal manis fried mild sambal

    Conimex sambal Manis is an authentic mildly spicy sambal from Indonesian cuisine. * Conimex sambal Manis is a wonderfully mild sambal * The sambal is made based on an authentic Indonesian recipe * A sambal with a sweet taste, made with freshly ground lomboks * Conimex uses sustainably grown chili peppers to make the sambal

    3 , 50

  • Conimex Javaanse boontjes boemboe  Dutchshopper
    3 , 10

    Conimex Javanese beans boemboe

    Conimex Javanese Beans Boemboe is an authentic spice and herb paste from Indonesian cuisine. * Conimex Javanese bumbu beans for a sweet, spicy vegetable dish * This herb paste is made with soy sauce and sambal * A delicious dish for 3 to 4 people that is ready within 15 minutes * A herbal paste based on an authentic Javanese recipe

    3 , 10

  • Cassave kroepoek pittig  Dutchshopper
    2 , 10

    Spicy cassava crackers

    Crispy and spicy cassava, made from fresh cassava and fried in sunflower oil. Delicious as a side dish with Asian meals! * Complete your meal with this spicy seasoning * Always a success at drinks * Tip! Delicious with a sweet Chili sauce dip * Price favorites: top quality and always low priced

    2 , 10

  • Conimex Thaise groene curry  Dutchshopper
    4 , 50

    Conimex Thai green curry

    Conimex green curry paste is a spicy Thai curry with green pepper, lime leaf, Laos, coriander and cumin. * Conimex Thai green curry paste is the basis for a spicy Thai curry * Conimex spice paste for a delicious curry with an intense, full flavor * A delicious spicy dish for 2 to 3 people, ready in 20 minutes * Our curries are developed by a Thai chef

    4 , 50

  • Red Phoenix Pindasaus pikant  Dutchshopper
    4 , 55
    350 Milliliter

    Red Phoenix Spicy peanut sauce

    Do you also love satay sauce, but would you prefer it with a little more pepper? then this spicy satay is specially made to your taste. A deliciously creamy peanut sauce for dipping, snacking and garnishing. * Delicious creamy satay sauce * With a spicy taste * In handy dosing bottle * For dipping, snacking and garnishing

    4 , 55

  • Go-Tan Ketjap manis  Dutchshopper
    3 , 45
    270 Milliliter

    Go-Tan Kecap manis

    Go-tan ketjap Manis has the original, sweet taste and structure characteristic of real Indonesian ketjap. This soy sauce is made according to an authentic family recipe and is 100% natural. * Asian naturals, no preservatives and added flavor enhancers * Real Indonesian ketjap Manis * This sweet ketjap Manis is delicious with nasi, noodles, soup or satay * 100% natural

    3 , 45

  • Conimex Mix Tjap tjoy natuurlijk
    2 , 75
    Per 57 g

    Conimex Mix Tjap tjoy natuurlijk

    Ontdek de Conimex Maaltijdmix Maaltijdmix Tjap Tjoy: laten we wat vaker eten zoals ze dat in Azië doen, daar zijn ze dol op Tjap Tjoi. Op de snijplank van de Chinese cultuur werd ooit Tjap Tjoi bedacht. Een roerbakgerecht met kip en boordevol groenten. Doordat de groenten kort op hoog vuur gewokt worden, blijven ze lekker knapperig. Zelf toevoegen: 125 g champignons, 100 g peultjes, 1 paprika, 125 taugé, 1 kleine spitskool, 350 g kipfilet, 350 g rijst en Conimex Wokolie Ook zo dol op traditionele Aziatische gerechten? Wij ook! Daarom zijn de kruidenmixen verbeterd, vol met natuurlijke ingrediënten. Zo komen de echte authentieke smaken uit Indonesië, China of Singapore in jouw gerecht tot leven! Probeer ook eens Babi Ketjap, Babi Pangang, Bami Speciaal, Foo Yong Hai, Mihoen Speciaal, Kip Kerrie Madras of Nasi Speciaal! Veel van de grondstoffen worden rechtstreeks geïmporteerd vanuit landen in het Verre Oosten zoals Indonesië, China en Thailand. In de jaren 40 bracht Conimex de rijsttafel naar Nederland. Met Conimex-producten maak je thuis in een paar stappen een voortreffelijk nasi- of bamigerecht met heerlijke oosterse smaken. Met lekkere smaakmakers als kroepoek, gebakken uitjes, atjar, ketjap, sambal, seroendeng en natuurlijk satésaus smaakt elke nasi- of bamimaaltijd weer anders. Over Conimex: Al sinds 1932 zorgt Conimex ervoor dat heerlijke Oosterse smaken in Nederland verkrijgbaar zijn. Met Conimex producten maak je thuis in een paar stappen heerlijke, pittige Aziatische gerechten. Gebruik lekkere smaakmakers zoals kroepoek, gebakken uitjes, ketjap en sambal om jouw maaltijden elke keer weer anders te laten smaken.

    2 , 75

  • Lee kum kee Smaakmaker Black bean garlic stir-fry
    2 , 35
    Per 50 g

    Lee kum kee Smaakmaker Black bean garlic stir-fry

    Zwarte bonen en knoflook roerbaksaus

    2 , 35

  • Patak's Smaakmaker Butter chicken kruidenpasta
    5 , 05
    Per 165 g

    Patak's Smaakmaker Butter chicken kruidenpasta

    Currypasta voor Butter Chicken Indiase stijl.

    5 , 05

  • Go-Tan Sambal Badjak
    3 , 10
    Per 225 g

    Go-Tan Sambal Badjak

    Pittige, smaakvolle Indonesische smaakmaker. Gemaakt van gebakken Spaanse pepers en uien.

    3 , 10

  • Sum en Sam Kokosmelk
    1 , 60
    Per 200 ml

    Sum en Sam Kokosmelk


    1 , 60

  • Sum en Sam Gehakte knoflook
    1 , 85
    Per 100 g

    Sum en Sam Gehakte knoflook

    Out of stock

    Gehakte knoflookbereiding

    1 , 85

    Out of stock

  • Patak's Tikka massala paste
    3 , 85
    80 Gram

    Patak's Tikka massala paste

    De heerlijke tikka masala kruidenpasta's van Patak's nu ook in een handige portieverpakking. Combineer met onze naanbroden, Mango chutney en pappadum snacks voor een complete maaltijd. In handige portieverpakking Kruidenpasta met o.a. Kurkuma, paprika, komijn, gember en knoflook Kruidig en medium pittig van smaak Met de Patak's kruidenmixen kun je jouw eigen smaakvolle curry creeren Toen de Indiase familie pathak in 1956 naar groot-brittannie verhuisde, startten zij met de verkoop van Indiase lekkernijen vanuit huis. De familie wilde hun culturele erfgoed en de smaken van India met zoveel mogelijk mensen delen! Dit deden ze door specerijenmixen te verwerken tot sauzen en het inmaken van groenten voor heerlijke chutneys. Op deze Manier maakten ze het voor iedereen mogelijk om snel hun eigen Indiase maaltijd op tafel te toveren.

    3 , 85

  • Boemboe groene curry
    1 , 60
    95 Gram

    Boemboe groene curry

    Prijsfavorieten: topkwaliteit en altijd laaggeprijsd Dit product is een Prijsfavoriet. Dat zijn onze eigen-merkproducten van topkwaliteit en ze zijn altijd voordelig. Je herkent ze aan het blauwe duimpje. Gemakkelijk en snel maak je in een handomdraai een heerlijke, pittige Thaise groene curry. Deze boemboe bevat een mix van heerlijke kruiden en specerijen zoals citroengras en bevat de pittige smaak van groene pepertjes. Tip; wil je de curry minder pittig maken, gebruik dan de helft van de boemboe of voeg een half kopje kokos crème of water toe. Lekker in curry’s met vlees, vis of groenten. Tip: ook erg lekker met cashewnoten. Rijke boemboe, op basis van fijn gevijzelde kruiden en specerijen Pittige Thaise curry, vol van smaak Heerlijk pittig en kruidig gerecht voor 3 tot 4 personen.

    1 , 60

  • Tilda Balti
    4 , 65
    375 Gram

    Tilda Balti

    Tilda balti saus is een mild pittige saus. Serveer met basmati rijst en een pittige chutney Op basis van gekaramelliseerde ui, tomaat, gember en garam masala Balti: de metalen pan waarin het gemaakt en geserveerd wordt Geschikt voor vegetariers De Indiase keuken staat bekend om zijn kruidige currys, dals en gerechten uit de Aziatische kleioven tandoor. Tilda introduceert nu een aantal mooie maaltijdsauzen, bijgerechten en chutneys gebaseerd op authentieke Indiase smaken. Klassiekers, maar ook minder bekende (bij)gerechten, die stuk voor stuk een genot zijn voor de smaakpapillen. Alle producten zijn door een Indiase chef ontwikkeld en in India gemaakt. De kant-en-klare maaltijdsauzen en bijgerechten hoeven alleen opgewarmd te worden om te serveren. Maar je kunt ze ook naar eigen smaak verrijken met extra toevoegingen zoals kip, groenten en paneer (jonge kaas). Met raita (yoghurtsaus), rijst of naan (platbrood) maak je je maaltijd compleet. Zo zet je authentieke Indiase smaken snel op tafel.een van de vaste items bij de Indiase maaltijd is rijst, meestal basmati rijst. Basmati rijst werd vijftig jaar geleden door Tilda geintroduceerd in de westerse wereld en is nog altijd een van onze paradepaardjes. Sinds die tijd brengen we de mooiste producten uit verschillende regios van azie hierheen. Exotische smaken die inspireren om heerlijke, aromatische gerechten mee te maken.

    4 , 65

  • Pinda satesaus mix
    1 , 40
    68 Gram

    Pinda satesaus mix

    Met een handomdraai zet je een heerlijke satésaus op tafel. Past uitstekend bij gerechten zoals nasi en bami, maar probeer hem ook eens als dip bij bijvoorbeeld kroepoek. Mix van specijeren en pinda's Saté is Indonesisch voor geroosterd vlees, kip of garnalen geregen aan een stokje

    1 , 40

  • Fairtrade Original Woksaus teriyaki  Dutchshopper
    3 , 80
    Per 150 ml

    Fairtrade Original Wok sauce teriyaki

    Where taste begins Taste starts at the origin. Where the seed goes into the ground. Where tropical rain showers flood the rice fields and the sun ripens the fruit. Taste starts with our herb farmers, who know exactly where to find the ripe peppers. Everything is prepared and packaged as directly as possible, so that the original taste is preserved. That is what makes Fairtrade Original. Our seasoning for your stir-fry dishes In Japanese cuisine, soy sauce is indispensable. It gives a delicious, salty taste. The Teriyaki wok sauce gives exactly that subtle taste to all your quick wok dishes. This wok sauce is made in Pathum Thani, Thailand. Soy/rice: Fairtrade certified, traded, controlled and sourced from Fairtrade producers. Fairtrade cane sugar: purchased under Fairtrade conditions according to the mass balance principle. Total 85%. www.info.fairtrade.net/sourcing

    3 , 80

  • Boemboe bami goreng
    1 , 60
    Per 95 g

    Boemboe bami goreng

    Herb paste for bami goreng

    1 , 60

  • Go-Tan Stem Ginger
    4 , 55
    Per 240 g

    Go-Tan Stem Ginger

    Stem ginger is an Asian spice, made from the young, tender ginger root. It is used in dishes and cookies and is very tasty as an aperitif or snack.

    4 , 55

  • Conimex Sambal manis
    3 , 40
    Per 200 g

    Conimex Sambal manis

    Let's eat more often like they do in Indonesia. Pure inspiration. Conimex Sambal Manis is a mildly spicy sambal. This delicious Conimex Sambal Manis is made from freshly ground lomboks (chili peppers), according to an authentic Indonesian recipe. The chili peppers that Conimex uses for sambal are sustainably grown. This sambal gives a mildly spicy flavor to your Oriental dishes, but also works well in sauces, stews and stews. Whether you use a lot of sambal or a little, everyone can enjoy it. Selamat Makan! Curious about Conimex's other sambal flavors? In addition to Conimex Sambal Manis, there is also Conimex Sambal Oelek, Sambal Badjak and Sambal Brandal. About Conimex: Since 1932, Conimex has ensured that delicious Oriental flavors are available in the Netherlands. With Conimex products you can make delicious, spicy Asian dishes at home in just a few steps. Use tasty seasonings such as prawn crackers, fried onions, soy sauce and sambal to make your meals taste different every time.

    3 , 40

  • Go-Tan Gehakte lemongrass (citroengras)
    3 , 65
    Per 100 g

    Go-Tan Gehakte lemongrass (citroengras)

    Vers gehakte citroengras. Geeft een frisse smaak aan (Aziatische) gerechten.

    3 , 65

  • Go-Tan Coconut Cream (santen) all natural
    3 , 40
    Per 150 g

    Go-Tan Coconut Cream (santen) all natural

    Rich, creamy and 100% pure coconut cream. Suitable for preparation in dishes (curries), drinks and biscuits.

    3 , 40

  • Sum and Sam Sambal bathrobe
    2 , 35
    Per 200 g

    Sum and Sam Sambal bathrobe

    Out of stock

    Ground Sweet Chili Pepper Preparation with Fried Onion

    2 , 35

    Out of stock

  • Sum and Sam Sambal brandal
    2 , 40
    Per 200 g

    Sum and Sam Sambal brandal

    Sambal Brandal, Extra spicy red pepper paste

    2 , 40

  • Conimex Wok Sauce Sweet Soya
    4 , 15
    Per 175 ml

    Conimex Wok Sauce Sweet Soya

    Let's eat more often like they do in Asia. Pure inspiration. The Conimex Sweet Soya Wok Sauce is a delicious sweet Oriental sauce with authentic herbs and spices. Conimex Sweet Soya Wok Sauce is vegan and contains no artificial colorings or added flavor enhancers. Use the stir-fry sauce for the perfect stir-fry dish. Also delicious as a dressing or marinade. Put a delicious stir-fry dish on the table in no time. In combination with (vegetarian) chicken pieces or beef strips, Oriental stir-fried vegetables and stir-fried noodles, you can quickly enjoy a delicious meal. Stir-frying is a Chinese cooking technique that is more than 2,000 years old. The shape of the wok distributes the heat evenly, so that the ingredients are cooked quickly and taste and vitamins are retained better than when they are boiled. With Conimex wok oil, various types of noodles and the different wok sauces you can always make a different delicious wok dish with your own favorite fresh ingredients. The Conimex Wok sauces are made with authentic herbs and spices. This gives a delicious flavor to any stir-fry or other Asian dish. Also try the other Conimex Wok sauces with your dish: Garlic Coriander, Hoisin, Lemongrass Chili, Sweet & Sour, Sweet Chili, Five Spice or Teriyaki. With Conimex products you can prepare excellent dishes with delicious Asian flavors at home in just a few steps. With tasty seasonings such as prawn crackers, fried onions, ketjap, sambal and of course satay sauce, every meal tastes different.

    4 , 15

  • Krupuk Bali
    2 , 15
    Per 100g

    Krupuk Bali

    Prawn crackers seasoned

    2 , 15

  • Sum and Sam Ketjap Asin
    2 , 00
    Per 250 ml

    Sum and Sam Ketjap Asin

    Salty soy sauce

    2 , 00

  • Bami Goreng with Satay Ajam
    10 , 30
    Per 450 g

    Bami Goreng with Satay Ajam

    Bami Goreng with marinated pieces of chicken fillet in peanut sauce.

    10 , 30

  • Prawn crackers Natural small
    2 , 00
    Per 100g

    Prawn crackers Natural small

    Prawn crackers with sugar and sweetener

    2 , 00

  • Conimex Wok sauce Hoisin
    4 , 15
    Per 175 ml

    Conimex Wok sauce Hoisin

    Let's eat more often like they do in Asia. Pure inspiration. The Conimex Hoisin Wok Sauce is a delicious sweet and spicy Oriental sauce with authentic herbs and spices. Conimex Hoisin Wok Sauce is vegetarian and contains no artificial colorings or added flavor enhancers. Use the stir-fry sauce for the perfect stir-fry dish. Also delicious as a dressing or marinade. Put a delicious stir-fry dish on the table in no time. In combination with (vegetarian) chicken pieces or beef strips, Oriental stir-fried vegetables and stir-fried noodles, you can quickly enjoy a delicious meal. Stir-frying is a Chinese cooking technique that is more than 2,000 years old. The shape of the wok distributes the heat evenly, so that the ingredients are cooked quickly and taste and vitamins are retained better than when they are boiled. With Conimex wok oil, various types of noodles and the different wok sauces you can always make a different delicious wok dish with your own favorite fresh ingredients. The Conimex Wok sauces are made with authentic herbs and spices. This gives a delicious flavor to any stir-fry or other Asian dish. Also try the other Conimex Wok sauces with your dish: Garlic Coriander, Five Spice, Lemongrass Chili, Sweet & Sour, Sweet Chili, Sweet Soya or Teriyaki. With Conimex products you can prepare excellent dishes with delicious Asian flavors at home in just a few steps. With tasty seasonings such as prawn crackers, fried onions, ketjap, sambal and of course satay sauce, every meal tastes different.

    4 , 15

  • Conimex Prawn crackers Spicy cassava
    3 , 25
    Per 75 g

    Conimex Prawn crackers Spicy cassava

    Discover Conimex Kroepoek Spicy Cassava: let's eat more often like they do in Indonesia, they love Kroepoek there! Conimex Spicy Cassava Prawn Crackers are vegan and deliciously spicy according to an authentic Eastern recipe. This Conimex Spicy Cassava Prawn Crackers has a nice crispy bite. This delicious Conimex Spicy Cassava Prawn Cracker is made from sustainably grown fresh cassava. Cassava are root tubers of savannah plants that originally grow in Brazil. Because we believe it is important that our ingredients are sourced responsibly, our cassava comes from Rainforest Alliance certified farms. The cassava is therefore grown responsibly and contributes positively to better working conditions and protection of nature. Traditionally kneaded and baked, prawn crackers are the crispy side dish for your Asian meal. Kroepoek is a collective name for all kinds of delicious crunchy snacks. In addition to shrimp crackers or cassava, there are even more varieties to discover! The packaging of this Conimex Cassava Spicy Prawn Crackers is recyclable and can be disposed of with the plastic waste. About Conimex: Since 1932, Conimex has ensured that delicious Oriental flavors are available in the Netherlands. With Conimex products you can make delicious, spicy Asian dishes at home in just a few steps. Use tasty seasonings such as prawn crackers, fried onions, soy sauce and sambal to make your meals taste different every time.

    3 , 25

  • Fairtrade Original Green Curry herb paste Fairtrade
    3 , 55
    Per 70g

    Fairtrade Original Green Curry herb paste Fairtrade

    Mild green curry from Pathum Thani, Thailand

    3 , 55

  • Fairtrade Original Yellow curry spice paste Fairtrade
    3 , 55
    Per 70g

    Fairtrade Original Yellow curry spice paste Fairtrade

    Mildly spicy yellow curry from Pathum Thani, Thailand

    3 , 55

  • Conimex Kroepoek Bali
    3 , 10
    Per 75 g

    Conimex Kroepoek Bali

    About Conimex Bali Kroepoek: Let's eat more often like they do in Indonesia. Conimex Bali Prawn Crackers are a delicious snack that is often eaten in Indonesia. This prawn cracker is mildly spiced and crispy, contains fresh shrimps from the Indonesian seas and is made with high-quality local ingredients, such as tapioca flour. It is produced in the Indonesian Coral Triangle, an area rich in fish and coral species, where many people make a living from fishing. To guarantee the future of the fishermen, the environment and our prawn crackers, we are working on making shrimp fishing more sustainable step by step. For example, we encourage the use of better nets to prevent overfishing and ensure that the coral remains intact. In addition to shrimp crackers, there are many other types of prawn crackers to discover. How to use: Traditionally kneaded and baked, prawn crackers are the crispy side dish for your Asian meal or as a snack. This seasoning is delicious with nasi, but a handful of prawn crackers as a snack is also possible. The packaging of this Conimex Natural Prawn Crackers is recyclable and can be disposed of with the plastic waste. About Conimex: Since 1932, Conimex has ensured that delicious oriental flavors are available in the Netherlands. With Conimex products you can make delicious Asian dishes at home in just a few steps. Use tasty seasonings such as prawn crackers, fried onions, soy sauce and sambal to make your meals taste different every time.

    3 , 10

  • Kikkoman Ramen soup base shoyu  Dutchshopper
    6 , 95
    250 Milliliter

    Kikkoman Ramen soup base shoyu

    Making the tastiest ramen soup is super easier: add 270 ml of hot water to 30 ml of Kikkoman ramen base for soup and you are ready to flavor your soup to your heart's content. * Simple basics to make your own ramen soup at home * Add your favorite vegetables, meat, fish or vegetarian ingredients

    6 , 95

  • Kikkoman Sauce soja sucrée  Dutchshopper
    6 , 75
    150 Milliliter

    Kikkoman Sauce soy sucrée

    Savory, slightly sweet seasoning that suits every dish. For stir-frying, marinating, dipping, or simply cooking in the pan. * Kikkoman soy sauce is naturally fermented and brewed * Suitable as a salt substitute and seasoning with a slightly sweet character * Without artificial colors and flavors

    6 , 75

  • Fairtrade Original Kruidenpasta korma  Dutchshopper
    3 , 85

    Fairtrade Original Herbal paste korma

    Fairtrade original Thai massaman curry. Made in Pathum Thani, Thailand. Mild curry based on a mix of warm spices and herbs. * Made from only plant-based ingredients * No artificial additives * With the Max Havelaar fair trade quality mark

    3 , 85

  • Go-Tan Gebakken uitjes  Dutchshopper
    2 , 20

    Go-Tan Fried onions

    Go-Tan fried onions are made from fine, selected onions, which are provided with a dough layer and then fried in vegetable oil. * Delicious on noodles or nasi, but also delicious on salads and in soups or with meatballs. * Vegetarian

    2 , 20

  • BioFan Ketjap manis  Dutchshopper
    2 , 80
    125 Milliliter

    Biofan Kecap manis

    Sweet Indonesian soy sauce (without salt)! This sauce has a nice syrupy structure and is made from soy beans (gluten-free). Ideal to use as a marinade! * Indonesian soy sauce, without salt *Made from soy beans * Suitable if you are hypersensitive to wheat or have a gluten allergy * Indispensable in the kitchen: ideal as a marinade

    2 , 80

  • Itsu Brilliant broth miso ramen  Dutchshopper
    5 , 80
    0.5 l

    Itsu Brilliant broth miso ramen

    Our miso ramen broth has a delicious umami taste due to the use of miso and mushrooms. Creamy in structure, with flavors of tamarind, lime leaf and chili. * Ready for immediate use * Delicious as a base for soup in combination with our noodles * Suitable for vegans * In a handy resealable package

    5 , 80

  • Lee Kum Kee Premium oestersaus  Dutchshopper
    8 , 05

    Lee Kum Kee Premium Oyster Sauce

    "Lee Kum Kee "Premium" Oyster Sauce, the number 1 in oyster sauces!" * Can be used as a marinade, stir-fry sauce or table sauce * To marinate: add 1 tablespoon to 200 grams of meat * For stir-frying (3-4 people): use 3 tablespoons of Lee Kum Kee Oyster Sauce

    8 , 05

  • Itsu Brilliant broth chicken ramen  Dutchshopper
    5 , 80
    0.5 l

    Itsu Brilliant broth chicken ramen

    Our chicken stock is great and goes really well with chicken and gyoza (see in the freezer!). The broth is creamy because of the tahini in the recipe. This makes it a powerful yet gentle dish. * Ready for immediate use * Delicious as a base for soup in combination with our noodles * Also use as stock for risotto * In a handy resealable package

    5 , 80

  • Samasaya Krupuk pedis  Dutchshopper
    3 , 25

    Samasaya Krupuk pedis

    Samasaya's prawn crackers are delicious with an Asian meal or as a snack. This variant of the shrimp crackers has more spice and is spicy. * 100% natural * Handmade * Crispy fried in 100% sunflower oil

    3 , 25

  • Conimex Kroepoek Jakarta  Dutchshopper
    2 , 80

    Conimex Prawn Crackers Jakarta

    Conimex Jakarta prawn crackers are deliciously mildly seasoned and kneaded in a traditional way in Indonesia. * Conimex Jakarta prawn crackers are authentic Indonesian prawn crackers * The prawn crackers have a wonderfully crispy bite * These cassava prawn crackers are delicious with an Asian meal or as a snack * Made from tapioca flour and sustainably grown cassava from Indonesia

    2 , 80

  • Koh Thai Rode currypasta  Dutchshopper
    5 , 60

    Koh Thai Red curry paste

    Koh Thai stands for the island of flavors. This refers to the many flavors of Thai cuisine. In Thailand, every island and every region is characterized by its own ingredients and dishes. * Curry paste based on red peppers, lemongrass and a little cardamom * 100% naturally gluten-free * Dose to your own taste for sharpness * Use an average of 2 tbsp curry paste for 2 people

    5 , 60

  • Kikkoman Teriyaki sauce roasted garlic  Dutchshopper
    7 , 55
    250 Milliliter

    Kikkoman Teriyaki sauce roasted garlic

    This is a delicious sauce for stir-frying, marinating or dipping. * Authentic original Japanese brand * Savory and slightly spicy seasoning * With full flavor of roasted garlic * Versatile as a stir-fry sauce, marinade or dipping sauce

    7 , 55

You have seen 96 out of 509 products

Ontdek de rijke smaken van de oosterse keuken met onze speciale verzameling authentieke ingrediënten en kruidenmixen. Van geurige satésaus tot zoete ketjap manis, onze producten brengen de traditionele smaken van Indonesië direct naar jouw keuken. Geniet van snel en voordelig online winkelen met Dutchshopper, dat speciaal is gericht op Nederlanders, expats en overwinteraars in het buitenland. Met een uitgebreid assortiment van smaakmakers en kruiden geef je jouw gerechten een onvergetelijke oosterse twist. Maak van elke maaltijd een feestelijke ervaring en laat je inspireren door de veelzijdigheid van de oosterse keuken! Bestel vandaag nog en proef het verschil.