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Red wine

423 products

  • Chateau la Garrouse Bordeaux superior
    7 , 10
    Per 750 ml

    Chateau la Garrouse Bordeaux superior

    Grand vin de Bordeaux. 2012. Mise en bouteille au Château.

    7 , 10

  • Chat Pradeau Mazeau Bordeaux Rouge
    9 , 00
    Per 750 ml

  • Chateau de l'Horte Corbières Selection de la Portanelle
    9 , 30
    Per 750 ml

  • Ch Mag La Gaffeliere Saint-Emilion Grand Cru
    25 , 00
    Per 750 ml

  • Deetlefs Stonecross cabernet sauvignon
    6 , 75
    Per 750 ml

    Deetlefs Stonecross cabernet sauvignon

    Deetlefs The Stonecross Range Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml Fles

    6 , 75

  • Barefoot Malbec
    9 , 00
    Per 750 ml

    Barefoot Malbec

    Barefoot Malbec is a luscious red wine with juicy flavours of blackberry, currant and vanilla, with a smooth finish. Goes great with barbecued steak, spicy pulled pork, or pizza! California. Footnotes. Barefoot's Malbec blends have won. Silver medal 2014 AWS national commercial wine competition U.S.A. Consistent quality proven value.

    9 , 00

  • Deetlefs Stonecross Shiraz
    6 , 75
    Per 750 ml

    Deetlefs Stonecross Shiraz

    Deetlefs The Stonecross Range Shiraz 750ml Fles

    6 , 75

  • El Descanso Merlot Reserva
    9 , 00
    Per 750 ml

  • Gato Negro Cabernet Sauvignon
    6 , 75
    Per 750 ml

    Gato Negro Cabernet Sauvignon

    Cabernet Sauvignon

    6 , 75

  • Mas du Petit Azegat Rouge
    9 , 50
    Per 750 ml

    Mas du Petit Azegat Rouge

    The Mas du Petit Asegat is produced from organically grown grapes. It has an intense, deep raby robe and presents a powerful mouth where notes of blackcurrant sis with the delicate aromes of violets. Its generous structure ensures a good length in mouth.

    9 , 50

  • Stoney Creek Shiraz Grenache & Petit Verdot
    34 , 50
    Per 4500 ml

  • Vicente Gandia Patacona Tempranillo
    6 , 75
    Per 750 ml

    Vicente Gandia Patacona Tempranillo

    A wine of intense cherry colour with violet edge. Its bouquet reveals black fruit aromas with spicy hints and black olive. In the mouth, it has a good structure with a fres and elegant finish where the flavours of jam stands out.

    6 , 75

  • Barefoot Cabernet Sauvignon
    9 , 00
    Per 750 ml

  • Vicente Gandia Patacona Garnacha
    6 , 75
    Per 750 ml

    Vicente Gandia Patacona Garnacha

    Deep red in color with a very luminous purple rim. On the nose it is smooth, very expressive and highlights the red fruit such as plum. In the mouth it is unctuous, pleasant, with very marked tannins and a long finish.

    6 , 75

  • Les Beauchamps Languedoc Rouge
    9 , 00
    Per 750 ml

  • Grand Sud Merlot Wine Tap
    21 , 20
    Per 3000 ml

    Grand Sud Merlot Wine Tap

    find the pays d'oc merlot bag in box 3L

    21 , 20

  • Barefoot Merlot
    9 , 00
    Per 750 ml

    Barefoot Merlot

    Red wine

    9 , 00

  • El Descanso Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva
    9 , 00
    Per 750 ml

  • Que Mas Shiraz
    4 , 75
    Per 750 ml

    Que Mas Shiraz

    Grape variety: Shiraz

    4 , 75

  • Château de l'Horte Rouge de l'Horte
    46 , 05
    Per 4500 ml

  • Park Villa Merlot wine tap
    13 , 05
    Per 2250 ml

  • Villa Mondi Valpolicella Ripasso
    76 , 85
    Per 4500 ml

  • Neleman Signature Organic Monastrell
    53 , 75
    Per 4500 ml

    Neleman Signature Organic Monastrell

    Better organic grapes mean better wine. We give nature all it needs to grow exceptional, authentic fruit that reflects its source - picked at night to prevent oxidation, and blended to deliciousness. It's that simple. Climate footprint 0.94 kg CO2e per bottle with carboncloud.com Good wine to save the world. Derrick Neleman, founder

    53 , 75

  • Neleman Signature Organic Monastrell
    9 , 00
    Per 750 ml

    Neleman Signature Organic Monastrell

    Better organic grapes mean better wine. We give nature all it needs to grow exceptional, authentic fruit that reflects its source - picked at night to prevent oxidation, and blended to deliciousness. It's that simple. Climate footprint 0.94 kg CO2e per bottle with carboncloud.com Good wine to save the world. Derrick Neleman, founder

    9 , 00

  • Château de l'Horte Corbières Réserve Spéciale
    76 , 85
    Per 4500 ml

  • Maison Castel Grande Réserve Cabernet Sauvignon
    49 , 95
    Per 4500 ml

    Maison Castel Grande Réserve Cabernet Sauvignon

    Maison Castel Cabernet Sauvignon Grande Réserve 0,75l Fles

    49 , 95

  • Comte de St Aignan Pinot Noir
    63 , 75
    Per 4500 ml

  • Carmel Selected Cabernet Sauvignon 2020 0.75L  Dutchshopper
    14 , 45

    Carmel Selected Cabernet Sauvignon 2020 0.75L

    Out of stock

    A smooth kosher Cabernet Sauvignon from Israel with aromas of cherry and black fruit (plums & blackcurrants) and nutmeg. For this Selected Cabernet Sauvignon the best grapes from the Negev, Galilee, Shomron and the Judean Hills were selected. A wonderfully smooth round wine with aromas of cherry and black fruit (plums & blackcurrants), coffee and nutmeg with a fruity taste with light tannins. Founded in 1882 by Baron Edmond de Rothschild – owner of the famous Chateau Lafite-Rothschild in Bordeaux – Carmel Winery works with 108 wine-growing families to maintain some 3,500 hectares of top vineyards in Israel, from the Galilee and Gallilee in the north to the Negev in the south. These vineyards include some of the finest individual vineyards in the country. Carmel uses state-of-the-art technology to produce a range of wines that vary in both style and price, from entry-level wines to premium bottlings. With 140 years of winemaking and viticultural knowledge, experience and uncompromising quality, Carmel wines have earned respected scores and prestigious awards from the international wine community.

    14 , 45

    Out of stock

  • Imbuko Merlot
    7 , 10
    Per 750 ml

    Imbuko Merlot

    Imbuko Wines is a family driven operation in the heart of the Wellington valley. A truly enchanting place where values and integrity meets modern winemaking techniques. To read more about our wines you are welcome to browse www.imbuko.co.za A bold Merlot with charming blackberry aromas ending with a long soft finsh. Well balanced with subtle fruit characteristics. Fairtrade contributes to sustainable development for certified producers by enabling fairer trading condition, social change, and environmental protection. Wine grapes are Fairtrade certified, traded, audited, and sourced from Fairtrade producers, total 100%. For more information visit info.fairtrade.net/sourcing.

    7 , 10

  • Barone Montalto Due Mondi Syrah
    46 , 05
    Per 4500 ml

  • Maison Castel Bordeaux rouge AOC
    49 , 95
    Per 4500 ml

    Maison Castel Bordeaux rouge AOC

    Maison Castel AOC Bordeaux Merlot 0,75l Fles

    49 , 95

  • Ultimo Piano Primitivo
    46 , 05
    Per 4500 ml

    Ultimo Piano Primitivo


    46 , 05

  • huiswijn rood 0.187L  Dutchshopper
    3 , 45

    house wine red 0.187L

    Out of stock

    It is not surprising that this house wine is regularly praised in the press. This red wine is made from the authentic Spanish grape varieties Garnacha, Tempranillo and Mazuelo. A wonderfully smooth wine with aromas of sweet cassis and blueberries. This wine specially selected for HEMA comes from the Cariñena region in Spain. The sun-drenched vineyards extend on plateaus from 600 to 900 meters altitude.

    3 , 45

    Out of stock

  • tanto malbec fairtrade - 0.75 L  Dutchshopper
    10 , 60

    tanto malbec fair trade - 0.75 L

    Out of stock

    "Extensive red fruit, plums and soft tannins on the roll." - Harold HamersmaA delicious Argentinian Fairtrade red wine with a gold medal, achieved at the International Bulk Wine Competition 2018. Malbec is the grape variety par excellence of Argentina. The country has the largest malbec production in the world. However, Malbec's origins lie in south-west France, where it is known as 'Cot' and produces wines with firm tannins that require a relatively long time to soften. The conditions in Argentina ensure supple wines and the intense sun ensures deeply colored wines with an almost velvety character. Most malbec wines come from the Mendoza area, including this Tanto, which has fruity aromas such as cherries and strawberries and something spicy. Ideal to enjoy as is or during an (Argentine) barbecue.

    10 , 60

    Out of stock

  • viña mas tempranillo - 0.75 L  Dutchshopper
    7 , 00

    viña mas tempranillo - 0.75 L

    Out of stock

    "Well made. We want Mas. Can easily be done for this money." - Harold Hamersma. This deep red wine is a Vino Varietal de España and is very fruity, fresh and smooth in taste. This delicious red wine is made from one grape variety, Tempranillo. Tempranillo is an indigenous grape variety planted in various regions of Spain, with each region producing its own Tempranillo character. The hallmark of this grape is the modern style of the wine; soft but also powerful and rich. It is a grape variety that thrives on sunny days and cool nights. This Tempranillo has an intense scent of blueberries, somewhat spicy, but with soft tannins.

    7 , 00

    Out of stock

  • Chateau Amsterdam tsjonge jonge 0.75L  Dutchshopper
    10 , 15

    Chateau Amsterdam boy young 0.75L

    Out of stock

    Boy, boy... it'll make you blush. This fruity red wine is that sensual. The moulin rouge among wines. Distinctive because of its sultry, but powerful dark fruit such as blackcurrants and cherries. This wine is made by Chateau Amsterdam, an urban winery. They produce accessible, modern and classic wines in close collaboration with grape farmers from all over Europe.

    10 , 15

    Out of stock

  • huiswijn rood - 0,75 L  Dutchshopper
    5 , 70

    house wine red - 0.75 L

    Out of stock

    "Effective and friendly cherry red. With a hint of sweetness and a pinch of spice. Ripe, cheerful and honest to the last drop." - Harold Hamersma It is not surprising that this house wine is regularly praised in the press. This red wine is made from the authentic Spanish grape varieties Garnacha, Tempranillo and Mazuelo. This wine specially selected for HEMA comes from the Cariñena region in Spain. The sun-drenched vineyards extend on plateaus from 600 to 900 meters altitude. A wonderfully smooth wine with aromas of sweet cassis and blueberries. Our red house wine has been chosen by an international jury as winner in the 'Best Value' and 'Best Quality' categories for Spanish red wines. “Salute to Excellence Awards” is a trademark of the Private Label Manufacturers Association and may not be used without its permission. The award in Best Quality in Iberico Red is based on the determination of judges as to quality and value for money. Judging took place 3 and 4 April 2019. PLMA is not responsible for any differences between the product as considered by the panel and the product as sold to consumers.”

    5 , 70

    Out of stock

  • the boho life tempranillo cabernet sauvignon biologisch - 0,75 L  Dutchshopper
    9 , 15

    the boho life tempranillo cabernet sauvignon organic - 0.75 L

    Out of stock

    "Cheerful cherry juice, trace of cassis, soft tannins, light spices." - Harold HamersmaThe motto of these winemakers: "Let's have fun while we save the planet. Unique blends from 100% organic wines". The wine is made by a medium-sized family business. Everyone is involved here to make this organic wine as tasty as possible. A power and finesse wine, accessible through intense fruit tones with light spiciness in the final. The grapes grow on the vineyards without the use of chemical pesticides and without artificial fertilizers, and are processed in such a way that this wine is also suitable for a vegan diet. They also produce other organic products such as garlic and goat cheese.

    9 , 15

    Out of stock

  • Chateau Puyanché bordeaux 0.75L  Dutchshopper
    12 , 60

    Chateau Puyanché bordeaux 0.75L

    This wine, a classic duet of merlot and cabernet sauvignon, is packed with black fruit and is powerful and concentrated. The Arbo family attaches great importance to nature. In this way they maintain biodiversity, for example by using agroforestry: planting hedges and sowing grass in the vineyards. The grass in the vineyards helps the bees in the summer and in the winter it is the domain of a flock of sheep. In addition, insecticides have not been used for more than 10 years, they use water sparingly and leave certain areas fallow.

    12 , 60

  • Neleman garnacha biologisch 0.75L  Dutchshopper
    12 , 90

    Neleman garnacha organic 0.75L

    "Wood, but not wrong. Because there is also an abundance of cherries, berries, blackberries, raspberries, blue plums and even a peppermint in the finale." - Harold HamersmaThe Neleman Garnacha is a red wine with an intense and elegant character of red berries and notes of tobacco and spices. The Garnacha grape has a thin skin and therefore often makes a light red wine. It is a sun worshiper through and through: the Garnacha grape loves the Spanish heat. At Neleman they make wines that are 100% organic and 100% vegan. They do this with love and with a message: make the world more beautiful and drink better wine. Because organic wine is better for the planet. Better for the bees. Better for you.

    12 , 90

  • navajas rioja tempranillo - 0,75 L  Dutchshopper
    11 , 15

    navajas rioja tempranillo - 0.75 L

    Out of stock

    “And here it is a civilized performance from the cherry quartet this vintage.” - Harold HamersmaA cherry red wine with a purple edge. The wine smells spicy with hints of vanilla. In the mouth you taste a full spicy wine with impressions of blackcurrants and cherries. The grapes (95% Tempranillo and 5% Mazuelo) for this beautiful wine are picked by hand in the last week of September and the beginning of October. The wine goes wonderfully with meat, stews and salads. Bodegas Navajas is a family business in the village of Navarrete in the heart of the DOC Rioja. The Bodegas was founded in 1918 as Bodegas Arjona. In 1978, the Navajas family also bought a share in the company and in 1983 the company became fully owned by the Navajas family.

    11 , 15

    Out of stock

  • Château Amsterdam Tempranillo & nero d'avola  Dutchshopper
    8 , 45
    0.75 l

    Château Amsterdam Tempranillo & nero d'avola

    This unique wine comes from Amsterdam, but consists of Spanish and Italian grapes. You can taste the fact that the two get along well together in his fruity, smooth style. For drinks and at the table. * Color, taste: Red, smooth * Grape variety: Tempranillo, nero d'avola * Country, region: Spain-Italy * Delicious with: Pasta chicken

    8 , 45

  • Gort & Gort Bordogne pinot noir  Dutchshopper
    12 , 70
    0.75 l

    Gort & Gort Bordogne pinot noir

    NB! This juicy, smooth Pinot Noir does not come from Burgundy, but from Bordeaux. Hence Bordogne. It is fresh and soft, with the taste of ripe summer fruit. Ideal red wine to drink cool. * Color, taste: Red, smooth * Grape variety: Pinot noir * Country, region: France, Bordeaux * Delicious with: Fish chicken

    12 , 70

  • El Veloz Cabernet sauvignon  Dutchshopper
    7 , 00
    0.75 l

    El Veloz Cabernet Sauvigon

    You can taste cassis and herbs in this smooth cabernet sauvignon from Chile. Delicious on its own, with hard sausage and spicy cheese, and suitable for easy dishes. From organically grown grapes. * Color, taste: Red, smooth * Grape variety: Cabernet Sauvignon * Country, region: Chile * Delicious with: Beef pork

    7 , 00

  • Sella & Mosca Raim cannonau  Dutchshopper
    12 , 70
    0.75 l

    Sella & Mosca Raim cannonau

    Cannounau di sardegna means Grenache from Sardinia. It is a full, soft wine with a fine aroma and the taste of plum jam and mild spices. Delicious with pasta and as an evening wine, with cheese. * Color, taste: Red, smooth * Grape variety: Grenache/garnacha * Country, region: Italy, sardinia * Delicious with: Pasta pig * Awarded: 8.5

    12 , 70

  • El Maestro Rood  Dutchshopper
    7 , 40
    0.75 l

    The Maestro Red

    If you like a fruity red wine, this is recommended with its fresh taste of berry, cherry and raspberry. Its soft, smooth style allows you to drink it slightly chilled. For this and at the table. * Color, taste: Red, smooth * Grape variety: Tempranillo, Syrah * Country, region: Spain * Delicious with: Chicken pasta

    7 , 40

  • Tardia Sweet red wine  Dutchshopper
    7 , 00
    0.75 l

    Tardia Sweet red wine

    Out of stock

    Do you like soft red wine with a sweet taste? here you have one of those. With the taste of forest fruit jam and a distant hint of fresh mint. Delicious on its own and with cheese. * Color, taste: Red, slightly sweet * Grape variety: Abbuoto * Country, region: Argentina, Mendoza * Delicious with: Borrelkaas

    7 , 00

    Out of stock

  • Santa Julia El cabrito cabernet sauvignon natural  Dutchshopper
    18 , 30
    0.75 l

    Santa Julia El cabrito cabernet sauvignon natural

    This natural wine has a spicy, sturdy taste. It is made from organically grown cabernet sauvignon and no sulphites have been added. Try it as is and with meat or vegetables from the grill. * Color, taste: Red, firm * Grape variety: Cabernet Sauvignon * Country, region: Argentina, Mendoza * Delicious with: Beef pork * Awarded: 8.5

    18 , 30

You have seen 192 out of 423 products


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