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Snack sauces, mayonnaise

345 products

  • Go-Tan Sriracha (hot) chili sauce
    3 , 75
    Per 215 ml

    Go-Tan Sriracha (hot) chili sauce

    Delicious spicy chili sauce with a perfect taste balance. Very distinctive in taste compared to other chili sauces. Suitable for flavoring oriental and non-oriental dishes.

    3 , 75

  • Mustard
    1 , 40
    Per 250g


    1 , 40

  • Kuhne Mustard
    1 , 80
    Per 250 ml

    Kuhne Mustard

    Naturally without additives** **Without added preservatives, flavor enhancers and flavorings.

    1 , 80

  • Yildriz Thai Sriracha Mayo
    3 , 45
    Per 265 ml

    Yildriz Thai Sriracha Mayo

    Yildriz Thai Sriracha Mayo is a creamy mayo with spicy red peppers and a hint of garlic.

    3 , 45

  • Table sauce whiskey cocktail sauce
    1 , 75
    Per 300 ml

    Table sauce whiskey cocktail sauce

    plus whiskey cocktail sauce 300ml

    1 , 75

  • Heinz tomato ketchup
    3 , 30
    Per 400 ml

    Heinz tomato ketchup

    No other tomato ketchup tastes like Heinz ketchup. The unmistakable beloved Heinz taste comes from our sun-ripened tomatoes, together with our passion and knowledge, which give the recipe of this ketchup its unique taste. Our Tomato Ketchup is Grown not Made, so it goes perfectly with everything. This natural tomato sauce can be used for everyday dishes as well as for BBQ and Grill dishes. Without any artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, Heinz gets its rich, full taste, and you can taste it!

    3 , 30

  • Table sauce spicy garlic sauce
    1 , 75
    Per 300 ml

    Table sauce spicy garlic sauce

    plus spicy garlic sauce 300ml

    1 , 75

  • Oliehoorn curry sauce
    3 , 75
    Per 465 ml

    Oliehoorn curry sauce

    Sweet, slightly spicy curry sauce

    3 , 75

  • Oliehoorn Mayonnaise 80%
    5 , 70
    Per 750 ml

    Oliehoorn Mayonnaise 80%

    Creamy, slightly sweet mayonnaise

    5 , 70

  • Table sauce garlic sauce
    1 , 75
    Per 300 ml

    Table sauce garlic sauce

    plus garlic sauce 300ml

    1 , 75

  • Heinz Ketchup no added sugar and salt
    5 , 70
    Per 570 ml

    Heinz Ketchup no added sugar and salt

    The unmistakable taste of our sun-ripened tomatoes, together with our knowledge and passion, give our Heinz Tomato Ketchup the irresistible taste you know and love. Our Tomato Ketchup is Grown not Made, so it goes perfectly with everything. This natural tomato sauce can be used for everyday dishes as well as for BBQ and Grill dishes. Without any artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, there is no other ketchup that tastes like Heinz. Heinz Tomato Ketchup Without Added Sugars & Salt ensures that everyone can enjoy ketchup with the unmistakable Heinz taste without any worries.

    5 , 70

  • Remia Mayolijn
    2 , 90
    Per 500 ml

    Remia Mayolijn

    Remia Mayoline has a wonderfully full and creamy taste, but contains 55% less fat than Mayonnaise. This vegan Mayo is 100% plant-based. For the conscious connoisseur.

    2 , 90

  • Remia Olijvonaise
    3 , 10
    Per 480 ml

    Remia Olijvonaise

    Remia Mayonnaise with olive oil is a creamy mayonnaise based on olive oil and sunflower oil.

    3 , 10

  • Snack sauce mayonnaise
    3 , 60
    Per 750 ml

    Snack sauce mayonnaise

    plus mayonnaise 750 ml

    3 , 60

  • Yildriz Garlic hot
    3 , 45
    Per 265 ml

    Yildriz Garlic hot

    Creamy spicy, with full garlic flavor.

    3 , 45

  • Yildriz Greek garlic sauce
    3 , 45
    Per 265 ml

    Yildriz Greek garlic sauce

    Fresh in taste, with extra garlic.

    3 , 45

  • Yildriz Turkish garlic sauce
    3 , 30
    Per 265 ml

    Yildriz Turkish garlic sauce

    Creamy sweet, with full garlic flavor.

    3 , 30

  • Heinz Ketchup 50% less sugars and salt
    4 , 65
    Per 435 g

    Heinz Ketchup 50% less sugars and salt

    The unmistakable taste of our sun-ripened tomatoes, together with our knowledge and passion, give our Heinz Tomato Ketchup the irresistible taste you know and love. Our Tomato Ketchup is Grown not Made, so it goes perfectly with everything. This natural tomato sauce can be used for everyday dishes as well as for BBQ and Grill dishes. Without any artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, there is no other ketchup that tastes like Heinz. Tomato Ketchup 50% Less Sugars & 50% Salt is the conscious variant of Heinz Tomato Ketchup, with more tomatoes and the unmistakable taste of Heinz Tomato Ketchup. The unmistakable taste of our sun-ripened tomatoes, together with our knowledge and passion, give our Heinz Tomato Ketchup the irresistible taste you know and love. Our Tomato Ketchup is Grown not Made, so it goes perfectly with everything. This natural tomato sauce can be used for everyday dishes as well as for BBQ and Grill dishes. Without any artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, there is no other ketchup that tastes like Heinz. Tomato Ketchup 50% Less Sugars & 50% Salt is the conscious variant of Heinz Tomato Ketchup, with more tomatoes and the unmistakable taste of Heinz Tomato Ketchup. The authentic and unmistakable taste of Heinz Tomato Ketchup. No artificial colours, preservatives or thickeners. 50% less sugars and salt. Available sizes: 220ml, 400ml, 570ml. The authentic and unmistakable taste of Heinz

    4 , 65

  • Remia American Smokey barbecue sauce
    5 , 45
    Per 450 ml

    Remia American Smokey barbecue sauce

    The Black Jack is a strong smokey barbecue sauce with the authentic smoky flavor of hickory wood. Can also be used as a marinade. The Real American BBQ Sauces by Remia: for real BBQ heroes!

    5 , 45

  • Marne Honey mustard sauce
    3 , 30
    Per 350 ml

    Marne Honey mustard sauce

    Marne Honey Mustard Sauce is a delicious sweet and creamy sauce. A surprising combination of mustard and sauce. Marne Honey Mustard Sauce tastes very good with fish, in a dressing or on a tasty sandwich.

    3 , 30

  • Van Wijngaarden's Curry ketchup  Dutchshopper
    3 , 75
    325 Milliliter

    Van Wijngaarden's Curry ketchup

    The spicy curry ketchup from Zaanse is now also available in a handy squeeze bottle. Spicy and full of flavour, a real seasoning for many dishes. * A spicy curry ketchup with character *Ideal for use on the table * In handy squeeze bottle with star opening * Gluten free

    3 , 75

  • Calvé Fiesta picante  Dutchshopper
    4 , 55
    250 Milliliter

    Calvé Fiesta picante

    Calve fiesta picante sauce squeeze bottle is a spicy tomato sauce that is delicious with Mexican dishes! * Calve fiesta picante sauce squeeze bottle is delicious with snacks or snacks * A spicy tomato sauce with Mexican herbs and green jalapeno * The sauce is packaged in a bottle made from 99% recycled PET plastic * A 100% vegan table sauce made with tomatoes, peppers, sambal and spices

    4 , 55

  • Mayoneur Cucumber ginger mayo  Dutchshopper
    4 , 20

    Mayoneur Cucumber ginger mayo

    Our cucumber ginger mayo is a delicious, refreshing choice for your dishes. Made with real cucumber and herbs, ideal for salads, sandwiches and gyros. * With real cucumber and ginger * Delicious with the BBQ, gourgmet, drinks and Mediterranean recipes * Allergen free mayo without sacrificing taste * Handy and easy squeeze bottle, ideal for dosing

    4 , 20

  • Rimboesauzen Tokkiesaus  Dutchshopper
    3 , 60
    380 Milliliter

    Bush sauces Tokkie sauce

    Rimboe tokkie sauce: an unusually tasty snack sauce for BBQs or gourmet meals. * A sweet yellow sauce with pieces of silver onion and notes of various garden herbs * Delicious as a sauce for the BBQ or gourmet * Also delicious with baked potatoes or fries * Our sauces taste best chilled

    3 , 60

  • Rimboesauzen Big burgersaus  Dutchshopper
    3 , 60
    380 Milliliter

    Bush sauces Big burger sauce

    Rimboe big burger sauce: a delicious sauce for fries or a tasty burger. * A light yellow sweet and sour fries sauce with hints of pickle and onion * Delicious as a sauce for the BBQ or gourmet *Of course also delicious with a burger * Our sauces taste best chilled

    3 , 60

  • Van Wijngaarden's Tomaten ketchup  Dutchshopper
    3 , 75
    325 Milliliter

    Van Wijngaarden's Tomato Ketchup

    The delicious ketchup from Zaanse is now also available in a handy squeeze bottle. Fresh-sweet and full of flavour, a real seasoning for many dishes. * A delicious fresh-sweet taste *Ideal for use on the table * In handy squeeze bottle with star opening * Gluten free

    3 , 75

  • Rimboesauzen Piri piri saus  Dutchshopper
    3 , 60
    380 Milliliter

    Bush sauces Piri piri sauce

    Rimboe piri piri sauce: a delicious sauce for a chicken. * A sweet, slightly red spicy pepper sauce with a hint of chilli flakes * Delicious as a sauce for the BBQ or gourmet * Can also be used as a meat or fish marinade * Our sauces taste best chilled

    3 , 60

  • Hellmann's Chili saus  Dutchshopper
    5 , 05
    250 Milliliter

    Hellmann's Chili mayonnaise

    Hellmann's Chili mayo is a creamy mayo with a fiery kick of red chili pepper. * Hellmann's Chili sauce is a creamy sauce with a wonderfully spicy taste * This mayonnaise with red chili pepper gives every dish a fiery kick *The squeeze bottle of the sauce is made of 100% recycled plastic * Spicy seasoning for (veggie) burgers, chicken, fries or grilled meat

    5 , 05

  • Calvé Mayonaise  Dutchshopper
    7 , 65
    0.75 l

    Calvé Mayonnaise

    Calve, the real mayonnaise squeeze bottle, is full of flavor and made from good and pure ingredients, without artificial flavors. Make your dish even tastier with calve! * The ideal seasoning for a portion of fries with a creamy character? * Made from vegetable oil and eggs with a 3-star Better Life quality mark * Value pack of the trusted squeeze bottle with handy dosing cap * The one and only mayonnaise, without artificial flavors

    7 , 65

  • Hellmann's Vegan mayo  Dutchshopper
    6 , 75
    430 Milliliter

    Hellmann's Vegan mayo

    Hellmann's vegan mayo is our alternative to traditional mayonnaise, the same delicious Hellmann's taste you know and love, now 100% plant-based. * Hellmann's vegan mayo: 100% plant-based with the same great taste * With thick, creamy texture and fresh taste like our traditional mayonnaise * The squeeze bottle of this mayonnaise is made from 100% recycled PET plastic * The golden seasoning for your veggie burger, sandwich, salad or fries

    6 , 75

  • Hellmann's Truffle saus  Dutchshopper
    5 , 30
    250 Milliliter

    Hellmann's Truffle mayonnaise

    Out of stock

    Hellmann's truffle mayonnaise with a creamy, full flavor is delicious with gourmet food and is suitable for vegetarians. * Hellmann's truffle mayonnaise is creamy and suitable for vegetarians * Truffle mayonnaise with free-range eggs and the pure taste of truffle * The squeeze bottle of this mayonnaise is made from 100% recycled PET plastic * This creamy mayonnaise is delicious with fries or a burger

    5 , 30

    Out of stock

  • Heinz Ketchup zero  Dutchshopper
    3 , 50
    250 Gram

    Heinz Tomato ketchup zero

    No other ketchup Tastes like Heinz. Enjoy the irresistible taste of Heinz ketchup without added sugars and salt. * The authentic and unmistakable taste of Heinz tomato ketchup * Without added sugars and salt * Your perfect match with a hamburger, hot dog, fries or sandwich *No artificial colours, preservatives or thickeners

    3 , 50

  • Hellmann's Vegan Mayo
    4 , 60
    Per 340 ml

    Hellmann's Vegan Mayo

    About Hellmann's Vegan Mayonnaise Pot: Hellmann’s Vegan Mayo offers the same thick, creamy texture and unmistakable great taste, but it’s 100% plant-based. We’re proud to source our oils responsibly and sustainably, and to make our plant-based mayo without artificial colors or flavors. Make it a regular part of your Meat Free Monday and bring your next vegetarian or vegan meal to life with this deliciously creamy condiment. Spread it on sandwiches, it spreads better than butter straight from the fridge. Dress a salad, add it to a veggie burger, or use it as a dip for fries. For a super crunchy and delicious vegan grilled cheese sandwich, simply spread Hellmann’s Vegan Mayo on the outside of the bread before grilling. Hellmann’s Vegan Mayo is our vegan alternative to traditional mayonnaise, the same great Hellmann’s taste you know and love, now 100% plant-based. Instructions for use: Refrigerate after opening. Make Taste, Not Waste. Just experiment and create a top dish with Hellman's Vegan Mayonnaise and what's in your fridge. Waste less and save more. About Hellmann's: More than 100 years ago, Richard Hellmann started selling Hellmann's from his Deli in New York. Since then, Hellmann's has grown and is available in many countries. Worldwide, 20,000 packages of Hellmann's are now sold every hour. He characterized the best products by tying a blue ribbon around the jar. This blue ribbon can still be found on our label. It represents our continuous care for the best quality products. Refrigerate after opening. Hellmann's, Bring Out Real Taste!

    4 , 60

  • Callowfit Smoky BBQ saus  Dutchshopper
    6 , 25
    300 Milliliter

    Callowfit Smoky BBQ sauce

    A delicious lightly smoked BBQ sauce without fat and added sugars. * Low calorie * Gluten free * Lactose-free *Vegan

    6 , 25

  • Hela Kruiden ketchup curry 30% minder suiker  Dutchshopper
    4 , 20
    300 Milliliter

    Hela Herbal ketchup curry 30% less sugar

    This popular, sweet, spicy curry sauce with 30% less sugar* has a high proportion of herbs and spices and is a real seasoning for many dishes. * *30% less sugar compared to Hela Herbal Ketchup Curry Original. * Vegan, Gluten-free and Lactose-free *Contains no sweeteners * Delicious with fries, fries, snacks, toasted sandwiches, sandwiches and meat dishes.

    4 , 20

  • Maille Dijonmosterd à' l'ancienne  Dutchshopper
    4 , 70

    Maille Dijon mustard à' l'ancienne

    The Maille Dijon Ancienne mustard is a coarse mustard with the addition of white wine, which makes this mustard very special. * Ideal to use for sauces or soups *Made from whole mustard seeds

    4 , 70

  • Knoflooksaus  Dutchshopper
    6 , 25
    0.5 l

    garlic sauce

    Knoflooksaus met suikers en zoetstoffen Heerlijk bij shoarma, kebab of als dip voor groenten Bewaaradvies: koel en donker bewaren Tip: Voeg knoflooksaus toe aan een broodje hamburger voor extra smaak.

    6 , 25

  • Calvé BBQ saus  Dutchshopper
    3 , 25
    250 Milliliter

    Calvé BBQ sauce

    Calve BBQ sauce is a slightly spicy barbecue sauce, delicious with drumsticks, spare ribs or of course the barbecue. * Calve BBQ sauce is delicious with barbecued meat, hamburgers or a wrap * This Calve sauce has a delicious, slightly spicy taste * The sauce is packaged in a squeeze bottle, made from 99% recycled PET plastic * Indispensable for the barbecue or gourmet meal with friends

    3 , 25

  • Doesburgsche mosterd  Dutchshopper
    1 , 90

    Doesburg mustard

    Out of stock

    Coarse farmers' mustard, prepared according to a centuries-old recipe in a small traditional production company. * You can marinate your meat with it (leave it for 8 hours). * You can knead a large tablespoon with your minced meat. * You can make a delicious mustard sauce with it. * And you can prepare a tasty pan of mustard soup.

    1 , 90

    Out of stock

  • Mayo met yoghurt  Dutchshopper
    2 , 30
    220 Milliliter

    Mayo with yogurt

    Mayo prepared with low-fat yogurt for a creamy yet fresh taste. The seasoning for many dishes. Also ideal for easily preparing salad dressings. * Of course delicious with fried potatoes and fries * Prepared with free-range eggs * Less fat than regular mayonnaise

    2 , 30

  • Heinz Tomaten ketchup  Dutchshopper
    5 , 65
    0.88 l

    Heinz tomato ketchup

    No other ketchup Tastes like Heinz. The unmistakable beloved Heinz taste comes from our sun-ripened quality tomatoes, together with our passion and knowledge, which give our recipe its unique taste. * The authentic and unmistakable taste of Heinz tomato ketchup *No artificial colours, preservatives or thickeners * Your perfect match with a hamburger, hot dog, fries or sandwich *Available in different sizes

    5 , 65

  • Remia Tosti quick  Dutchshopper
    3 , 15
    350 Milliliter

    Remia Tosti quick

    With Remia tosti quick you can make a delicious warm savory bread snack in no time. Spread a slice of bread, add a slice of cheese, put it in the oven or sandwich maker for a delicious warm sandwich/pizza. * Unique product to make a warm bread snack * Vegetable-based sauce for a healthy snack

    3 , 15

  • Jean Bâton Mayonaise biologische  Dutchshopper
    4 , 25

    Jean Bâton Organic Mayonnaise

    We make Jean Bâton Organic Mayonnaise from 100% organic ingredients, without additives or preservatives. And without sugar, with a nice, fresh and sour taste. * Biological * No sugar added * Gluten free

    4 , 25

  • Yildriz Amerikaanse barbecue saus  Dutchshopper
    3 , 60
    265 Milliliter

    Yildriz American barbecue sauce

    Yildriz American BBQ sauce, sweet and spicy with a smokey flavor. * Smokey BBQ sauce according to American recipe * Delicious with a burger or grilled meat * With handy dosing cap * Our sauces taste best chilled

    3 , 60

  • Jean Bâton Classiques truffle sauce  Dutchshopper
    6 , 25
    250 Milliliter

    Jean Bâton Classiques truffle sauce

    Jeanbâton is famous for its truffle mayonnaise. Our truffle sauce has the recognizable truffle flavor, but lighter and more refined. * Delicious with the barbecue, gourmet and as a dip with drinks * In a handy squeeze bottle, ideal for dosing and finishing your dish * Gluten free

    6 , 25

  • Kühne Dijonmosterd  Dutchshopper
    2 , 30
    185 Gram

    Kühne Dijon mustard

    For those who can't be sharp enough. This extra spicy mustard gives every dish a nice spicy accent. * The perfect seasoning * Delicious with a block of cheese

    2 , 30

  • Jean Bâton Vegan mayo  Dutchshopper
    4 , 55

    Jean Baton Vegan mayo

    In Jean Bâton Vegan Mayo we have replaced egg yolk with vegetable ingredients. Furthermore, we only use the ingredients that also belong in a 'normal' mayonnaise. * Gluten free *Vegan

    4 , 55

  • Biologisch Halvanaise  Dutchshopper
    2 , 85
    250 Milliliter

    Organic Halvanaise

    * With sunflower oil * Full of flavour

    2 , 85

You have seen 288 out of 345 products


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